Response to below DQ
Response to below DQ
Need 125 word response to below DQ apa format with 1 scholary refernce with citation less than 5 years old
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Unit 7
Kenya Gregg posted Jul 23, 2018 10:58 PM
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The discussion topic centers on prostatitis which is a male disorder. Prostatitis is a condition of prostate inflammation which is part of the male reproductive system. Prostatitis presents with a sudden onset. The gland is positioned towards the rectum just in from of the anterior wall. The function of the gland consists of secreting an alkaline substance which sperm requires to maintain viability.
The four prostate diagnosis consists of chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome, acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, n.d.).
Signs and symptoms of Prostatitis may be identified as discomfort during urination, difficulty starting a urine stream or dribbling, blood in the urine, penal or testicular pain, abdominal or groin pain, or pain during ejaculation (Mayo Clinic, 2018). Assessment findings are identified as lower back pain, pain with ejaculation, penile discomfort, discomfort with voiding, and discomfort with palpation of the prostate during the exam. The urine stream is affected with prostatitis. Prostatitis is a common identified among the 30 to 50-year-old sexually active male population. Diagnostic assessments involve a complete blood count with the results noting an increase in white blood cells, and the urinalysis which identifies bacteria within the urine. The computed tomography (CT scan) will be utilized when cancer may be suspected. A biopsy is utilized to extract tissues for culturing purposes.
The assessment commences with the history and physical which assess for signs and symptoms of prostatitis. Collect a urine specimen for a urinalysis assessing the lab results for bacteriuria. Perform a rectal examination utilizing care while avoiding extreme manipulation. Conformation of the diagnosis involves ruling out various conditions which present with the symptoms being reported, assess the lab values, and completing a physical exam.
Treatment is implemented on an outpatient basis unless he presents in a toxic state. Administer one of the following antibiotic prescriptions for 4 to 6 weeks (Dunphy, Winland-Brown, Porter, & Thomas, 2015).
Ofloxacin (Floxin) 400 mg PO Q 12 hours
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg PO Q 12 hours
Norfloxacin 400 mg PO Q 12 hours
Alternative Prescription
Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) 160/800 mg Q 12 hours
Return to the office in 4 weeks for a follow up exam.
Kenya Gregg NP
107 Seaview Road
Bridgeport, CT 06460
NPI 1524218
DEA 9530897815
July 22, 2018
Hampton Dickson
Ofloxacin (Floxin) 400 mg
PO take 1 tablet every 12 hours
Qty 88
Refill 0
May provide generic
Dunphy, L. M., Winland-Brown, J. E., Porter, B. O., & Thomas, D. J. (2015). Primary care: The art and science of advanced practice nursing (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.
Mayo Clinic. (2018). Prostatitis. Retrieved from…
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disorders. (n.d.). Prostatitis: Inflammation of the Prostate. Retrieved from…
Tags: nursing prostate