Complete DQ below

Complete DQ below

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Read Ch. 2 of Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being (12th ed.).

Answer question between 90-110 words

1.The marketing efforts of companies promoting healthcare products and services has grown dramatically over the last few decades. I think it is almost impossible to watch television for more than 30 minutes without seeing some type of healthcare advertising.

When I was young, it was virtually inconceivable that physicians would advertise their services, but now this is commonplace. Do you think that the costs for advertising and marketing are justified – or does the healthcare industry spend too much in this arena?


Answer question between 90-110 words

2.I truly believe that Hospice is vital for patents at the end-stages of life. Do you think that most families are aware of Hospice and the services they provide? Do you think that most families benefit from their services? I ask, because I have known families that did not use Hospice – shockingly enough – their doctor did not make any referrals. How can we help educate communities, families and physicians about the importance of Hospice?

Week 4 discussion question #1

Answer between 90-100 words

3.What are some ways in which you share health information today?

What are the risks associated with sharing information?

What types of sharing are most effective?


Week 4 discussion question #2

Answer between 90-100 words

4.What are the pros and cons of government regulation of health care products and services to the consumer?