Week 2 – BSN Interview

Week 2 – BSN Interview

American Public University


School of Health Sciences

Nursing Program

NURS 300-Professional Transitions in Nursing



BSN Interview Directions


Initiate contact with a BSN nurse who is currently active in practice, who became an RN through an Associate Degree or diploma program, and subsequently went on for a BSN.
Ask the nurse if he/she would consent to a 20-30 minute interview with you.
Assure the RN that you will not use his/her name or agency in any written or oral report.
You may provide him/her with a list of questions prior to the interview, but it is not necessary.
Meet with the individual in person. You may not use email or phone to conduct this interview.
Be sure to allow adequate, uninterrupted time for the nurse to provide thoughtful answers.
Engage the nurse in a conversation and ask the nine questions below. Include a professional question of your own.
Include the questions and the interviewee’s responses below the questions.
Answer questions thoroughly in paragraph form.
*Write a reflective summary of the interview questions addressing the following:
What feelings were you experiencing during the interview?
What personal values did this interview challenge?
Were the answers of the RN as expected or did they surprise you?
How useful was any advice given to you by the RN? Why or why not?
How will this interview influence your professional goals?


What type of nursing education program(s) have you completed? Include program and date.
Describe your personal philosophy of nursing?
What factors went into your decision to earn a BSN?
What were the most relevant topics learned in your BSN program related to your nursing practice?
Give examples of how you have applied key components of your BSN program in your everyday practice?
Describe career opportunities resulting from completion of a BSN program.
Share your plans for furthering your career and advancing nursing as a profession for the future.
How do you envision the role of the BSN nurse impacting the delivery of healthcare?
What advice can you share with me to support my professional growth?
Additional question ______________________________________________
*Be sure to include your thoughtful reflection at the end.

Discussion 1

Discussion 1

My name is Tina and I have 2 grown boys and decided it was my time to do someting I always wanted to do and


follow my dream to be a nurse dealing with addictions. I hate writing and discussion boards

required to introduce yourself to the class, discuss your writing experiences, and your reaction to Shah’s article (linked in course site), including how writing could have a greater role in your own life. Your initial post must be at least 250 words in length. In addition, you must also respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. In the response posts, work to identify common connections between yourself and your classmates, ask questions to continue the discussion, and treat the discussion forum as you would an in-person discussion. Each response post must be at least 100 words in length.

Remember to include an APA Style reference for

Shah’s article

There are a lot of good reasons to learn to write well. But is it really worth it for doctors and nurses – already focused on a challenging field and stretched for time – to learn the craft? Many nursing and medical schools say yes, but their reasons might surprise you.

Dr. Jason Schiffman, editor-in-chief of Anxiety.org, told Career GPS in September that doctors have a responsibility to help patients find good information on the Internet, which means they need to become curators and content creators. But for several writing programs housed in nursing and medical schools, the reason for health care professionals to write is not actually about publishing. The programs are interested in the benefits of the act of writing itself.

“Writing” by Jonathan Reyes in Flickr Creative Commons

The Yale Internal Medicine Residency Writers Workshop was created in 2003 to provide a creative outlet for residents in internal medicine. It offers doctors-in-training two full days out of their hectic schedules to just focus on writing. The program’s director, Dr. Anna B. Reisman, teaches basic skills – from forming sentences with interesting verbs to crafting coherent stories – but she also pursues other, unstated goals.

“Writing makes people better doctors because it increases their ability to be good observers,” Reism



250 words APA


First, review this infographic from Turnitin called “White Paper: The Plagiarism Spectrum,” and then read “The Similarity Report.” In addition, watch the video “Turnitin: Student Guide to Checking for Plagiarism and GradeMark.”

Select one of the ten types of plagiarism to focus on in your initial post. Do not select a type that has already been written about by one of your group members. Each group member should post about a different type of plagiarism.

In your initial post, answer the following:

What type of plagiarism did you select?
In your own words, what is it? Be specific and provide an example.
Why is it considered plagiarism?
How can it be avoided? Be specific.
In each of your replies, include the following:

A summary of what you learned from your group member’s post.
Suggestions of other ways the form of plagiarism can be avoided.
An explanation of how the Turnitin Similarity Report can be used to detect and correct the type of plagiarism examined in that group members’ initial post.

diversity discussion 1

diversity discussion 1

For this activity, provide a short definition of cultural competency in nursing. Next, discuss the relationship between cultural competency and diversity, and patient and family centered care. Provide an example from your experiences in nursing, if applicable.

250-300 word


evidence based practice

evidence based practice

In this assessment you will create 1 clinical question using the PICO format labeling each portion of the question. Then search the literature to find 3 articles related to your clinical question. List the articles in APA format.



Differentiate between research questions and clinical questions

Discuss the steps for appraising the literature for clinical application

PICO format stands for: Problem/Patient/Population, Intervention/Indicator, Comparison, Outcome, and (optional) Time element or Type of Study.

600 words only, APA format. MUST HAVE 4 REFERENCES, 2 of which from peer review sources such as PubMed of CINHAL

Tags: nursing Nursing research BSNclass evidencebasedpracticeNURSING

Florence Nightingale Nursing Theory Rough draft

Florence Nightingale Nursing Theory Rough draft

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a comprehensive and complete rough draft of your Nursing


Theory Comparison paper in APA format. Your rough draft should include all of the research paper elements of a final draft, which are listed below. This will give you an opportunity for feedback from your instructor before you submit your final draft during week 7.
Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 6–9), select a grand nursing theory.
After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.
Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 10 and 11), select a middle-range theory.
After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.
The following should be included:
An introduction, including an overview of both selected nursing theories
Background of the theories
Philosophical underpinnings of the theories
Major assumptions, concepts, and relationships
Clinical applications/usefulness/value to extending nursing science testability
Comparison of the use of both theories in nursing practice
Specific examples of how both theories could be applied in your specific clinical setting
References: Use the course text and a minimum of three additional sources, listed in APA format
The paper should be 8–10 pages long and based on instructor-approved theories. It should be typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins. APA format must be used, including a properly formatted cover page, in-text citations, and a reference list. The proper use of headings in APA format is also required.Recommended: Before you begin, review A Pocket Style Manual (APA) and the Writing Resources area of the Student Resources tab.Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time)Points Possible: 100

holistic health

holistic health

this question is on a reflective journal. So according to my textbook chapter 18 is Addiction, diseases of fear, shame and guilt.Read and answer the reflection question below. This assignment is APA format with 3 recent references


Please respond to the following Post.

Please respond to the following Post.

Theory, Design, and Sampling Introduction Understanding the component of the research process enables nurses to


critically appraise the results to determine if practice needs to change, or how the findings enhance the body of knowledge associated with nursing science. This includes the theory underpinning the study, the variables being measured, the design to answer the question, and the population being studied. Quantitative Theoretical/Conceptual Framework A theoretical framework allows researchers to link a large body of nursing knowledge to their study. The framework should be designed to describe the major components of the theory. The relational statements of the theory are tested, and not the theory as a whole. The framework may be expressed as a map or a diagram of the relationships. Every study has a framework, and a study that is based on a theory is said to have a theoretical framework. Nurses may use a conceptual framework rather than a theoretical framework because existing theories in nursing are not sufficient or available. The goal of a conceptual framework is to explain the concepts used in the study and to identify the relationship between the concepts. The development of a conceptual process may be done in a two-step process (Burns & Grove, 2011): Identify and examine the meanings of the concepts to be examined in the study. Examine the relationship between the concepts and illustrate it in a model. This step is very important because it is the relationship which is tested in a study, and not merely the concepts. Variables A variable is that which is measured, controlled, or manipulated in a study. Variables can be identified as either independent or dependent. Independent variables can be manipulated in some way and are the presumed cause of outcome. Dependent variables may be used by a researcher to see if they will have a presumed effect on the outcome. Extraneous Variables In an ideal research study, all variables would be controlled except the one being manipulated. In reality, though, very few variables can be controlled. Extraneous variables are not controlled by the researcher but may nevertheless have an influence on the dependent variable. Extraneous variables may interfere with obtaining a clear understanding of the study dynamics. Therefore, researchers attempt to identify and control as many extraneous variables as possible. Quasiexperimental and experimental designs are developed to control extraneous variable influence. As the level of control decreases in the quantitative study, the influence of extraneous variables increases. An example of an extraneous variable is an environmental variable, such as climate (Brink & Wood, 1998). Research Study Design The research study design provides guidelines for the investigation and directs the selection of the population, as well as the data collection and analysis. The design organizes all of the components of the study and clearly defines the framework for the study. The design plans for limiting extraneous variables and maximizing control. Validity The purpose of the research study design is to achieve greater control over the validity of the study. Validity, one way to evaluate the research design, measures the accuracy of the claim. Types of validity include internal, construct, and external. Internal validity is the extent to which detected effects in the study are due to reality rather than to extraneous variables. The internal validity is especially important in the causal study, when the researcher examines whether the independent and dependent variables may have been affected by a third variable. Population The population of the study consists of all elements that meet the inclusion criteria for the study. This criterion should be carefully defined to fit the most representative population. The population sample is the subset of the selected population. As the number of variables in a research study increases, the sample size increases. Sampling Error In the research study, the numerical value of the sample is a statistic. The numerical value of the population is a parameter. The difference between the two is called the sampling error. The sampling error usually decreases with increasing sample size. The sampling plan is developed to ensure precision in estimating the population parameters. The first step in sampling is to identify the population to be studied, the target population. There are several choices of sampling types including random/probability, nonprobability, convenience, and purposive (Cooper & Schindler, 2003). Random/probability sampling provides a sample most representative of a population because each member has an equal chance of being chosen. Randomly selecting the target population is the ideal, but realistically, time and cost must be factored in. Therefore, a population must be identified that is accessible and representative in relation to the variables being examined. Nonprobability sampling means that not every member of the population has the opportunity to be selected for the study sample. Convenience sampling means that subjects are included because they were in the right place at the right time. Purposive sampling is used when there is a conscious effort to select certain subjects. Settings There are three common research settings: natural, partially controlled, and highly controlled. Natural settings are real-life settings, and the environment is not manipulated or changed in any way. In the partially controlled setting, such as the hospital, the researcher manipulates the environment in some way. In the highly controlled setting, such as the laboratory, the researcher artificially constructs the environment for the purpose of the research study (Burns & Grove, 2011). Conclusion The research design, population, and setting are important components that help answer the research question and inform nurses if the findings will be relevant to their practice. For nurses to be consumers of research, being able to critique the theory that is being tested, determine if the design is appropriate to answer the question, and decide if the sample supports generalization, adds to knowledge translation. To help determine when research can be applied to their practice, they need to be able to critique these components for applicability to their practice and setting. References Brink, P. J., & Wood, M. J. (1998). Advanced design in nursing research (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
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Respond to the following post

Respond to the following post

What is sampling theory? Describe it and provide examples to illustrate your definition. Discuss generalizability as it applies to nursing research.


Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations

Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations

Running head: PICOT Statement and Literature Search PICOT Statement and Literature Search Lorena Hernandez


NRS-433V Instructor: Linnette Nolte Sep 30, 2018 1 PICOT STATEMENT AND LITERATURE SEARCH 2 PICOT Statement and Literature Search The present project evaluates the efficiency of pain coping strategies as an alternative to the consumption of analgesics. The PICOT question analyzed is: “Does the training on coping pain strategies of patients with arthritis for six months alleviate pain as compared to analgesics on the long run?” P: Patients diagnosed with arthritis I: Training program in pain coping techniques C: Comparison of the effectiveness with that of analgesics in decreasing the level of chronic pain O: Decrease in the pain level T: In six months PICOT STATEMENT AND LITERATURE SEARCH References Bennell, K. L., Ahamed, Y., Jull, G., Bryant, C., Hunt, M. A., Forbes, A. B., … & Egerton, T. (2016). Physical therapist–delivered pain coping skills training and exercise for knee osteoarthritis: randomized controlled trial. Arthritis care & research, 68(5), 590-602. 3 PICOT STATEMENT AND LITERATURE SEARCH 4 Broderick, J. E., Keefe, F. J., Bruckenthal, P., Junghaenel, D. U., Schneider, S., Schwartz, J. E., … & Gould, E. (2014). Nurse practitioners can effectively deliver pain coping skills training to osteoarthritis patients with chronic pain: A randomized, controlled trial. PAIN®, 155(9), 17431754. PICOT STATEMENT AND LITERATURE SEARCH 5 PICOT STATEMENT AND LITERATURE SEARCH 6 Budhrani-Shani, P., Berry, D. L., Arcari, P., Langevin, H., & Wayne, P. M. (2016). Mind-body exercises for nurses with chronic low back pain: an evidence-based review. Nursing research and practice, 2016. Ehde, D. M., Dillworth, T. M., & Turner, J. A. (2014). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for individuals with chronic pain: efficacy, innovations, and directions for research. American Psychologist, 69(2), 153. PICOT STATEMENT AND LITERATURE SEARCH 7 Flurey, C. A., Hewlett, S., Rodham, K., White, A., Noddings, R., & Kirwan, J. R. (2018). Coping Strategies, Psychological Impact, and Support Preferences of Men With Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Multicenter Survey. Arthritis care & research, 70(6), 851-860. PICOT STATEMENT AND LITERATURE SEARCH Tick, H., Nielsen, A., Pelletier, K. R., Bonakdar, R., Simmons, S., Glick, R., … & Zador, V. (2018). Evidence-based nonpharmacologic strategies for comprehensive pain care: The Consortium Pain Task Force white paper. EXPLORE. 8 PICOT STATEMENT AND LITERATURE SEARCH Lorena, you conducted a good literature review. Be sure that your PICO question is stated correctly. See my comment. You need a qualitative article for week 2. Good work! Linn 9
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