Case Study A Newly Graduated Nurse Is Preparing A Dose Of Novolin-R Insulin To Administer To A Patient

Case Study A Newly Graduated Nurse Is Preparing A Dose Of Novolin-R Insulin To Administer To A Patient

Case study

A newly graduated nurse is preparing a dose of Novolin-R insulin to administer to a patient.

1) Before administering the medication, how should the new nurse verify the order?

2) After examining the syringe, the nurse’s coworker tells the graduate nurse that the syringe must be discarded because of the insulin ins cloudy. If you were the new nurse, what would you do?

3) The new nurse examines the vial. The date on the label indicates that it has been on the shelf in the medication room for 2 months. Is this a problem? Case Study A Newly Graduated Nurse Is Preparing A Dose Of Novolin-R Insulin To Administer To A Patient

Please answer the questions that are being asked. Previous one was too long. Thank you.


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100% (1 rating)
Answer. 1. Before administration of Novolin-R insulin, the nurse should check the blood glucose level of the patient and inject it approximately…    purchase to get the full content

Amiodarone Review Paper

Amiodarone Review Paper

Review Amiodorone and answer the following questions:

  • What conditions does it treat?
  • What part of the body does it work in?
  • What symptoms are being treated?
  • What contraindications would prevent the nurse from giving this drug?
  • What nursing assessments should be performed before you give this drug?
  • What is important for the nurse to monitor after giving this type of drug?
  • What are some common adverse/side effects associated with this drug?
  • What are dangerous or serious adverse/side effects the nurse would monitor for if any?
  • What should the nurse teach the patient about these effects if applicable?
  • What should the patient watch for and report? Amiodarone Review Paper


Expert Answer

– Amiodarone is a class 3 anti arrythmic drug used. – it acts on heart by, Pottasium (mainly), calcium and sodium channel blocker along with beta1 blocker activity. – treat arrythm…    purchase to get the full content

An RN Returns A Unit From Surgery

An RN Returns A Unit From Surgery

An RN returns a unit from surgery that was not used. Which blood product may be returned to inventory (circle all that apply).


Group of answer choices

A. A red cell unit that has been out of the blood bank longer than 30 minutes but its temperature indicator demonstrates that it has not been out of acceptable temperature range.

B. A platelet that has sat unrocking at room temperature for 8 hours.

C. A cryoprecipitate that is 2 hours past expiration.

D. A red cell unit that has been out of the blood bank for ten minutes with a return temperature of 13C.

E. A plasma unit that has been stored in a validated cooler for 5 hours.

F. A red cell unit that was spiked for transfusion but then the transfusion was cancelled. An RN Returns A Unit From Surgery


Select all the correct answers, there are multiple

Expert Answer

The product which may be returned to inventory B. A platelet that has sat unrocking at room temperature for 8 hours: Platelets are stored at room temperature (22°C) and remain viable for 5–7 days. Without agitation (rocking) it will stay for for 24 h…  purchase to get the full content

Heart Failure Assignment

Heart Failure Assignment

A 72-year-old client with heart failure has been taking prescribed captopril [Capoten] for over 3 months. The client states, “I have had a cough ever since I started this medication.” Which of the following responses should the nurse make?


“This is a contraindication to the medication and it will be stopped.”


“Drinking grapefruit juice with the medication increases cough.”


“Cough is a common adverse effect of this medication.”


“I will report this to the health care provider, so a sputum culture can be prescribed.”

Expert Answer

Captopril belongs to the class of medication called ACE inhibitors (angiotensin Converting enzyme…  purchase to get the full content

Impact Of Health Policy On Resourcing

What is the impact of health policy on resourcing (for example, nonhuman means of healthcare delivery such as funding, technology, and capital assets)? What about human means of healthcare delivery? What steps can Congress and state legislatures take to alleviate a serious national shortage of skilled providers? Research suggests medical errors have been linked to inadequate staffing (i.e., quantity and quality of skilled personnel). What steps would you take to mitigate shortages? Impact Of Health Policy On Resourcing


Please type the answer thank you

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100% (1 rating)
Social authorization is one of the speediest growing part quickly over Global. These results in giving acceptable obvious affiliations relationship to the central people on clear clarification. Blueprint setting improvements, more capable works and s…  purchase to get the full content

Fetal Scalp Electrodes (FSE)

Fetal Scalp Electrodes (FSE)

When is it appropriate to use: Fetal scalp electrodes (FSE)

2. When is it appropriate to use: Intrauterine Pressure Catheters (IUPC)?

3. Can you think of some situations in which the placement of internal monitors might be contraindicated?

4. How can you distinguish between mom’s heartbeat and baby’s heartbeat?

5. If you find the signal loudest in the upper quadrants of the mom’s abdomen, what could that mean regarding the baby’s position? Fetal Scalp Electrodes (FSE)

6. If you see a fetal heart rate tracing with absent or minimal FHR variability, are you worried? Why or why not?

7. Which medical intervention is often the cause of tachysystole during labor?

8. Name a condition that could lead to fetal anemia (there are several that could fit this category and lead to a sinusoidal pattern).

9. What are some causes of fetal tachycardia?

10. When placing an epidural, what would you be most concerned with and why? Fetal Scalp Electrodes (FSE)

short simple answers


Expert Answer

1) Fetal scalp electrodes (FSE) are used to measure the electrical activity of the fetal heart. They are usually used during high-risk pregnancies when there is a concern about the baby’s heart rate. FSEs are placed on the scalp of the fetus, and the… purchase to get the full content

Care Of A Patient With Prenatal Complications

Care Of A Patient With Prenatal Complications

Write a 2-3 page APA formatted paper (not including cover sheet or reference page) utilizing a minimum of three resources based on the case scenario below. You may opt to do a power point presentation or Prezi with a minimum of 10 – 15 slides (not including cover sheet or reference slide) instead of the written paper.


Scenario: A gravida two, para-one 34 year old woman comes into the office for pre-natal care. She is 28 weeks pregnant. Her blood pressure is 160/90 with a weight of 220 lbs and a height of 5’1. Her previous blood pressure at her visit 4 weeks ago was 122/ 78. Her previous weight was 210 lbs. She reports a history of gestational diabetes. Her fasting glucose is 108 with an A1C of 6.0.

What focused assessments would you expect the practical nurse to perform? What important data would need to be communicated to her health care team? Care Of A Patient With Prenatal Complications



Scenario: A gravida two, para-one 34 year old woman comes into the office for pre-natal care. She is 28 weeks pregnant. Her blood pressure is 160/90 with a weight of 220 lbs and a height of 5’1. Her previous blood pressure at her visit 4 weeks ago was 122/ 78. Her previous weight was 210 lbs. She reports a history of gestational diabetes. Her fasting glucose is 150.

Write a 2-3 page APA formatted paper (not including cover sheet or reference page) utilizing a minimum of three resources based on the case scenario below. You may opt to do a power point presentation or Prezi with a minimum of 10 – 15 slides (not including cover sheet or reference slide) instead of the written paper.

Scenario: A gravida two, para-one 34 year old woman comes into the office for pre-natal care. She is 28 weeks pregnant. Her blood pressure is 160/90 with a weight of 220 lbs and a height of 5’1. Her previous blood pressure at her visit 4 weeks ago was 122/ 78. Her previous weight was 210 lbs. She reports a history of gestational diabetes. Her fasting glucose is 108 with an A1C of 6.0.

What focused assessments would you expect the practical nurse to perform? What important data would need to be communicated to her health care team?




Scenario: A gravida two, para-one 34 year old woman comes into the office for pre-natal care. She is 28 weeks pregnant. Her blood pressure is 160/90 with a weight of 220 lbs and a height of 5’1. Her previous blood pressure at her visit 4 weeks ago was 122/ 78. Her previous weight was 210 lbs. She reports a history of gestational diabetes. Her fasting glucose is 150.

What focused assessments would you expect the practical nurse to perform? What important data would need to be communicated to her health care team?

                                      Scoring Rubric


Care of a patient with prenatal complications


Spelling and grammar is correct throughout   the presentation. APA format is consistently done and correct. All   information is referenced throughout the body of the presentation. Uses a   minimum of 3 credible references.



Discusses the significance of the blood   pressure. Outline what other assessments will be made by the nurse.

What will be reported based on this finding? Care Of A Patient With Prenatal Complications

What condition are you assessing for? How   urgent is the reporting of this problem?



Discusses the significance of the blood glucose   finding. Outline what other assessments will be made based on this finding.

What will be reported based on this finding?

What   condition are you assessing for?

How urgent is the reporting of this problem?



Briefly discuss the common findings of   preeclampsia and nursing care and   management of this disorder.



Briefly discuss the common findings of   gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and nursing care and management of this disorder.



Includes SBAR report for this patient.



  • attachment 


What focused assessments would you expect the practical nurse to perform? What important data would need to be communicated to her health care team?

                                      Scoring Rubric


Care of a patient with prenatal complications


Spelling and grammar is correct throughout   the presentation. APA format is consistently done and correct. All   information is referenced throughout the body of the presentation. Uses a   minimum of 3 credible references.



Discusses the significance of the blood   pressure. Outline what other assessments will be made by the nurse.

What will be reported based on this finding?

What condition are you assessing for? How   urgent is the reporting of this problem?



Discusses the significance of the blood glucose   finding. Outline what other assessments will be made based on this finding.

What will be reported based on this finding?

What   condition are you assessing for?

How urgent is the reporting of this problem?



Briefly discuss the common findings of   preeclampsia and nursing care and   management of this disorder.



Briefly discuss the common findings of   gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and nursing care and management of this disorder. Care Of A Patient With Prenatal Complications



Includes SBAR report for this patient.



  • attachment 


Effects of Health Beliefs on Medication Cultural factors influence medication

Effects of Health Beliefs on Medication Cultural factors influence medication

In this written assignment, select one cultural factor such as health beliefs, language, perception of time, environment control, etc. (see textbook reading) and apply it to a selected ethnic group. The paper will include the following:


  1. One impact on medication preparation. Explain.
  2. Two impacts on medication administration. Explain.
  3. Two potential adverse reactions. Explain with rationale.
  4. One possible issue in adherence to medication regimen. Explain how this can be overcome.

The paper should be no more than 3 pages. Use APA Editorial Format for all citations and references used.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates. Effects of Health Beliefs on Medication Cultural factors influence medication

Expert Answer

Effects of Health Beliefs on Medication Cultural factors influence medication id different ways including negative and positive influences. Health beliefs are an important issue when it comes to medication, and it influences people’s perspectives on…  purchase to get the full content

A Patient Who Has Osteoarthritis And Mild Cognitive

 A Patient Who Has Osteoarthritis And Mild Cognitive

A patient who has osteoarthritis and mild cognitive decline is ready for discharge from an acute care setting to live alone. The patient requires assistance with bathtub transfers, lower body bathing, and home management skills. Which recommendation would be MOST BENEFICIAL to include as part of the patient’s discharge planning process?


  1. Engage in a home exercise program for improving upper extremity function.
  2. Establish a structured schedule of ADL tasks to complete each day.
  3. Consider transitioning to a nursing facility for ADL safety and regular meals.
  4. Arrange for services in the home that include a personal care attendant. A Patient Who Has Osteoarthritis And Mild Cognitive

Expert Answer

Option D is the correct option. Personal care attendant helps patient in performing ADLs such as bathing, brushing, combing hair and applying skin care. They also do errands and othe…  purchase to get the full content

Concept Of Health And Wellness

The concept of health and wellness differs greatly between people. Health can be the absence of disease, while wellness can imply a positive state of health in holism, encompassing the mental, emotional, spiritual, and even social aspects. Think about your own state of health. Do you consider yourself a healthy person? If so, what motivates you to be healthy? If not, what would motivate you to become so? Concept Of Health And Wellness


Expert Answer

When a person is in a condition of physical, social, and mental well-being, they can be said to be healthy. A person will not be seen as healthy if they struggle with any one of the three aspec…  purchase to get the full content