Response to below DQ

Response to below DQ

Need a response to the below DQ 150 words. APA format 1 scholarly reference less than 5 years old with 1 citation. Will post original question.



L Charles posted Aug 1, 2018 12:07 PM


Helping and Healing Relationships

When patients seek the services of their health care provider, they believe that they possess the capabilities to help them restore their health and improve their well-being. It is the perception that informed the growing demand for healthcare services and series of reforms to modify the system into a patient-centered one. One of the ways that healthcare provider can develop a healing and helping relationship between them and their patients is the recognition of the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of their patients and families. According to Pullen and Mathias (2014), a trusting and mutually beneficial patient-provider relationship can be established through the use of effective verbal and nonverbal communication methods for the interactions between the parties. They stated that the information that is derived from this approach would help patients and their relatives understand the complexity and severity of the condition, its implications on their resources, and their role in the processes for achieving wellness.

Similarly, practitioners can use effective communication practices to develop the cooperative and collaborative partnerships with other members of the clinical team involved in the care of their patients. Babiker et al. (2014) noted that one of the advantages of effective teamwork is the increased level of patient safety and outcomes regarding their health condition. As empirical evidence of several studies has shown, the level of efficiency achieved by clinical teams in the care of their patients plays a significant role in the reduction of the rate co-morbidities of diseases. An additional method for developing partnerships with other members of the clinical team is through the sharing of the culture and principles of patient-centered care, which involves placing the needs of the patient above the professional status of the team. Babiker et al. (2014) stated that it is one of the keys for forming teams that provide exceptional care to their patients.

Finally, some of the personal behaviors and attitudes that need to be changed for effective team collaboration include the use of subjective language when addressing colleagues from other disciplines and disregard for the perspective of other team members on the appropriate approaches for patient care. Also, cultural bias is another aspect of the behavior and attitude of healthcare practitioners that should be addressed for working with others to deliver the expected level of services (Berger, 2014). For example, these changes are important when resolving conflicts because they would prevent the practitioner from focusing on who is right or wrong but on what is right for the patient. So far in my profession, I have never judge anyone on their religious beliefs, cultural values, or sexual orientation. I believed that everyone is entitled to their personal and medical privacy.


Babiker, A., El Husseini, M., Al Nemri, A., Al Frayh, A., Al Juryyan, N., Faki, M. O., … & Al Zamil, F. (2014). Health care professional development: Working as a team to improve patient care. Sudanese Journal of Paediatrics, 14(2), 9.

Berger, C. R. (2014). Interpersonal Communication. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Pullen Jr, R. L., & Mathias, T. (2014). Fostering therapeutic nurse-patient relationships. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy 8 (3),