Advocacy Paper 4-5 pages

Advocacy Paper 4-5 pages

Week 7 Advocacy Paper


Choose a patient-care situation in which the RN should intervene and advocate for the patient. An example of such a situation might be when a patient has not been given complete informed consent.

Include the following in your paper:

Describe the clinical situation concisely and descriptively. It can be an actual situation or a hypothetical one.
Apply the Bioethical Decision Making Model Click for more options to the specific clinical ethical situation that you choose. Address each section of the model in your paper.(Attached is the Bioethical model)
Conclude with a discussion of nursing advocacy in the clinical setting and the nurse’s role as a patient advocate.
Your paper should be 4-5 pages.

You must reference and cite 1-2 scholarly sources other than your text. Include a title page and a reference page to cite your text and adhere to APA formatting.

Discussion Board part 1 and Part 2

Discussion Board part 1 and Part 2

Discussion Prompt #1(300-400 words)


Discuss the elements of informed consent and provide a clinical example about what can happen when some elements are not adhered to.
Discussion Prompt #2 (300-400words)

Describe an organizational environment that would facilitate the ethical practice of nurses caring for chronically ill patients. As you read about patient rights, describe one patient right that is often not fully implemented in the patient care environment. Identify specific strategies to help ensure that this right is supported within the patient care environment. Explain how the registered nurse can assist in protecting patient rights

Parkinson’s Powerpoint

Parkinson’s Powerpoint

This is a POWER-POINT ASSIGNMENT. This is a group project. My portion will be the SYMPTOM’S ONLY of Parkinson’s. 5 pages minimum and please do not overload each page with information, this is a power-point. Pictures are welcome. Please include speaker notes and citations. You’re welcome to add questions for the audience but it can not be included in the 5 pages minimum. Thanks


DPI Project Proposal Chapter 1: Introduction to the Project

DPI Project Proposal Chapter 1: Introduction to the Project



Chapter 1 of the DPI Project is entitled “Introduction to the Project” and includes background and other essential information regarding the overall DPI Project design and components.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

Locate the “DPI Proposal Template” located in the PI Workspace of the DC Network.
Access The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials: A New Model for Advanced Practice Nursingtextbook from DNP-801. The direct link is:
You may also find it helpful to access the The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials: A New Model for Advanced Practice Nursing textbook from DNP-801, which you have been using throughout the program. Chapter 10 of this textbook provides an excellent template for a DNP-focused scholarly project.
Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Use the “DPI Proposal Template” to help you develop a draft of the Introduction (Chapter 1) of your DPI Project Proposal. Keep in mind this is an outline and formatting structure; it may be of use to you, but recall that each project will vary in nature and scope, so adaptations to this format may be required.

Sections in Chapter 1 include:

Background of the Project
Problem Statement
Purpose of the Project
Clinical Question(s)
Advancing Scientific Knowledge
Significance of the Project
Rationale for Methodology
Nature of the Project Design
Definition of Terms
Assumptions, Limitations, Delimitations
Summary and Organization of the Remainder of the Project
Much of this information can be gleaned from your DPI Prospectus, but you will find that new as well as expanded content in specific areas will be required, depending on the nature of your proposed DPI Project.



I need for tomorrow morning in 12 hours

Most adults do not have a program to go to for information about HIV and AIDS. Can you think of one adult that you should share some of this information with? How can you bring up the subject? What is the most important thing you want to tell them?

Provide your answer in a 350-word summary in an APA format.


Why is it sometimes difficult to ask questions about HIV and AIDS?

Why is it sometimes difficult to ask questions about HIV and AIDS?

Why is it sometimes difficult to ask questions about HIV and AIDS?
No specific format, no specific number of words


Paragraph 3

Paragraph 3

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order in case of another source.


In her Diary Journal 3, the GCU student nurse reports “amputation, stump revision, horrible infections and dressing changes like can’t be explained” following the Haiti earthquake in 2010. To prevent the spread of infections and improve the situation, one primary prevention initiative done by nurses could be to educate the population and local medical staff in hospital about safe and proper sanitation practices, including hand washing and personal hygiene, sterilizing of medical instruments… Nurses could also give the basic immunizations to Haitians in order to avoid the spread of epidemics such as measles, hepatitis, rubella etc. These prevention action can be started as soon as the nurses arrive to Haiti.

Starting in phases 3 or 4, nurses can start assist the local doctors and surgeons in providing care to Haitian patients, in hospitals, clinic or even in the streets. As the GCU student remarks in her 4th video, the task is enormous, but Haitians are always grateful for the help: “As the care providers we felt tremendous appreciation and thankfulness from the throngs of people we have treated. Despite their amputations, broken limbs, massively infected wounds, filthy dressings…”

Tertiary prevention initiatives take more importance towards the end of the intervention, when the immediate emergency has declined and when more time and resources are available to plan for the future. At this point in times nurses can start implementing initiatives to help people manage their long-term health problems and injuries (chronic diseases, permanent impairments), to improve as much as possible their ability to function, their quality of life and their life expectancy. Support groups could be created so as to share strategies for living well. The GCU nursing student also remarked that many people had to be amputated after the earthquake. In partnership with the Haitian government and local authority, vocational rehabilitation programs could be developed to retrain amputated workers for new jobs fitting their disability.

One crucial need is for instance to provide teaching and educational support for the Haitian national staff, so that they can continue to cure patients and victims appropriately in the future (when international volunteers and NGOs retreat), and that they be better prepared in the event of other catastrophes. In particular, it is important that the Haitian staff follows up with treatment adherence for victims of the earthquake, and continues immunization campaigns in vulnerable populations.

For all nursing interventions, collaborations with the other medical NGOs present in Haiti would be useful, so as to best deploy available resources, make sure to treat as many people in need as possible, avoid duplication of initiatives and avoid the concentration of resources in a few areas. NGOs present in Haiti in 2010 included Doctors Without Borders, Relief International, International Medical Corps, Medshare. Collaboration with local authorities and the Haitian government is also crucial to ensure the maximal impact of initiatives taken, and coordination of relief efforts.


“Diary of Medical Mission Trip” (2018). Grand Canyon University. Retrieved from:…

Paragraph 5

Paragraph 5

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and


references in alphabetical order in case of another source.

When a disaster happens, spirituality may be the only thing that the victims might have to hang on to, spirituality is very individualized. Spirituality is not tangible but comes from the core beliefs within the person. A couple of way that someone may either question their spirituality or suddenly gain spirituality. They could be grieving and ask why GOD would ever do this to anyone, is there really a higher being, or even blame themselves saying that GOD must be punishing them. With everyone having their own ways of belief or worship ways, it may be truly challenging for the nurse to help or even recognize the spiritual beliefs.

The community health nurse, can simply ask the person of their spirituality to gain some insight of them. No matter what their response, the community health nurse should not judge and remember that they might be going through the stages of grief during this trying time. Providing the spiritual support is helpful. If pastoral care is not available it could also use other victims, if they are stable, to show that support. This could be helpful to all that is included. When the community nurse is focused on helping those impacted by the event, they must not forget that they need to remember to think of taking care of themselves, spiritually as well.


Maurer, F., Smith, C. (2013). Community/Public Health Nursing, 5th edition. Elsevier Saunders. Missouri

DPI Project Proposal

DPI Project Proposal

Apply Rubrics


DPI Project Proposal Chapter 1 – Introduction to the Project
Not Present

Does Not Meet Expectations

Approaching Meeting Expectations

Meets Expectations

75.0 %Criteria

5.0 %Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION: This section briefly overviews the project focus or practice problem, states why the project is worth conducting, and describes how the project will be completed. (3-4 paragraphs or approximately 1 page)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

75.0 %Criteria

5.0 %Chapter 1: BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT: The background section of Chapter 1 explains both the history of and the present state of the problem and project focus. This section summarizes the Background section from Chapter 2. (2-3 paragraphs or approximately 1 page)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

75.0 %Criteria

10.0 %Chapter 1: PROBLEM STATEMENT: This section clearly states the problem or project focus, the population affected, and how the project will contribute to solving the problem. This section of Chapter 1 should be comprehensive yet simple, providing context for the practice project. This section is later summarized in Chapter 3. (3-4 paragraphs or approximately 1 page)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

75.0 %Criteria

10.0 %Chapter 1: PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: The purpose statement section provides a reflection of the problem statement and identifies how the project will be accomplished. It explains how the proposed project will contribute to the field. This section is summarized in Chapter 3. (2-3 paragraphs). The intervention must be clear within the purpose, and there must be a measurable patient/practice outcome.

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

75.0 %Criteria

10.0 %Chapter 1: CLINICAL QUESTIONS: This section narrows the focus of the project and specifies the clinical questions to address the problem statement. Based on the clinical questions, it describes the variables or groups and their hypothesized relationship for a quantitative project or the phenomena under investigation for a qualitative project. The clinical questions should be derived from, and are directly aligned with, the problem and purpose statements, methods, and data analyses. The Clinical Questions section of Chapter 1 will be presented again in Chapter 3 to provide clear continuity for the reader and to help frame the data analysis in Chapter 4. (2-3 paragraphs or approximately 1 page)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

75.0 %Criteria

5.0 %Chapter 1: ADVANCING SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE: This section specifically describes how the proposed project will advance population health outcomes on the topic. This advancement may be a small step forward in a line of current research. This section summarizes the Theoretical Foundations section from Chapter 2 by identifying the theory or model upon which the project is built. It also describes how the project will advance that theory or model. It also describes how the project will advance that theory or model. (2-3 paragraphs or approximately 1 page)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

75.0 %Criteria

5.0 %Chapter 1: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT: This section identifies and describes the significance of the project. It also discusses the implications of the potential results based on the project questions and problem statement, hypotheses, or the investigated phenomena. Further, it describes how the project fits within, and will contribute to, the current literature or body of research. Finally, it describes the potential practical applications from the project. This section is of particular importance because it justifies the need for, and the relevance of, the project. (3-4 paragraphs)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are

HIV/AIDS prevention, transmission, education

HIV/AIDS prevention, transmission, education

Because the most important aspect for prevention of HIV transmission is education, have students prepare a teaching plan for five different age-groups: high school, college, young adults, older adults, and health care workers. The plans should include specific information about transmission and methods for protection. When preparing the plans, describe what factors affected the planned presentations.

APA format, 350 word