Complete DQ below

Complete DQ below

No plagiarism please add all references


Read Ch. 12 of Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being (12th ed.).

Answer Question between 90-100 Words:

1.Healthcare in the US is changing slowly, and for the most part, the changes may not be good for the populace:

Check out this website for 10 changes in healthcare since 2017:

Pick on the of the topics and explain whether you think it is a good or bad and change and why.


Answer Question between 90-100 Words:

2.For many of you, this may be your first class in marketing and you may be unfamiliar with some of the terms.

Below is a website that has a great dictionary of marketing terms…which one did you not know before this class?…


Week 2 Discussion topic 1

Answer Question between 90-100 Words:

3.)changing population demographics

What effects will changing population demographics have on health care costs and services?

How do various generations contribute to these costs?


Read Ch. 13 of Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being (12th ed.)

4.) Write your thoughts on Ch.13 between 90-100 Words:


Week 2 Discussion topic 2

Answer Question between 90-100 Words:

5.)What impact do chronic conditions have on health care costs?

What impact do chronic conditions have on health care costs?

What impact do wellness programs have on health care costs?