Please respond to the following post.

Please respond to the following post.

Please respond to the following post with a long paragraph with your opinion, add citations and references.



Family of choice is one of the definitions of a family that includes all members of the family whether they are related by genetics, marriage, friendships, or partnerships. There are so many different family make ups in today’s society that there cannot possibly be a one size fits all mold. Each family has different beliefs and priorities and must be assessed on an individual basis. Nurses and members of the health care team must evaluate the family makeup, dynamic and influence of each member when planning family centered care. Each family member is an individual and should be treated as such however, each member has an effect on the family as a whole. Nontraditional family structures must be acknowledged for patient care to have a positive effect. If a female patient chooses to have a female life partner and the health care team refuses to allow the partner to participate in the plan of care because they are not legally married then the patient’s support system will be lacking. The focus will not be on working toward a common positive goal, it will be on why the patient’s loved one is not accepted by the health care team. Family systems theory helps the health care team understand the family dynamic better. How do they communicate and interact? Who influences who? This information is important when planning care and developing goals for the patient


Green,S. (2018). Understanding Families and Health Promotion. Grand Canyon University(Eds.), Health Promotion: Health and Wellness Across the Continuum (chapter 4). Retrived from:…