Barriers to Collecting a Health History

Barriers to Collecting a Health History

What are the barriers you face to collecting a comprehensive health history so that you can give culturally-competent care?

1. Answer should be between 2-3 pages with APA formatting.

2. Answer should have outside academic resources of not more than 5years.


Nursing writing assignment

Nursing writing assignment

Assignment Criteria:


For this assignment address the following:

Visit the following website:
Select Nursing
Select any guideline summary under Nursing.
Identify one evidenced-based guideline of choice and provide a brief overview. (discuss only Communication)

Summarize one (1) recommendation from the chosen guideline.
Discuss how the recommendation can be utilized to improve the safety, costs, or patient satisfaction.
Determine how the nurse could implement the recommendation into professional nursing practice.
The scholarly paper should be in narrative format 6 pages
Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion.
Include level 1 and level 2 headings to organize the paper (APA format)
Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’) and in a scholarly manner. To clarify: I, we, you, me, our may not be used. In addition, describing yourself as the researcher or the author should not be used.
Include a minimum of three (3) professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references to support the paper (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old. One of the references may be the website.
APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).
Submit the assignment to Turnitin Direct prior to the final submission, review the originality report, and make any needed changes.
Submit to the Assignment Drop Box by the posted due date.

PICOT-NURSING- Research Paper

PICOT-NURSING- Research Paper

Hi the assignment is to make a short picot paper. (AN EXAMPLE IS ATTACHED). The topic in the example is clinical provider shortage.


For me that is going to be nursing shortage issues/ under staffing. The whole thing must be oriented to nursing issue(ISSUES CAUSED BY NURSING SHORTAGE / UNDER STAFFING) not providers.





MY TOPIC IS NURSING SHORTAGE/UNDER STAFFING, SO I NEED 8 SCHOLARLY ARTICLE SOURCES should be current within the last 5 years and closely relate to the PICOT statement developed earlier.The articles may include quantitative research, descriptive analyses, longitudinal studies, or meta-analysis articles. —ONCE THESE 8 ARTICLES ARE ACQUIRED, USE THAT TO FILL IN THE ATTACHED LITERATURE EVALUATION TABLE, WHICH IS THE SECOND PART OF THIS ASSIGNMENT




A literature review analyzes how current research supports the PICOT, as well as identifies what is known and what is not known in the evidence. Students will use the information from the earlier PICOT Statement Paper and Literature Evaluation Table assignments to develop a 750-1,000 word review that includes the following sections:

Title page
Introduction section
A comparison of research questions
A comparison of sample populations
A comparison of the limitations of the study
A conclusion section, incorporating recommendations for further research

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style






Topic 5 DQ 1- paragraph 1

Topic 5 DQ 1- paragraph 1

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in case of another source.



Evidence-based practice (EBP) has been called the “key to delivering the highest quality of health care and ensuring the best patient outcomes”(Friberg & Creasia, 2015). Such initiatives include practice adoption; education and curricular realignment; model and theory development; scientific engagement in the new fields of research (Stevens, 2013). According to Friberg and Creasia, “Evidence-based practice results in improvements in the quality of patient care, better patient outcomes, decreased health care costs, and enhanced work satisfaction for nurses.” (2015). In my personal practice of working in emergency medicine, I am continually reading and researching the newest ways things are being done. With my clinical knowledge combined with the consideration for patients unique values I am able to provide superior care for my patients and their support systems.

One way evidence based practice is being used in specialty of work, is in regards to the opioid crisis. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, ” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is working to empower states to implement comprehensive strategies, including MATs, for preventing prescription-drug overdoses. These strategies focus primarily on addressing the overdose epidemic through enhanced surveillance, effective policies, and clinical practices that establish statewide prescribing norms.” (2014). The providers i work with have been more diligent in not over prescribing opioid to patients, as well as the nurses have been working harder to educate patients on the side-effects and dangers of using them.

Evidence based practice improves not only the patient, but also the person providing it.

Friberg, E. E., & Creasia, J. L. (2015). Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice. Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier/Mosby.

Medication-Assisted Therapies – Tackling the Opioid-Overdose Epidemic | NEJM. (2014, May 29). Retrieved April 30, 2018, from

Stevens, K., (May 31, 2013) “The Impact of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and the Next Big Ideas” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 18, No. 2, Manuscript 4.

Topic 5 DQ 1 paragraph 2

Topic 5 DQ 1 paragraph 2

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in case of another source.


Evidence based practice is very much involved in our everyday practice as a nurse. Evidenced based practice is the most important element needed to give the best nursing care and ensure positive and improved patient outcomes. EBP involves several basic steps to determine if a policy and procedure will improve patient care and improve the quality of nursing care. EBP focuses on outcomes and scientific data collection. The steps are as follows. Ask a clinical question, search for evidence that best supports this theory, critically appraise the evidence, introduce the evidence to patient preferences and values along with clinical expertise, determine the outcome of the procedure or the changes that have been made based off new evidence, and finally study the EBP results. (Friberg, E and Creasia,F, 2016).

Nursing profession requires us as nurses to be in a field that is always evolving and growing with new information and new procedures and policies. We must be in the forefront as new EBP practices are formed and be involved in the critical thinking and analyzing step of the EBP. On a daily basis we practice and use policies that were formed based off evidence that was found to be in the favor of our patients. We should be continually studying and learning what is best for our patients by using the science and evidence behind EBP. (Friberg, E and Creasia,F, 2016).

A current policy and procedure that my hospital has just recently begun doing that was based on EBP is using a CHG bath for all patients with central lines or catheters. EBP showed that a CHG bath every day was associated with reduced risks of acquiring CLABSI, CAUTI,MRSA, and VRE for patients with central lines/ catheters. As we all know from working on the floor a very common risk for patients with central lines/catheters are hospital acquired infections. These lead to longer hospital stays and sometimes are fatal for our patients. Through trials and evidence based off patients in hospitals many studies and scientific data were calculated to determine if patients would benefit from a CHG bath. After these studies proved to improve patient care, our hospital adapted this policy and now our patients receive a CHG bath daily. ( Kim,H, Lee,W, Na,S, Roh,Y,Shin,C, Kim, J, 2016).

Kim,H.Y. , Lee,W.K., Na, S., Roh,Y., Shin,C.S., Kim,J. Journal of Critical Care. “Sepsis/Infection: The Effects of chlorhexidine gluconate bathing on health care-associated infections in intensive care units”. April 2016. Elsevier Inc.

Friberg, E., Creasia, J. (2016). Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice. (6th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier.

Topic 5 DQ 2 paragraph 1

Topic 5 DQ 2 paragraph 1

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in case of another source.


“Nurses practice within a framework of legal principles on a daily basis. Legal concepts, expectations, and consequences surround all health care professionals in the United States. An informed and safe nurse must be aware of the effect these legal aspects have on nursing practice to reduce exposure to adverse legal consequences.” (Friberg & Creasia, 2016). We must follow the legislative process starting with maintaining our nursing license, all the way through delegation to non-licensed staff members.

Professional organizations and associations in nursing are critical for generating the energy, flow of ideas, and proactive work needed to maintain a healthy profession that advocates for the needs of its clients and nurses, and the trust of society (Matthews, 2012). Professional organizations such as the ANA play a vital role in the nursing community, they set out to develop the standards and scope of practice in nursing, and even have set forth a Code of Ethics that many organizations follow.

Friberg, E. E., & Creasia, J. L. (2016). Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice.

Matthews, J., (January 31, 2012) “Role of Professional Organizations in Advocating for the Nursing Profession” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 17, No. 1, Manuscript 3.

Topic 5 DQ 2 paragraph 2

Topic 5 DQ 2 paragraph 2

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and


references in case of another source.

Professional nursing organizations are involved in networking and in the legislative process of nursing. Professional nursing organizations such as the state boards of registered nursing and the American Nurses Association continue to benefit nurses in the profession by supporting continuing education opportunities and reduced rates and access to nursing seminars. These organizations always allow nurses to attend seminars that will enhance their practice in their specialty areas also to network with other professionals that can enhance their career even further. By networking with other professionals in a seminar environment it allows one to be exposed to new information, new ideas, new products, different and innovative techniques. Through networking one can learn new opportunities for higher positions in employment that they may not hear of otherwise. One can advance their career by networking at a professional nursing organization seminar. (Grand Canyon University, 2011)

Nursing is always subject to continual changes in legislation, due to the role that professional nursing organizations have in these legislation , nurses as individuals can benefit. Professional nursing organizations have founded a relationship with legislative decision makers due to the the expertise that nurses are viewed to have as professionals. As more nurses are encouraged to join and be involved in professional organizations, the more one can learn about the specific legislation that affects their areas in the hospital. (GCU , 2011)

Nurses are required to keep up with the always evolving information including that of the legislative decisions being made. The ANA gives nurses and those thinking about becoming nurses a forum in which to investigate nursing and learn more about being a nurse. I think that it is important for these organizations to designate a place where nurses can find information on new jobs, seminars and quality information about the standards of nursing. These platforms allow us to enhance our nursing careers as professionals. (Friberg and Creasia, 2016)

Tags: nursing please help grand canyon university paragraph with your opinion

Topic 5 DQ 2 paragraph 3

Topic 5 DQ 2 paragraph 3

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in case of another source.


There are several professional nursing organizations that can help nurses stay current in the field of study or specialty, network with other nurses, as well as many other professional and personal benefits. According to Guerrieri (2010), “Belonging to a professional nursing organization brings increased professionalism, autonomy, and self-regulation while offering additional benefits such as social interactions and peer support” (p.47).

Networking is obviously one of the benefits offered by nursing organizations to its members, which may include conventions, online discussions, and forums. These social networks provide opportunities for “rapid knowledge exchange and dissemination of information among many people” (ANA, 2011, p.3). By connecting with other nurses, members may get a chance to hear how others are handling the same or similar challenges or issues. Organizations can also contribute to professional growth through networking at local and national meetings.

It’s no surprise to see how networking opportunities offered by many professional nursing organizations add value and can help in many areas such as education, career development, and even give a sense of belonging and encouragement through interactions with other nurses (Guerrieri, 2010).

Professional nursing organizations represent a public image of the nursing profession and its specialties—gains public trust in the profession and the “organization builds on the trust as it promotes awareness of public policy and advocates for patient welfare” (Guerrieri, 2010, p.47).

This also gives members opportunities to become more informed about healthcare policies and contribute to patient advocacy. By advocating for the nursing profession, professional organizations, along with their members, “educate the public, policy makers, healthcare administrators, and professionals on specific issues (Matthews, 2012, “Unity in advocacy”). Moreover, organizations lobby on behalf of all nurses at all levels of government on issues that directly impact its members, such as education and practice. Nursing organizations also use networking to get more people who support their views, thereby increasing the chances of success in the legislative process.

Organizations also play an integral part in shaping health policy. By their memberships, nurses at every level have opportunities to get involved in the process that shape nursing practice. As stated by Matthews (2012), professional organizations were “created by nurses for nurses to vocalize nursing values, integrity practice, and social policy” (Matthews, 2012, “The profession’s advocacy efforts”).


American Nurses Association. (2011). ANA’s principles for social networking and the nurse.

Guidance for registered nurses. Retrieved from

Answer 12 questions on homework assignment

Answer 12 questions on homework assignment

NUR 225: Professional Nursing Issues Pre-Class Assignment: Week 4 Health care quality Task Clustering related


information Predicting and managing potential complications Root Cause Analysis Share an instance in your work experience when a root cause analysis should have been completed. Why wasn’t a root cause analysis done? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ What steps can you take to ensure one will be completed in the future when you believe one is required. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ NUR 225: Professional Nursing Issues Pre-Class Assignment: Week 4 Task Comparing and contrasting Clustering related information Compare and contrast core measures, HCAHPS, patient safety goals: Question Core Measures HCAHPS National Patient Safety Goals What is it? What is the purpose? What are the goals? What is your experience with this initiative? Task Determining the importance of information Distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information Gathering complete and accurate data Identify an issue in your work environment (or clinical experience during school) that has resulted in or has the potential to result in patient harm. Address the following related to that issue: Identify the baseline data you will need to collect to study the problem. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ NUR 225: Professional Nursing Issues Pre-Class Assignment: Week 4 Identify the indicators. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Identify the metrics you will establish. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ How will you use the data to start the process for improvement? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ What barriers will you face as you work toward improvement? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ NUR 225: Professional Nursing Issues Pre-Class Assignment: Week 4 Task Recognizing inconsistencies (analyze step) Evaluating data DMAIC – Apply the DMAIC process to the problem you identified. Define: Measure Analyze: Improve: Control: Task Comparing and contrasting Distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information Evaluating data Review the website listed for this week’s readings. In your own words discuss the purpose of HCAHPS. Visit this website and compare at least three hospitals. Based on the results, draw some conclusions as a consumer of healthcare. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ NUR 225: Professional Nursing Issues Pre-Class Assignment: Week 4 Based on the results, draw some conclusions as a nurse who is choosing one of the three hospitals for employment. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Task Clustering related information Evaluating data Review the Picker Principles that you studied last week. Discuss the relationship between the Picker Principles and HCAHPS. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
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Summary of six articles discuss strength and weakness.

Summary of six articles discuss strength and weakness.

Submit a summary of six of your articles on the discussion board. Discuss one strength and one weakness to each of these six articles on why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your practice change



Brown, N. M., Green, J. C., Desai, M. M., Weitzman, C. C., & Rosenthal, M. S. (2014). Need and unmet need for care coordination among children with mental healthconditions. Pediatrics, 133(3), e530-e537.

Cohen, G. R., & Adler-Milstein, J. (2015). Meaningful use care coordination criteria: Perceivedbarriers and benefits among primary care providers. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 23(e1), e146-e151.

Daveson, B. A., Harding, R., Shipman, C., Mason, B. L., Epiphaniou, E., Higginson, I. J., … Murray, S. (2014). The Real-World Problem of Care Coordination: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study with Patients Living with Advanced Progressive Illness and Their Unpaid Caregivers. PLoS ONE, 9(5), e95523.

Foster, S. D., Hart, K., Lindsell, C. J., Miller, C. N., & Lyons, M. S. (2018). Impact of a low intensity and broadly inclusive ED care-coordination intervention on linkage to primarycare and ED utilization. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine.

Lemke, M., Kappel, R., McCarter, R., D’Angelo, L., & Tuchman, L. K. (2018). Perceptions of Health Care Transition Care Coordination in Patients with Chronic Illness. Pediatrics, e20173168.

McAllister, J. W., McNally, R. K., Rodgers, R., Mpofu, P. B., Monahan, P. O., & Lock, T. M. (2018). Effects of a Care Coordination Intervention with Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Their Families. Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics: JDBP.

Morton, S., Shih, S. C., Winther, C. H., Tinoco, A., Kessler, R. S., & Scholle, S. H. (2015). Health IT-enabled care coordination: a national survey of patient-centered medical home clinicians. The Annals of Family Medicine, 13(3), 250-256.

Wu, F. M., Shortell, S. M., Rundall, T. G., & Bloom, J. R. (2017). The role of health information technology in advancing care management and coordination in accountable careorganizations. Health care management review, 42(4), 282-291.