PS Healthcare

PS Healthcare




Part 1 – Length 200 words

Choose 1 of the 6 Imagist Poets and read their poems from this collection. You can review more about your poet and the Imagist movement in the Unit 2 Intellipath Lesson: ‘Some Imagist Poets’.

In the preface, Amy Lowell describes the 6 Principles of the Imagist movement. Use these to answer these questions on the discussion board:

The principles indicate that Imagist poets wanted to use common language. Was there any language your found unclear or fanciful? What is a modern, common word you could use to replace it?
Imagist poets believed in freedom of topic. What are some of the topics your poet chose to write about?
Which image from the poems did you find most compelling and why?
Part 2 – Length 10 lines

Create your own imagist poem. Be sure to use common, clear language to create poetic rhythm and imagery.

Choose a modern topic you think your poet would be interested in if they were alive today.
Write a poem of 10 lines.
Include imagery and sensory language (e.g., sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste).
Post your poem on the Discussion Board.
ASSIGN 2 300-500 WORDS

Author Charlotte Perkins Gilman experienced post-partum depression. In the late 1800’s this lead to a rest treatment that, she felt, nearly drove her insane. In response to that incident she wrote the short story, The Yellow Wallpaper, and began a career of supporting women’s rights and health issues. Review the Unit 3 Intellipath Lesson ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ to learn more about this story and context of the time.

Begin by reading The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Based on your reading, answer the following questions:

What is the main conflict of this story?
How does the author use imagery to convey her opinion of this mental health treatment?
Imagine that you are in the story – as you are today – would you have unlocked the room to release her? Why or why not?
Charlotte Perkins Gilman underwent this treatment, yet she chose a fictional account to encourage innovation in the healthcare field. Why do you think she chose a first person fiction story instead of a first person nonfiction account based on her true story?
ASSIGN 3 300- 500 WORDS

Read ONE of the following literary texts:

Up From Slavery: An Autobiography by Booker T. Washington
Review this video (9 min) for more information on this title:
Selected Reading assignment: Chapter I A Slave Among Slaves, Chapter IV Helping Others, Chapter XI Making Their Beds Before They Could Lie On Them
Link to PDF
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin
Review this video (7 min 30 sec) for more information on this title:
Selected Reading assignment: Chapter I Ancestry and Early Life in Boston, IX Plan for attaining Moral Perfection, XVIII Scientific Experiments
Link to PDF
An Autobiography by Catherine Helen Spence
Review this video (8 minutes) for more information on this title:
Selected Reading assignment: Chapter I Early Life in Scotland, Chapter V Novels and Political Inspiration, Chapter XI Wards of the State
Link to PDF
Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist by Alexander Berkman
Review this video (9 min) for more information on this title:
Selected Reading assignment: Chapter 1 The Call of the Homestead, XXIV Thoughts That Stole Out of Prison, XLVIII Last Days
Link to PDF
Step 3: On the Unit 4 Discussion Board answer the following questions about your selected reading:

Which literary text did you select and why?
What is your first impression of the author based on reading a chapter from their work? What do you notice about the author’s language and choice of topic(s)?
Identify an innovative idea that the author expressed. How does the author convey that idea and is the author effective in doing so? Is there a relation between that idea and concerns we face today?

Literature is an ever evolving art form. The expansion of new technology from the printing press to the internet has altered how ideas and values are expressed in writing. In recent years more professionals and experts are able to share experience, innovation, and insight through self-published informal writing known as blogs. This electronic platform allows the author to become a leader and mentor for those with like-minded interests. In this assignment you will write your own blog entry related to your field of study inspired by the content of this course.

Here are some examples to review:

HackCollege “A Student Powered Lifehacking Site” –
Crime Talk “An educational resource at the heard of criminological teaching, debate, and research”
The Accounting Onion “Peeling away financial reporting issues one layer at a time” “Social Media’s leading physician voice”
Step 1: Identify an issue related to your program that interests you and then create an innovative suggestion to address that issue.

Step 2: Reflect on the learning from this course to connect how your study of literature inspired your suggestion and helped your ability to express your ideas about this issue.

See the description

See the description

1. Discuss their contributions to the field of healthcare.2. How could you apply their ethical philosophy towards current issues facing healthcare? My pick of a theorist is St. Thomas Aquinas Pick how his theory applies to heathcare today? !50 to 200 words, APA style, and references are a must- No plagarism!


Organize a Community Health Fair Plan

Organize a Community Health Fair Plan

Your hospital recently opened a new Health and Wellness Center for patients and their families


as well as members of the community. You’ve been asked to take the leadership role in planning and executing a Community Health Fair in November to be held in the new Center. The goal for this health fair is to raise awareness of health issues with a focus on diabetes and involve hospital physicians, nurses, hospital dieticians, and members of the local healthcare community associations like the American Heart Association. In addition, after a recent meeting with local educational leaders, your CEO asks you to include nursing students and nursing faculty from the local community college in the health fair as part of their clinical day. Lastly, your CEO mentions the importance of attendance at the community health fair because they’ve invited local and state dignitaries to attend the event to be scheduled on a Saturday.

The hospital marketing director volunteered to work with you to develop marketing materials and public service announcements; however, you need a team of volunteers to accomplish this event. Before you’ve even gathered your team, an announcement about the upcoming community health fair to be held in the new Health and Wellness Center was published in the hospital newsletter highlighting you as the event leader. Shortly thereafter, the hospital facilities director contacted you to let you know they don’t have enough personnel to assign to your weekend event, nor do they have enough tables and chairs for any exhibitors or for the health screenings. It seems you have your work cut out for you!

In your leadership role, clearly identify how you—in a position of influence—will approach this community health fair planning to bring about the successful execution given the qualifiers already attached to it by your CEO.

Length: Minimum 10 pages, not including the title page and the reference page

References: Minimum of 10 scholarly resources.

2-3 page analysis apa format

2-3 page analysis apa format

For Part 3 of the Final Project, you will provide an analysis of the policy issues surrounding the health care policy


issue you selected(view uploaded document). This requires significant research of policy analysis and economic, business, consumer and other policy factors related to your selected policy.


For this component of your Final Project, describe how the health care policy issue you selected is related to policymaking from different broad perspectives, including social, economic, business, and cultural.


Policy Issue Analysis
18 (18%) – 20 (20%)

The analysis shows depth, breadth, and clarity in critical thinking when addressing the key points related how the selected health care policy issue is related to policymaking from different broad socialperspectives.

16 (16%) – 17 (17%)

The analysis fully addresses the key points related to how the selected health care policy issue is related to policymaking from different broad socialperspectives.

14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

The analysis lacks depth or clarity when addressing the key points of how the selected health care policy issue is related to policymaking from different broad socialperspectives.

0 (0%) – 13 (13%)

The analysis does not address how the selected health care policy issue is related to policymaking from different broad socialperspectives, or is inaccurate, missing, or of poor quality.

Policy Issue Analysis
18 (18%) – 20 (20%)

The analysis shows depth, breadth, and clarity in critical thinking when addressing the key points of how the selected health care policy issue is related to policymaking from different broad economicperspectives.

16 (16%) – 17 (17%)

The analysis fully addresses the key points of how the selected health care policy issue is related to policymaking from different broad economicperspectives.

14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

The analysis lacks depth or clarity when addressing how the key points of the selected health care policy issue are related to policymaking from different broad economicperspectives.

0 (0%) – 13 (13%)

The analysis does not address how the selected health care policy issue is related to policymaking from different broad economicperspectives, or is inaccurate, missing, or of poor quality.

Policy Issue Analysis
18 (18%) – 20 (20%)

The analysis shows depth, breadth, and clarity in critical thinking when addressing the key points of how the selected health care policy issue is related to policymaking from different broad businessperspectives.

16 (16%) – 17 (17%)

The analysis fully addresses the key points of how the selected health care policy issue is related to policymaking from different broad businessperspectives.

14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

The analysis lacks depth or clarity when addressing the key points of how the selected health care policy issue is related to policymaking from different businessbroad perspectives.

0 (0%) – 13 (13%)

The analysis does not address how the selected health care policy issue is related to policymaking from different broad businessperspectives, or is inaccurate, missing, or of poor quality.

Policy Issue Analysis
18 (18%) – 20 (20%)

The analysis shows depth, breadth, and clarity in critical thinking when addressing the key points of how the selected health care policy issue is related to policymaking from different broad culturalperspectives.

16 (16%) – 17 (17%)

The analysis fully addresses the key points related to how the selected health care policy issue is related to policymaking from different broad culturalperspectives.

14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

The analysis lacks depth or clarity when addressing the key points of how the selected health care policy issue is related to policymaking from different broad culturalperspectives.

0 (0%) – 13 (13%)

The analysis does not address how the selected health care policy issue is related to policymaking from different broad cultural perspectives are inaccurate, missing, or is of poor quality.

18 (18%) – 20 (20%)

Analysis is well organized, uses scholarly tone, contains original writing and proper paraphrasing, follows APA style, contains very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and is fully consistent with graduate-level writing style.

16 (16%) – 17 (17%)

Analysis is mostly consistent with graduate-level writing style and may have some spelling, APA, and writing errors.

14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

Analysis is somewhat consistent with graduate-level writing style and may have some spelling, APA, and writing errors.

0 (0%) – 13 (13%)

Analysis is well below graduate-level writing style expectations for organization, scholarly tone, APA style, and writing, or shows heavy reliance on quo

Healthcare Recruitment

Healthcare Recruitment

Identify and evaluate external influences that are positively and negatively affecting workforce needs in health care delivery.


Create a 3- to 4-page recruitment strategy that outlines the tactics you would use and the information you would disseminate to attract talented team members.

Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Format according to APA guidelines.

Health Economics Discussion – Wk 3

Health Economics Discussion – Wk 3

Health Economics Discussion – Wk 3


“Healthcare Factors Behind Cost Curve and Supply Curve Shifts” Please respond to the following:

From the e-Activity, compare the healthcare-based factors in the issues that you reviewed that, in your opinion, cause the cost curve of healthcare to shift. Provide at least one (1) example showing the manner in which the cost curve shifts in your response.
e-Activity: Go to the American Hospital Association Website and review at least three to five (3-5) key advocacy issues in Healthcare.
Suggest at least three (3) attributes that cause the supply curve in healthcare to fluctuate. Provide specific examples of each of the suggested attributes to support your response.
***This is a discussion, NOT a paper. Need 2 strong paragraphs and 1 reference. No plagiarism!***

Legal Aspects of U.S. Health Care System Administration

Legal Aspects of U.S. Health Care System Administration

Prevailing wisdom reinforces the fact that working in U.S. health care administration in the 21st Century requires


knowledge of the various aspects of health laws as they apply to dealing with medical professionals. Further, because U.S. health care administrators must potentially interact with many levels of professionals beyond the medical profession, it is prudent that they be aware of any federal, state, and local laws that may be applicable to their organizations. Thus, their conduct is also subject to the letter of the law. They must evaluate the quality of their professional interactions and be mindful of the implications and ramifications of their decisions.

Nearly 65 million surgical operations were performed in 2015 in the U.S. resulting in an estimated 200,000 deaths from complications or other post-operative issues (Ghaferi, Myers, Sutcliffe, & Pronovost, 2016). Ongoing innovation in healthcare can improve patient outcomes. According to the Harvard Business Review article, The Next Wave of Hospital Innovation to Make Patients Safer, over the past several decades, there have been three distinct waves of surgical improvement: technical advancements, standardizing procedures, and high reliability organizing.

Assume the role of a top health administrator at We Care Hospital. You are interested in propelling the hospital to the next level by applying for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. However, you want to ensure surgical outcomes for patient morbidity and mortality rates. You begin by researching the Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP) aimed to improve adherence to quality protocols. You need to ensure the hospital policy is consistent with the law and that the hospital is correctly reporting Sentinel Events to the Joint Commission, a hospital regulatory agency.

Note: You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

1 attachments

Healthcare administration

Healthcare administration

Write a 350- to 700-word letter addressed to your immediate supervisor(s) and provide them with relevant details about the MHA program, what you expect to gain from it, and how it will benefit the organization. Explain that you would like to apply the knowledge and skills learned in this MHA program at the organization toward effecting good outcomes.

Cite 3 reputable references to support the contents of your letter (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).


Complete Assignment Below

Complete Assignment Below

The company for the project is -Saxenda.




2 – 3 slides that include the information required in section 5 of this assignment, at least cite one reference (peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references) and extensive notes for each slide (at least 5 sentences per slide).

Section 5: Anticipating the Changing Market

Explain how consumers’ options for health care are changing.
Consider if it will have an impact on the use of the company or product selected.
Explain how you will ensure the selected health care company or product will be relevant and engaging to the consumer over time.
Discuss how advances in technology and medicine may influence the use of the company or product over time.

economic issues that impact healthcare

economic issues that impact healthcare

This assignment will assess the following competency 1. EVALUATE the economic issues that impact organizations operating in the healthcare industry.



In a 4 page paper, evaluate the economic forces driving change in the U.S. healthcare industry. Clearly outline the measurements of societal health and how the federal government and private industry have participated in the healthcare industry. 3 peer reviewed references. APA style.