Florida International Healthcare Information Data of a Patient Confidential Questions

Florida International Healthcare Information Data of a Patient Confidential Questions


Chapter 11: Informatics in Professional Nursing Practice

1. What is your role as a nurse in protecting patient healthcare information?

2. What needs of populations in your region or state could be addressed with the use of telehealth? What ideas can you envision to assist in the access to and delivery of healthcare services where you live or work?

3. How can you locate online sources for more information on a new treatment or medications for a health condition you discussed in a nursing class or clinical this week?

4. What is your role as a nurse in the evaluation of information on the Internet?

5. Discuss issues of the digital divide. Explore resources in your city and county for the general public to have free Internet access and assistance. What other technologic resources are available for underserved populations?



· Select one question as your DQ 1

· Follow the discussion questions participation and submission guidelines.

· Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph.

· All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (7th ed.) ISBN: 978-1-4338-3216-1

· Minimum of two references, not older than 2015. Florida International Healthcare Information Data of a Patient Confidential Questions

FIU Leadership & Systems Based Professional Nursing Practice Questions

FIU Leadership & Systems Based Professional Nursing Practice Questions


1. What are the differences between microsystems and macrosystems in health care? Identify some issues in the microsystem where you practice as a student nurse that could be improved.

2. What are some similarities and differences between the leadership role in nursing and the manager role in nursing?



· Select one question as your DQ 1

· Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph.

· All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (7th ed.) ISBN: 978-1-4338-3216-1

· Minimum of two references, not older than 2015. FIU Leadership & Systems Based Professional Nursing Practice Questions

FIU Nursing Role & Scope Ethics in Professional Nursing Practice Discussion

FIU Nursing Role & Scope Ethics in Professional Nursing Practice Discussion


1. Think about the ethical theories and approaches in this section and the moral conflicts you have experienced in the past. Have you used one of these approaches to resolve a conflict? Which theory or approach have you used?

2. Has there ever been a time when you have experienced the dilemma of having to make a choice that you know will affect the well-being of another individual? Have you ever experienced moral suffering?

3. New nurses have not necessarily developed their own professional boundaries when they begin practice. They may violate a boundary without even knowing they crossed it (Maes, 2003). What signs might alert you to a potential professional boundary violation or crossing?


4. Think about the questions posed in this section in relation to the distribution of scarce healthcare resources using Rawls’s veil of ignorance. Then answer the same questions taking your own circumstances into account. Do you come up with the same answers to the questions? Explain your rationale.


· Select two question and explain them separately

· Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph.

· All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association(APA) (7th ed.) ISBN: 978-1-4338-3216-1

· Minimum of two references, not older than 2015. FIU Nursing Role & Scope Ethics in Professional Nursing Practice Discussion


NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing Nurse Leaders Clara Barton Discussion

NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing Nurse Leaders Clara Barton Discussion


In this 2 page (250-500 words) written assignment, you will be describing a historical nurse leader of interest.


Select and research a historical nurse leader who interests you. In your paper using 7th edition APA writing format, address the following objectives:

  • Identify and describe the nurse leader you chose
  • Provide a brief description of the historical time period
  • Discuss the achievements of the nurse leader
  • Provide a description of how this nurse affected the nursing profession
  • Explain why this nurse leader was chosen for this project
  • Cite all sources using APA 7th Edition format. NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing Nurse Leaders Clara Barton Discussion

NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing W4 Impaired Nurses Programs Discussion

NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing W4 Impaired Nurses Programs Discussion


Step 1 Read the article Impaired Nurses: Reclaiming Careers

Step 2 Your initial response to the article should be two paragraphs in length with at least five sentences per paragraph. Your post should reflect any thoughts, pro or con, regarding the treatment of impaired nurses. Respond to the following questions and, if it’s relevant, include your own personal experience.


  • Research the Florida Board of Nursing. Does it have an impaired nurse program? Please describe it, if possible.
  • What are your sdses should be addressed?
  • What are your thoughts about disciplinary action being made public on each state’s Board of Registered Nursing (BON) website?
  • Discuss ways in which the nurse who is impaired mentally or is physically challenged is addressed by your state board or facility. NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing W4 Impaired Nurses Programs Discussion

NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing Self Management Presentation

NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing Self Management Presentation


In this assignment, you will present a culturally sensitive self-management plan for a patient with a chronic disease.

Step 1 Choose a chronic disease that you frequently encounter in your nursing practice. Alternatively, pick a chronic disease that you would like to explore further.

Step 2 Select a culture that you often encounter in your practice or one that you would like to learn more about. For the purposes of this presentation, you may choose a culture based on religion; racial or ethnic group; cognitive, sensory, or physical disability; or sexual orientation or gender identity.


Step 3 In a 6-8 slide presentation (excluding the title slide and reference slide), address the following topics: Identify the chronic disease you chose to present, including a short summary of the disease and its complications.

  • Identify and describe the culture you chose to present.
  • Identify a self-care need for a patient with the chronic illness you chose. For example, a patient with diabetes will need to monitor blood glucose levels; a patient with hypertension will need to follow a low sodium diet.
  • Identify two measurable, patient-centered goals for a patient with this self-care need. For example, “The patient will be able to give a return demonstration for obtaining a capillary blood glucose level.”
  • Present a culturally sensitive self-management plan for each goal. For example, Appalachians may believe that their lives are controlled by fate (fatalism). Therefore, they may feel powerless in their care. The plan of care will need interventions that help empower the patient. NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing Self Management Presentation
  • Describe how you will evaluate whether the goals were met. Consider methods such as Teach Back in your evaluation of the goals.
  • Provide a summary of your presentation.
  • Provide a reference slide citing any sources used in the presentation in the format requested by your instructor.

Step 4 Include talking points and details in the notes area for each slide. These notes should document what you would say to an audience about each slide if you were to present in person.

Cite all sources using APA format.

*Important: Use this Sample PPP as a template to format your assignment to prevent unnecessary point deduction. NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing Self Management Presentation

NUR 300 DSN Professional Issues in Nursing Global Health & Technology Discussion

NUR 300 DSN Professional Issues in Nursing Global Health & Technology Discussion



In this written assignment, you will examine the impact of technology on global health.

Step 1 Using a minimum of three scholarly sources, write a two to three page (minimum) paper that addresses the following topics:

  • Research ways in which technology can be used to address global health challenges.
  • Describe at least two specific examples of global health technology initiatives.
  • How can technology be used to improve quality of care in less developed countries?
  • What is nursing’s role in supporting global health.

Step 2 Cite all sources using APA 7th edition format. NUR 300 DSN Professional Issues in Nursing Global Health & Technology Discussion

NUR 300 Miami Dade College How to improve Negative Pressure Rooms PPT

NUR 300 Miami Dade College How to improve Negative Pressure Rooms PPT


PowerPoint Presentation.

Topic: Healthcare Information research and innovation.

– 8 slides.

– 3 references with in 5 years.

(1 must be course textbook), Include introduction, a currently emerging healthcare technology system, goals for the product date supporting the product, healthcare setting( including education), Conclusion. Do you need to use a world, where I resume all the contest to make the PowerPoint. NUR 300 Miami Dade College How to improve Negative Pressure Rooms PPT

How To Improve Negative Pressure Rooms



Insights into how to improve negative pressure rooms can be hard to come by. It is not known how to improve negative pressure rooms for patients who need to be isolated while in hospital. Also called isolation rooms, negative pressure rooms are quite literally rooms in which patients can be kept isolated from other staff or patients. These rooms are predominantly used in cases of very contagious diseases or conditions to protect the rest of the hospital. These rooms are intended to keep the patients themselves safe, and to keep the other patients and staff of a given hospital of healthcare system safe. However, these rooms are hazardous to the physical health and wellbeing of the patients who are restricted to them. The experience within these negative pressure rooms, however, can tend to be rather poor. This is not only because the placement of an individual into a negative pressure room comes about due to poor health conditions. Rather, even for patients that may have contagious symptoms but are not necessarily in pain – such as recent cases of asymptomatic COVID patients in this most recent global pandemic – isolation rooms can prove vital. In addition, in these situations, there can be very negative consequences to being in isolation for extended periods. Some of these consequences include changes in eye pressure due to environmental maintenance within the isolation unit. Other consequences include biological and muscular deterioration brought on by lying in bed for extended periods (Gerber, et. al., 2018). By focusing research on the management of physical health, patient experiences in negative pressure rooms can be incrementally improved. By extension, stays in these isolation spaces can be improved due to improved physical experiences by patients. Solving the problem of discomfort for patients in negative pressure rooms goes a significant distance to improving the experience of these spaces in general. Working through technologies to improve discomfort caused to patients’ eyes, necks, and cardiovascular bodily systems provides guidance on how to improve the experience of negative pressure rooms in general. NUR 300 Miami Dade College How to improve Negative Pressure Rooms PPT

Currently Emerging Healthcare Technology System

A currently emerging healthcare technology system related to negative pressure room improvements is the Disposable Negative-Pressure Anterior Chamber Paracentesis Syringe. This syringe is meant to reallocate the pressure in the eye to allow effective needle placement to relieve eye pressure inconsistencies (Hangzhou Sightnovo, 2020). The means the pressure of the eye can be regulated even if a patient’s time in a negative pressure room cannot. The management of the air in the negative pressure room need not have any impact on the eye health of patients with this emerging technology. This is one major way that negative pressure rooms can be improved – making use of this technology for the good of patients. In the case of negative pressure rooms, this technological usage must entail management of the physical and ocular wellbeing of patients. Furthermore, additional technologies are emerging related to the physical atrophy of the body during periods of stagnation.  Research into the management of neck pain to prevent patients kept in isolation rooms from developing sleep apnea is also ongoing (Gerber, et. al., 2018). The risk that the sleeping arrangements of negative pressure rooms can put on patients also relates to the cardiovascular hemodynamic functions of the body. These two risks of the negative pressure rooms, additional to the eye pressure risks, can make staying in an isolation room for long periods of time, significantly dangerous to patients. Thus, the effective analysis of emerging technologies shows that while the abovementioned syringe is the only current real-world enactment of this emerging technology, research into technologies to improve sleeping arrangements in these rooms also needs to be established and expanded (Nelson, 2015). This research into further developing ways to manage cardiovascular hemodynamics and reduce neck pressure risks of development sleep apnea are vital next steps to improving the patient experience of being assigned to negative pressure rooms during periods of illness and subsequent treatment and healing.


Goals for the product include the general overhauling of the negative reputation that negative pressure rooms currently hold within the wider healthcare landscape. This includes working through the eye pressure risks that isolation rooms can bring about. Furthermore, emerging research about cardiovascular hemodynamics in managed environments can provide insights into ways of managing negative ramifications caused by lying prone for extended periods. Additional research into the impacts of stationary periods on cardiovascular hemodynamics can provide more technological advancements. Developing an understanding of the implications that long periods of laying prone in a stationary position can bring on assists in development of future technologies (Gerber, et. al., 2018). The same can be said for the impacts that neck pressure can play on breathability. If sleep apnea risks can be mitigated by changing pressure on the neck caused by sleep position, then healthcare centers have an obligation to ensure that the beds in negative pressure rooms allow for this change in position (Nelson, 2015). Combined with the cardiovascular hemodynamics research the understanding of neck impacts on breathing pressure can provide guidance on future technological solutions research. By focusing goals for technological advancement on means of ensuring patient wellbeing and improving, the physical experience of staying in negative pressure room hospitals will be able to go a significant distance towards removing the stigma and fear that surrounds such isolation rooms. After all, patients are already in a fragile stay if they are being admitted to such a negative pressure room. The sheer fate of being kept out of general population for unknown periods prompts an understanding that one’s condition is not easily treatable or understood. Making the stay in this isolation room as pleasant as possible should be the primary goal of hospitals and healthcare centers. This is not only because patients need to feel taken care of upon entering a hospital space, but also because patients heal faster when they feel comfortable and are not made to feel hopeless by their surroundings and experiences. NUR 300 Miami Dade College How to improve Negative Pressure Rooms PPT



In recent years, data supporting the syringe product has been established through studies and research. The findings that the syringe could assist with eye pressure management is one of the best components of improving the experience of being kept in a negative pressure room. Data on the effectiveness of the Disposable Negative-Pressure Anterior Chamber Paracentesis Syringe highlights the reversal benefits that the syringe can provide to patients experiencing significant changes in eye pressure (Hangzhou Sightnovo, 2020). As these shifts can lead to serious repercussions including blindness, determining ways to best manage ocular risks while in isolation rooms are significantly encouraged. Similarly, data showing that the pressure on the neck caused by inadequate sleeping options leading to sleep apnea is a significant consequence (Nelson, 2015). Furthermore, the cardiovascular hemodynamic risks of lying prone for extended periods can lead to weakness and health concerns that cannot be mitigated for patients restricted to a singular room and unable to access other parts of a hospital space (Gerber, et. al., 2018). To avoid these health risks, negative pressure rooms must be improved throughout their physical make-up and their chemical and environmental management.

Healthcare Settings

Healthcare settings that would benefit from the advancements being made technologically in dealing with the problem of poor experiences in negative pressure rooms include hospitals and healthcare centers first. The technologies being developed in the context of the Disposable Negative-Pressure Anterior Chamber Paracentesis Syringe could also serve a purpose in ophthalmological or optometric industries and services. Yet, the hospitals and healthcare organisations that make use of negative pressure rooms need to ensure that these rooms are not causing more damage to patients than the conditions hat have resulted in patients needing to be house din those rooms. The risks that face patients who enter isolation rooms is significant, because their respective conditions or diseases are so contagious and risky to themselves and others. To compound those health risks with problematic environmental and physical challenges in the literal space is to put those patients at even greater risk of negative health outcomes.


The technological advancements that are being made in negative pressure rooms bode well for future patients. As understanding grows of the negative implications of being in isolation, and in an artificially managed environment, for extended periods can cause, additional technological advancements will arise. These technological advances are already emerging with the creation of the Disposable Negative-Pressure Anterior Chamber Paracentesis Syringe, as well as the growing bodies of research on the implications of cardiovascular hemodynamic risks and the causation of sleep apnea. As both of these conditions are risks of patients kept in negative pressure rooms, the ongoing research will move to create technologies for working through these risks as well. To heal in any hospital or healthcare setting can be a monumental task, and this is particularly true when patients are ill with such a condition that a stay in an isolation room is the only safe course of action. To maNUR 300 Miami Dade College How to improve Negative Pressure Rooms PPTke such a stay more inviting, or at least less dangerous to the ongoing health of the patient, would be a wonderful outcome of ongoing technological research and advancements from within the medical field. While the risks of sleep apnea, cardiovascular hemodynamic issues, and eye pressure problems are significant parts of current stays in negative pressure rooms, ongoing research assures the industry that such will not always be the case.  NUR 300 Miami Dade College How to improve Negative Pressure Rooms PPT




Gerber, B., Singh, J. L., Zhang, Y. & Liou, W. (2018). A computer simulation of short-term

adaptations of cardiovascular hemodynamics in microgravity. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 102, pp. 86-94.

Hangzhou Sightnovo Medical Technology Co. Ltd. US Patent News Medical Patent. (2020).

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Awards Patent for Disposable Negative-Pressure Anterior Chamber Paracentesis Syringe. U.S. Parent Office. Retrieved 19 March 2021 from https://www.proquest.com/wire-feeds/u-s-patent-trademark-office-awards-disposable/docview/2407280069/se-2?accountid=191554.

Nelson, E. (2015). Patents; “Negative Pressure on Neck to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea” in

Patent Application Approval Process. Health & Medicine Week. Retrieved on 19 March 2021 from xx https://www.proquest.com/wire-feeds/patents-negative-pressure-on-neck-treat/docview/1681995239/se-2?accountid=191554.


HIT 420 Denver School of Nursing the Nurses Role Informatics Discussion

HIT 420 Denver School of Nursing the Nurses Role Informatics Discussion


Step 1 Read each of the following scenarios:

  • Scenario 1: Helen has recently graduated from nursing school and passed her boards. Last week, she completed her orientation period on the medical nursing unit at Good Samaritan General Hospital.
  • Scenario 2: Paul is a registered nurse in the neurosurgery unit at Good Samaritan General Hospital. He has been a staff nurse for ten years and provides direct patient care. In addition, Paul chairs the unit’s nursing council to improve patient care.
  • Scenario 3: Lisa is a nurse manager and leads the medical intensive care unit and surgical intensive care unit at Good Samaritan General Hospital. She is responsible for the day-to-day operations, staff adherence to policies and procedures, staffing, and payroll.


Step 2 Explain the role of the nurse with respect to informatics in each scenario. Write a one- to two-page paper in which you discuss the role of each nurse in informatics. Use the following questions as guidelines:

  • How does the nurse in each scenario use informatics in his or her work?
  • What is the nurse in each scenario responsible for as it pertains to informatics? HIT 420 Denver School of Nursing the Nurses Role Informatics Discussion

HIT 420 Denver School of Nursing The Current Roles of Hospitals Discussion

HIT 420 Denver School of Nursing The Current Roles of Hospitals Discussion


In this writing assignment, you will describe the current 21st century role of U.S. hospitals.

Step 1: Write a two to three page paper describing the current role of hospitals in the United States. In your paper, respond to the following questions.

  • Briefly describe the history of hospitals in the United States.
  • Briefly discuss the major changes hospitals have experienced over the past 20 years.
  • Discuss how these changes have affected the delivery of health care in the United States.


Step 2 Post a response to the discussion board.

In this discussion, you will research the evolution and trends in the biomedical and pharmaceutical industries and their impact on current delivery of care.   Use at least two professional resources outside of the textbook and Blackboard lesson.

In your post, address the following prompts:

  1. Discuss one historical or current trend in the biomedical industry and its impact on the delivery of health care.
  2. Discuss one historical or one current trend in the pharmaceutical industry and its impact on the delivery of health care.
  3. What are the associated implications for nursing practice? HIT 420 Denver School of Nursing The Current Roles of Hospitals Discussion