Paragraph 3
Paragraph 3
Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.
Based on the data provided, there are many health risks associated with being obese. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH, nd), based on his weight and height his body mass index (BMI) is a close assessment of how much body fat an individual is carrying around. The higher your BMI is, puts you at greater risk for developing health risks. Mr C. is 5ft 6in and weighs 296lb which calculates his BMI at 47.8. This scores puts Mr. C. in the category of obese. Mr. C. health risk due to his obesity includes the following: High blood pressure. Uncontrolled blood pressure puts him at multiple health risks such as, stroke, heart attack/failure, kidney failure, vision loss, peripheral artery disease, angina and sexual dysfunction (American Heart Association, 2017). Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with obesity. The upper airway closes due to loss of muscle tone causing more frequent closing of the airway (American Heart Association, 2017). Mr. C is also at risk for diabetes and hyperlipidemia.
Mr. C. has been struggling with weight his entire life up to know. Information regarding past attempts to diet and exercise is not provided. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease, (2016). Mr. C. is a potential candidate for gastric band only based on his BMI of > 40 and having a serious health problem of type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. The National Institute for Care and Health Excellence, (2016) also states that adults with a BMI >30 and have had type 2 diabetes for less than 10 years should receive a bariatric surgical assessment without any prior attempts to reduce weight through diet and lifestyle changes.
Medication Schedules
6 am-Carafate
7am- Breakfast
11am- Carafate
12pm- Lunch
5pm- Carafate
6pm- Dinner
10pm- snack
Bedtime -Zantac
Ranitidine and Carafate should be taken 2 hours apart from each other for best absorption.
Assessment of Mr. C’s functional health patterns:
Health Perception- He realizes that his weight has gotten out of control due to him seeking information on weight reduction surgery. He is trying to manage his HTN with dietary modification and does not seek out expert opinion for proper management.
Nutritional/Metabolic- He weighs 296lb which put him in the obese category. His BMI is 47 with HTN and Diabetes. He consumes three meals and a snack.
Activity/Exercise- Works at a telephone center where he very likely sits for eight hours in a day at minimum. No mention of any daily activity.
Sleep/Rest- Has sleep apnea which does not allow a good night’s rest due to frequent awakening from apneic episodes. States he sleeps at 10pm and is up by 6 am this would potentially give him approximately eight hours of sleep, but not in the presence of sleep apnea which never allows you to fall into the deep sleep in order to feel and get adequate rest.
Cognitive Pattern- Is able to maintain a job. Can communicate clearly based on the duties of his job at a telephone center. Understands his need to seek help for his weight.
Self-Perception- He is definitely not comfortable with his weight and has not been since childhood based on his self-report of considering himself “heavy” as a child. He may have body image issues and low self-esteem.
Role relationship- His is 32 years old and single. There is no mention of him being in a relationship and may feel as though he is not wanted by the opposite sex based on his appearance.
Sexuality/Reproductive- Does not have any children. He is single.
Elimination-No information provided.
Coping/Stress tolerance- He looks as though he may be coping with stress through food and using food as an outlet putting him in a vicious unhealthy pattern.
The following are five actual or potential problems identified:
Ineffective health maintenance as evidenced by multiple chronic conditions and lack of appropriate health seeking behaviors.
At risk for delayed surgical recovery due to high levels of blood glucose and insulin resistance.
Imbalanced nutrition more than body requirements as evidence by a BMI of 47.8, putting him at a dangerously level of obesity that requires immediate action.
Activity intolerance as evidenced by being obese and sedentary lifestyle that includes working in an environment that requires sitting for majority of the work day.
At risk for non-compliance with heart healthy diet and exercise regimen. If Mr. C. gets obesity surgery he will need extensive education and teaching on an appropriate diet and exercise program. He has been overweight as a child and has either never been educated on or was never able to comply with dietary restrictions to induce weight loss or has incorporated levels of activity that promotes a healthy heart and healthy weight.
American Heart Association. (2016). HDL (Good), LDL (Bad) Cholesterol and Triglycerides. Retrieved from…