Question help!

Question help!

A SWOT analysis is used to assist those involved in the strategic planning process in compiling information pertinent


to formulating the rest of a strategic plan. Although the information garnered from such an analysis can help to formulate strategies, the SWOT analysis itself does not always render concrete answers. For example, something found in the SWOT analysis might not fit neatly into one of the categories, but instead can be placed in several depending on which perspective you are looking at the characteristic from.

Assume that you are asked to complete a SWOT analysis for a fictional, large, physician cardiology practice. You are having a hard time fitting all of the characteristics into the SWOT analysis categories. After careful deliberation, you complete the analysis and submit it for review to the practice manager.

Give 2 to 3 examples for each of the SWOT categories for your cardiology practice SWOT analysis. Why did you select these categories for specific services?
What advice would you give them on analyzing the results of the SWOT analysis?
Does the SWOT relate to strategic assessment? How?

All questions need to be answered. No length requirement.

2 to 3 page analysis paper

2 to 3 page analysis paper

The Assignment (2–3 pages) APA Writing Style Please Cite all references!!!


Provide an analysis of the ethical and legal foundations of the health care policy issue you selected(the healthcare policy, ensuring all have access to healthcare), Howard Mosby. Use ethics terms, theories and apply what you have studied in prior weeks. Explain what the ethical issue(s) are, and present the pro and con ethical positions surrounding the health care policy issue. Then, explain what the legal issue is, and present the pro and con legal positions surrounding the health care policy issue. Finally, apply your critical thinking and analysis skills by suggesting two recommendations to the policymaker and/or stakeholder that align with your own position on the ethical and legal issues. Use of supporting references is essential

Rubric Guide Detail

Part 1: Ethical Analysis
27 (27%) – 30 (30%)

The analysis shows depth, breadth, and clarity in critical thinking when addressing the pros and cons related to the ethical foundations of the selected health care policy.

24 (24%) – 26 (26%)

The analysis fully addresses the pros and cons related to the ethical foundations of the selected health care policy.

21 (21%) – 23 (23%)

The analysis lacks depth or clarity of the pros and cons related to the ethical foundations of the selected health care policy.

0 (0%) – 20 (20%)

The analysis does not address ethical foundations of the selected health care policy, is inaccurate, missing, or is of poor quality.

Part 2: Legal Analysis
27 (27%) – 30 (30%)

The analysis shows depth, breadth, and clarity in critical thinking when addressing the pros and cons related to the legal foundations of the selected health care policy.

24 (24%) – 26 (26%)

The analysis fully addresses the pros and cons related to the legal foundations of the selected health care policy.

21 (21%) – 23 (23%)

The analysis lacks depth or clarity of the pros and cons related to the legal foundations of the selected health care policy.

0 (0%) – 20 (20%)

The analysis does not address the legal foundations of the selected health care policy, is inaccurate, missing, or is of poor quality.

Part 3: Recommendations
18 (18%) – 20 (20%)

The analysis shows depth, breadth, and clarity in critical thinking and problem solving in its explanation of the relevance of the policy to the organization and the impact on both the organization and stakeholders.

16 (16%) – 17 (17%)

The analysis fully addresses the key points in its explanation of the relevance of the policy to the organization and the impact on both the organization and stakeholders.

14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

The analysis lacks depth or clarity in its explanation of the relevance of the policy to the organization and the impact on both the organization and stakeholders.

0 (0%) – 13 (13%)

The analysis does not address the relevance of the policy to the organization and the impact on both the organization and stakeholders, is inaccurate, missing, or is of poor quality.

18 (18%) – 20 (20%)

Analysis is well organized, uses scholarly tone, contains original writing and proper paraphrasing, follows APA style, contains very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and is fully consistent with graduate-level writing style.

16 (16%) – 17 (17%)

Analysis is mostly consistent with graduate-level writing style and may have some spelling, APA, and writing errors.

14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

Analysis is somewhat consistent with graduate-level writing style and may have some spelling, APA, and writing errors.

0 (0%) – 13 (13%)

Analysis is well below graduate-level writing style expectations for organization, scholarly tone, APA style, and writing, or shows heavy reliance on quoting.

Tags: healthcare apastyle

Serious tutor help!

Serious tutor help!

2000 words (8 pages) APA Style paper with an abstract and reference page.


A hospital marketing director at a very large hospital in an urban setting has several research projects to undertake this quarter. The hospital is continuing to expand its offerings in the metropolitan area and ensure a strong relationship with the top physicians in the community.

The 3 current projects that he is currently researching include the following:

The hospital urology department wants to establish a sexual dysfunction clinic. The department head wants to get an estimate of the number of men ages 35-60 in the community suffering with some form of sexual dysfunction.
A primary care medical group is trying to determine whether patients are being greeted and serviced appropriately by the billing and admitting departments.
A managed care organization (MCO) is trying to determine what concerns physicians have in agreeing to become part of its panel of physicians who will treat their enrollees.
He has asked you to assist by developing a report analyzing how each of these 3 projects would be communicated to each market segment and how each will help the hospital improve its relationship with the public.

Because of the nature of the report, it needs to include a critique of current literature (scholarly references) to support a position on each.

The use of APA Style and at least 3 references is required.

Brief 250-305 analysis on rural population

Brief 250-305 analysis on rural population

Rural is a way of life for many. The rural population is now close to 3.4 billion around the world (United Nations,


2014). In the United States alone, 60 million people, or 19.3% of the population, live in rural areas (U.S. Department of Commerce, n.d.-b). Although the list of social and economic determinants may not change between rural communities and inner cities, the impact upon the populations may have a significant difference. For example, consider that you are a health care administrator in a rural health care facility, and your facility is two hours away from the major referral health care delivery system. How can you ensure that you provide consistent, patient-centered and effective wellness and emergency care?

Consider how the social and economic determinants may impact the health care facility.

Post a brief analysis about how the social and economic determinants impact rural population health. Then describe, as an administrator, how you would propose altering the services and programs within your facility to support creating and sustaining a healthier rural community. APA style Cite ALL references!!!

250-350 words apa style

250-350 words apa style

Sit down with this person, and invite him or her to read the form and consider completing it. It does not matter


whether the person actually does so or not. Take notes on any questions the person asks, whether he or she understands the purpose of the form, whether the person thinks the form is a useful way of dealing with future health care issues, and other key points and concerns expressed during the interview. Choose your state (Georgia )directive form.

Download and print an advance directive form that is valid in your state. A link to these forms is available at: (Great tool to use to review your state’s (Georgia) directive to get an idea of questions are being asked)

The Assignment

Analyze the ways in which an advance directive might support a patient’s legal and ethical rights. Considering the interview you conducted, describe any questions, comments, or concerns your interviewee expressed regarding how an advance directive supports their legal and ethical rights.

Then, evaluate the impact an advance directive might have on end-of-life care from the perspective of health care providers and organizations. Apply ACHE policy for end-of-life planning for patients.

Cite ALL References and Sources!!!!

Grading Rubric Detail

Discussion Posting Content
22 (55%) – 24 (60%)

Discussion posting demonstrates an excellentunderstanding of all of the concepts and key points presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Posting provides significant detail (including multiple relevant examples); evidence from the readings and other scholarly sources; and discerning ideas.

19 (47.5%) – 21 (52.5%)

Discussion posting demonstrates a goodunderstanding of most of the concepts and key points presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Posting provides moderate detail (including at least one pertinent example); evidence from the readings and other scholarly sources; and discerning ideas.

17 (42.5%) – 18 (45%)

Discussion posting demonstrates a fairunderstanding of the concepts and key points as presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Posting may be lacking or incorrect in some area, or in detail and specificity, and/or may not include sufficient pertinent examples or provide sufficient evidence from the readings.

0 (0%) – 16 (40%)

Discussion posting demonstrates poor or no understanding of the concepts and key points of the text/s and Learning Resources. Posting is incorrect and/or shallow and/or does not include any pertinent examples or provide sufficient evidence from the readings.

Peer Feedback and Interaction
8 (20%) – 8 (20%)

The feedback postings and responses to questions are excellent and fully contribute to the quality of interaction by offering constructive critique, suggestions, in-depth questions, additional resources, and stimulating thoughts and/or probes.

7 (17.5%) – 7 (17.5%)

The feedback postings and responses to questions are good but may not fully contribute to the quality of interaction by offering constructive critique, suggestions, in-depth questions, additional resources, and stimulating thoughts and/or probes.

6 (15%) – 6 (15%)

The feedback postings and responses to questions only partially contribute to the quality of interaction by offering insufficient constructive critique or suggestions, shallow questions, or providing poor quality additional resources.

0 (0%) – 5 (12.5%)

Student does not interact with peers (0 points) or the feedback postings and responses to questions do not contribute to the quality of interaction by offering any constructive critique, suggestions, questions, or additional resources.

8 (20%) – 8 (20%)

Postings are well organized, use scholarly tone, contain original writing and proper paraphrasing, follow APA style, contain very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and are fully consistent with graduate-level writing style.

7 (17.5%) – 7 (17.5%)

Postings are mostly consistent with graduate-level writing style. Postings may have some small organization, scholarly tone, writing, or APA style issues, and/or may contain a few writing and spelling errors.

6 (15%) – 6 (15%)

Postings are somewhat belowgraduate-level writing style. Postings may be lacking in organization, scholarly tone, APA style, and/or contain many writing and/or spelling errors, or show moderate reliance on quoting vs. original writing and paraphrasing.

0 (0%) – 5 (12.5%)

Postings are well below graduate-level writing style expectations for organization, scholarly tone, APA style, and writing, or show heavy reliance on quoting.

Health Care Effect on Economy

Health Care Effect on Economy

You will create a 5-7 page (excluding title and reference page) assignment following the Assignment Detail


instructions below. This assignment will be submitted in the Unit 4 – Submission Assignment lesson in intellipath and must include a introduction and a conclusion.

Review the tutorial titled How to Submit the Intellipath Submission Assignment.

Please submit your work to this week’s Intellipath Unit Submission lesson. Click the Upload button within the submission lesson to access the submission area. Click the Select File button to upload your document, and then click “OK” to finish.

Assignment Details

Managed Care Organizations and Information Technology

The most important function of information technology (IT) for the managed care organization (MCO) is to support the business of the MCO, and how the IT department aligns with the operational dynamics of the MCO is a vital management consideration. A well-functioning IT department will help the MCO reduce risk (e.g., costs). The IT department should design, implement, and operate the systems that run the MCO. Efficiency is the hallmark of a good system.

Your task as the manager of the MCO is to determine what the IT department in your organization should consist of, what its function will be, and what critical elements will be turned over to the IT department. Complete the following:

Describe the key elements of an information system for an MCO. What elements are different than for a physician office or group?
Describe the technology that you think the MCO would need to operate fully.
Propose a specific electronic health record (EHR) or electronic medical record (EMR) program that is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant. Describe the essential functions, costs, and projected savings for the MCO.
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of insourcing versus outsourcing your IT needs, and make a final recommendation based on that evaluation.
Please submit your assignment.

Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click here to view the grading rubric.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

If you are planning to repurpose an assignment or submit one you have used before, please let your instructor know. If an instructor is not made aware of work being repurposed or reused, he or she will treat the assignment as a plagiarized task and reserves the right to post an F grade and submit a task for review to administration until proof of originality is provided. Click here for more information.

The following are some tips if you have problems submitting your assignment:

Resave in the proper format per the Assignment Detail instructions, and resubmit.
Submit with a different Web browser.
Submit from a different computer.
Call Technical Support at 877-221-5800, Menu Option 2. They are open 24/7.
If you are still having difficulties after trying steps 1–4, please contact your course instructor.
Make sure you submit this assignment by the listed due date. Late deductions will apply for this assignment as follows:
Assignments submitted within 7 calendar days after the stated due date: 10% penalty of total assignment points.
Assignments submitted 8–14 calendar days after the stated due date: 20% penalty of total assignment points.
Assignments submitted 15–21 calendar days after the stated due date: 30% penalty of total assignment points.
Assignments submitted 22–28 calendar days after the stated due date: 40% penalty of total assignment points.
No assignments, including late assignments, will be accepted after the end of the course unless an

Resource Allocation

Resource Allocation

Within the Discussion Board area, write 1 page that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas,


and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Assume that you invested $10,000 in a new assisted living home facility, only to discover that the venture would not be profitable. Your continued investment would only cost you more money. What would you do?

Would you proceed with the business and create an opportunity to recover your investment?
Would you cut your losses and quit the business?
Share the steps you took in making your decision, and ensure that you integrate various relevant economic terms and models in your response.

Resource Allocation

Resource Allocation

Identify and briefly define 1 of the following concepts:


Opportunity cost
Sunk cost
Cost-benefit analysis
Based upon the concept that you have selected, respond to each of the following questions:

What are the basic steps for the application of your chosen concept in resource allocation?
Provide an example of how this concept can be applied in a specific health care resource allocation.
How will the application of this concept impact the structure of the health care institution when allocating resources?
Ensure that you integrate economic terms, frameworks, and models throughout the review.

Be sure to follow APA style page formatting, and provide at lea

Health Care Utilization

Health Care Utilization

Within the Discussion Board area, write one page words that respond to the following questions with


your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sites list the major determinants of health services utilization.

Complete the following for this assignment:

Select and analyze 1 determinant of health within the concept of its impact to the U.S. health care system.
Describe the health care demand and supply as it relates to your chosen determinants.
What will be your recommendation on how to reduce or eliminate this determinant?
Ensure that you integrate economic terms, frameworks, and models throughout your review.

Health Care Utilization

Health Care Utilization

As the newly appointed public health director in your county of residence, you are charged with increasing the


health care utilization in your county. Document your high-level strategic plan by responding to the following:

Summary: Who are the stakeholders in this situation?
Analysis: What factors may impact the increase or decrease of health services supply and demand in your county?
Recommendations: Provide an example of a supply and demand curve to describe the health care utilization in your county.
Ensure that you integrate economic terms, frameworks, and models throughout your review.

Be sure to follow APA style page formatting, and provide at least 4 peer-reviewed references from health care journals published in the past 5 years.