Topic 5 DQ 2

Topic 5 DQ 2

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question.


Federal and state laws require that certain individuals have an affirmative duty to report to a specified state agency when violence occurs against all populations. Nurses are listed in most mandatory reporting statutes. Child abuse and neglect, elder abuse and neglect, domestic violence are all part of the reporting statutes. (Brent, 2013). When a provider suspects domestic violence, child abuse or elder abuse there are many characteristics he/she will look for.

Physical abuse- unexplained bruises, lesions, psychologic disturbances, depression, low self-esteem.
Sexual abuse- post traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, school problems, aggression
Emotional abuse- anxiety, depression, agitation, social withdrawal, running away from home, eating disorder, drug and alcohol abuse, developmental delay
Child neglect- developmental delay, failure to thrive, poor hygiene
The procedure in this student’s facility is quite extensive and involves several agencies.

An abuse screening tool is used to assess and examine the patient and document any findings.
Any findings consistent with abuse are reported to a care management team, Department of Human Resources (DHS) or the police before discharge.
Photographs are taken only if required by collection of evidence.
If medical attention is needed at time of admission it will be provided first. Then the evaluation can be done (Salem Health [SH], 2018).