Entries by Bernard Innocent

How will the new reimbursement structure impact the organization’s revenue structure?

How will the new reimbursement structure impact the organization’s revenue structure? 1 Presentation Rubric: IHP 600 This rubric assesses the presentation product. Strategy: Review the document: ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Resources for all Nursing and Healthcare Professions from the Assignments and Rubrics module for guidance on preparing a PowerPoint presentation. Critical Elements Content: […]

Public Health Communication Plan

Public Health Communication Plan Public Health Communication Plan Topic: Public Health Campaign to reduce the incidence of Adolescent Type II ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Diabetes Mellitus Target Audience: Adolescents at risk for Type II Diabetes Mellitus and General Public Paper Guidelines: • Communication plan needs to be at minimum 11 pages with 20 […]

​Health Economics Discussion – Wk 1

​Health Economics Discussion – Wk 1 Health Economics Discussion – Wk 1 ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW “Population and Individual Health Measures and Healthcare Costs in the United States” Please respond to the following: From the first e-Activity, determine the most commonly used population and individual measures used in providing healthcare today. Examine the […]

Create an Infographic

Create an Infographic TASK – you have to make an infographic from Canva, please follow the tutorials, if not familiar. Review the following ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW article from this week’s required reading: Chazal, Casale, & Martin. (2016). Preparing for a value-based health care system. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 68(15), […]

Technology Interview

Technology Interview Option #1: Personal Interview – Hospital Employee Identify a person who works in any department of a hospital of ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW any size—it could also be someone from this class who works in a hospital, so review the introductions from the beginning of class as a starting point. Develop […]

250-350 words apa style

250-350 words apa style Evaluate one of the technology trends or devices you found most interesting in your readings. I chose Nanorobots living in our bloodstream. ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Identify the source in which you read about it and provide a link. https://class.waldenu.edu/bbcswebdav/institution/U… Then, analyze at least two ethical issues you believe […]

Need assistance on healthcare question

Need assistance on healthcare question Please assist with the following question. When looking at the historical context of the French and Italian health ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW system, what financial challenges does the program have to ensure quality and equity of care provided to residents? Please include cited information with references. Lovett-Scott, M., […]

Discussion Post

Discussion Post The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) is one of the most critical yet misunderstood regulations in Healthcare. What is Anti Dumping? Who is intended to be protected by this act? ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Outline what is guaranteed as well as what is not guaranteed within this act. Discuss […]

infectious disease patients NCLEX Memorial Hospital Advanced Statistics Analytics

infectious disease patients NCLEX Memorial Hospital Advanced Statistics Analytics Review each scenario and data set carefully and choose which scenario you would like to work with. Begin Phase 1 of your analysis by including the following information: ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Introduce your scenario and data set. Provide a brief overview of the […]