ambulatory care

ambulatory care

Ambulatory care encompasses a diverse and growing sector of the healthcare delivery system. Physician services are


the chief component. Hospital outpatient and emergency departments, community health centers, departments of health, and voluntary agencies also contribute important services, however, particularly for underserved and vulnerable populations.

Today, patients have many options for how and where they spend their money. That includes selecting a healthcare provider. Hospitals seek to achieve the Malcom Baldridge National Quality Award to excel in improving quality patient care and to be more competitive in health care. St. David’s Healthcare reviewed their operations and knew it was critical for the organization to continually improve. St. David’s healthcare adopted Baldridge criteria.

Assume you are hired as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and one of your first tasks was to conduct a SWOT Analysis of the HIT system at We Care Hospital. Review your SWOT. You have now been working at the healthcare facility for several months. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) would like to become more competitive in the healthcare market and to show their patients they are one of the top-rated hospitals. The CEO asks you to review the Malcom Baldrige requirements to help improve Emergency Room waiting times. Your research found a trend analysis at St. David’s Healthcare facility that earned them the Malcolm Baldridge Award. According to ASQ Knowledge Center, in 2008, wait times were over 45 minutes and steadily declined to just over 15 minutes in 2014.

Write a three to four (4-5) page paper in which you:

Research peer-reviewed journal articles on how to achieve clinical quality in Ambulatory Care and identify best practices.
Analyze triage status of Emergency Department Visits in the United States. (Hint: See Figure 5-3 in the textbook).
Provide a recommendation to the CEO on whether We Care Hospital operations can potentially meet the Malcolm Baldridge award criteria. Why or why not; justify your response.
Use at least three (3) recent (within the last five [5] years) quality academic resources in this assignment.
Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the course title, the professor’s name, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

strayer University Health Policy and Law

strayer University Health Policy and Law

As a chief operating officer of a hospital, you have been tasked with opening a new ambulatory care center in your city.


Write a 2-3 page paper in which you:

Specify whether you would utilize the professional autonomy, social contract, or free market perspective as the paradigm to design the structure of your new center. Debate at least two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of your chosen perspective. Provide at least two (2) examples of your perspective in action to support your response.
Analyze the key components of three (3) sources of law related to the effects that each source could potentially have on your healthcare organization’s new initiative.
Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Describe the evolution of hospitals and sources of law.
Examine tort law and the criminal aspects of health care.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in healthcare policy, law, and ethics.
Write clearly and concisely about healthcare policy and law using proper writing mechanics.

Dersign a pilot program 4-6 pages

Dersign a pilot program 4-6 pages

For this Assignment, in 4-6 pages design a pilot program and evaluation to address community needs for your Final Project initiative proposal. In your Assignment, be sure to include the following items:


Description of your proposed program that you developed in Weeks 3 and 6
Description of your proposed pilot program
Describe a small scale program that will help to determine the feasibility of your final project
Describe how many participants, staff, volunteers, and organizations will be involved
Description of your proposed evaluation of the pilot program including a tool (Six Sigma, TQM, etc…) to improve the proposed piloted processes
You may also develop a survey, use focus groups, or interviews for the evaluation process
Description of what other health care organizations and/or nongovernmental organizations have done to address your initiative
Grading RUBRIC

EXCELLENT – above expectations GOOD – met expectations FAIR – below expectations POOR – significantly below expectations or missing
Proposed Program and Pilot Study
Explain proposed program and pilot study for project initiative

Points Range: 23 (23%) – 25 (25%)

The paper shows depth in critical thinking when addressing the proposed program and pilot study for the project initiative.



Points Range: 20 (20%) – 22 (22%)

The paper fully addresses the proposed program and pilot study for the project initiative.



Points Range: 17 (17%) – 19 (19%)

The paper lacks depth or clarity related to the proposed program and pilot study for the project initiative.



Points Range: 0 (0%) – 16 (16%)

The paper does not address the proposed program and pilot study for the project initiative, is inaccurate, missing, or is of poor quality.


Proposed Evaluation of Pilot Study
Explain the evaluation process of a proposed pilot study and the relevance of an evaluation tool to improve upon the proposed piloted processes

Points Range: 23 (23%) – 25 (25%)

The paper shows critical thinking and problem solving in its explanation of the evaluation process of a proposed pilot study and of the relevance of an evaluation tool to improve the proposed piloted processes.



Points Range: 20 (20%) – 22 (22%)

The paper fully addresses the evaluation process of a proposed pilot study and the relevance of an evaluation tool to improve the proposed piloted processes.



Points Range: 17 (17%) – 19 (19%)

The paper lacks depth or clarity related to the evaluation process of a proposed pilot study and the relevance of an evaluation tool to improve proposed piloted processes.



Points Range: 0 (0%) – 16 (16%)

The paper does not address the evaluation process of a proposed pilot study and the relevance of an evaluation tool to improve proposed piloted processes, is inaccurate, missing, or is of poor quality.


Healthcare Organization and/or NGO Involvement
Explain how other health care organizations or NGOs implemented the proposed pilot project initiative

Points Range: 23 (23%) – 25 (25%)

The paper shows critical thinking and problem solving in its explanation of how other health care organizations or NGOs have implemented the proposed pilot project initiative.



Points Range: 20 (20%) – 22 (22%)

The paper fully addresses how other health care organizations or NGOs have implemented the proposed pilot project initiative.



Points Range: 17 (17%) – 19 (19%)

The paper lacks depth or clarity related to how health care organizations or NGOs have implemented the proposed pilot project initiative.



Points Range: 0 (0%) – 16 (16%)

The paper does not address how health care organizations or NGOs have implemented the proposed pilot project initiative, is inaccurate, missing, or is of poor quality.



Points Range: 23 (23%) – 25 (25%)

Paper is well organized, uses scholarly tone, contains original writing and proper paraphrasing, follows APA style, contains very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and is fully consistent with graduate level writing style.



Points Range: 20 (20%) – 22 (22%)

Paper is mostly consistent with graduate level writing style and may have some spelling, APA, and writing errors.



Points Range: 17 (17%) – 19 (19%)

Paper is somewhat consistent with graduate level writing style and may have some spelling, APA, and writing errors.


Must Projects by Managers

Must Projects by Managers

Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the Discussion by making frequent informed references to lesson materials and Seminars. Initial Discussion responses should be 100 to 200 words. In Healthcare setting or general. APA style, New roman 12′

What types of tasks or projects must managers organize to be successful? Give examples.


Medicaid Waiver Policy Health Care

Medicaid Waiver Policy Health Care

Provide an analysis of the health care policy issue you chose(MEDICAID WAIVER IN GEORGIA), making sure to address these specific points: describe the health care policy issue you selected; provide and explain the statistics depicting the issue; and explain how this issue relates to health care costs, quality, and access.

When possible, provide examples from your professional experiences to demonstrate cost concerns in your particular field, or use personal anecdotes/stories to illustrate some of the problems that exist.


You can select a topic from the readings

You can select a topic from the readings

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The Impact of Free and Charitable Clinics in Virginia

The Impact of Free and Charitable Clinics in Virginia



ASSIGNMENT Assignment 1 – Research Project Statement Purpose – Offer insight into the nature of the research project, what is being investigated, and the topic’s significance to the field of HCA. This assignment continues the work done during the Fall 2018 HCA 300 course. It is an abbreviated version of Assignment 7 (Fall 2018) * Format (use subheadings for each section) 1) Title/Topic of research project – also include why you chose this topic; and the purpose behind the research 2) Research question being asked (and an explanation in detail of the relationship under investigation; what is being measured and how) 3) Research methodology – What is it and how will this help answer the Research Question (explain in detail) – tools of analysis to be utilized – contingency plan explained (Backup plan) 4) Significance of topic to HCA – how it advances our understanding of the field of HCA 5) Surveys/Interviews (if being used) to be attached. 6) Preliminary Reference list showing review of literature up to this date – with a minimum of 35 references (books, articles, etc.) *Sources – scholarly works only * Length 3 pages. (not including Reference list and surveys/interview instruments) double spaced * Due Date – January 18, 2019 Running head: Impact of Free and Charitable Clinics in Virginia on Access to Healthcare Impact of Free and Charitable Clinics in Virginia on Access to Healthcare 1 Impact of Free and Charitable Clinics in Virginia on Access to Healthcare 2 Impact of Free and Charitable Clinics in Virginia on Access to Healthcare Purpose The purpose of the proposed research study is to analyze the impact of free clinics on healthcare access in Virginia. It will investigate to find out whether the free clinics are undertaking their role in serving the uninsured and underserved patients in the State and whether they are distributed to cover all the uninsured people across Virginia. The study will mainly focus on the uninsured and underserved populations in the State given that these are the people who largely use free clinics. Free healthcare clinics are essentially volunteer-based healthcare organizations providing health care services at minimal cost or for free of charge to people who are of lowincome (Hutchison et al., 2018). They are an important avenue for addressing the medical needs of people who have no health insurance coverage. Even though they often lack the resources for meeting all the medical needs of people they serve, free healthcare clinics usually deliver care for chronic conditions and diseases by means of dispensing drugs, regular monitoring, as well as performing laboratory tests (Hutchison et al., 2018). The healthcare services they offer might be more limited compared to the ones provided by the mainstream healthcare organizations which accept insurance largely because they depend on administrative and medical volunteers, and also have limited funding (Nadkarni & Philbrick, 2013). Although free healthcare clinics in America lack services, organizational structure, as well as crucial resources in comparison to the mainstream healthcare organizations, Gertz, Frank and Blixen (2011) mentioned that they still play a very significant role in the country’s healthcare delivery system. At the moment, not much is known regarding the impact of free clinics on access to healthcare in spite of the fact that such clinics are among the few possible alternatives for uninsured and underserved Americans who have limited funds. Impact of Free and Charitable Clinics in Virginia on Access to Healthcare 3 Research Question The study seeks to address the following overarching research question: How do free and charitable clinics in Virginia impact access to healthcare? Through this research question, the study will aim to establish whether free and charitable healthcare clinics in the State of Virginia would increase or decrease the number of patient visits to the free clinic. The research question will also help to understand the kinds of medical and health conditions that the free and charitable healthcare clinics in the State will mainly manage in terms of the severity of the conditions treated by the clinics, number of referrals to such healthcare clinics, as well as the number of new cases diagnosed. Furthermore, the overarching research question is important as it will help understand the demographics of people in terms of characteristics such as education, race, socio-economic class, gender, and age who will lose the most or benefit the most with those free healthcare clinics. Research Methodology Regarding, the research methodology, the proposed study will use a mixed methods research methodology. This will entail collecting both quantitative and qualitative data. This type of methodology generally involves collecting and analysing both close-ended and open ended data (Creamer, 2017). It is appropriate for the proposed study in that by combining the qualitative and quantitative approaches, the study will be able to gain in depth and breadth of corroboration and understanding of the subject matter and offset the weaknesses inherent in each research method when used individually (Pepe & Castelli, 2013). The mixed methods research design will also be utilized since the mixing of the two methods will allow the researcher to understand the research problem better than when the qualitative or the quantitative approach is used alone (Han, 2018). In addition, this research method will facilitate triangulation whereby the same phenomenon would be examined through various methods and data sources (Howell, 2013). Impact of Free and Charitable Clinics in Virginia on Access to Healthcare 4 Quantitative data would be collected from records of distribution of uninsured and low-income populations in Virginia in relation to distribution of the free clinics in the State. Additionally, raw data would be obtained from health records of the free clinics. The quantitative data will be obtained through the use of a map that locates all the free clinics in Virginia and maps to reveal the locations of people who are uninsured and underserved. Conversely, qualitative data will be collected through interviews with directors and administrators of the free clinics in Virginia who comprise the target population. The researcher will conduct one on one interview through Skype, phone calls, or in person. Since this is a mixed methods research, data analysis will entail using both quantitative and qualitative techniques for data analysis (Morgan, 2014). Quantitative data will be analyzed through descriptive statics such as mean, variance, median. Correlation analysis will then be used to determine the strength of relationship between cost of healthcare and accessibility. Also, linear regression analysis would be used to determine the relationship between free health services and quality of services using the best fit straight line. In this regard, linear regression equation will be used to predict the impact of free and charitable clinics in Virginia on access to healthcare. The qualitative data is consisting of interview transcripts would be analyzed by categorizing the data and comparing them with the quantitative data (Smith & Zajda, 2018; Chu & Ke, 2017). Primary and secondary sources of data play an integral role in the proposed study. Primary sources such as interviews will offer a first-hand account of the subject under study (Short, 2014). They will allow the researcher to understand how the directors of free clinics in Virginia think their clinics are impacting access to healthcare within the State. The primary sources will represent original information. They will provide first-hand or direct evidence of the subject matter (Garbarski, 2016). On the other hand, secondary sources used Impact of Free and Charitable Clinics in Virginia on Access to Healthcare 5 in the proposed study will offer a restatement, interpretation or analysis of the primary sources (Adams, 2013). The mixed methods research methodology will help answer the research question. The quantitative data will enable the researcher to establish whether the clinics are covering the uninsured populations or not. The data will comprise several demographics of patients and divide the uninsured people on the basis of characteristics such as ethnicity, gender, education and age. The analysis of quantitative data will reveal the strength of relationship between cost of healthcare and accessibility as evidenced by increase or decrease in number of visits and number of volunteer staffs coming to the new clinics. It will also demonstrate the relationship between free health care services and quality of services. The interviews will aim to explore the topic from the perspective of healthcare providers. The providers will answer a number of questions about some of the issues concerning quality and funding. In this way, the research methodology will effectively help address the specified research questions. The location/site of the research will be four clinics within the State of Virginia. These are clinics that offer free healthcare services to underserved and uninsured populations. Virginia was selected as it has significant health disparities and there are also a number of free clinics in operation (Mcgarvey et al., 2011). Additionally, Virginia was selected for the study because it is my primary residence. Also, Working in Virginia’s free clinics as a volunteer and an intern aroused the interest in the mission of these clinics and therefore establishing whether or not they are making any impact on access to healthcare. Since these free clinics often attract a large number of low-income people, there is likelihood that they have a positive impact by increasing access to healthcare especially to low-income groups In the proposed study, e-research will play a crucial role since advanced Information and Communication Technologies would be utilized in supporting the research (Anderson & Impact of Free and Charitable Clinics in Virginia on Access to Healthcare 6 Kanuka, 2013). Ethical aspects would be taken into account when conducting the research. The following five fundamental principles of research would be observed: firstly, confidentiality and anonymity of the study subjects would be protected (Pulverer & Armbruster, 2017). Secondly, informed consent would be obtained from the respondents. Thirdly, deceptive practices would be avoided. Fourthly, the risk of harm would be minimized. Lastly, the study subjects would be provided with the right to withdraw their participation (Stanley, Sieber & Nelton, 2014). Some theories indicate that increasing equity, for instance by increasing the number of free clinics, will affect access to healthcare (Petrany et al., 2017; Birs et al., 2016). Over the past several years, free clinics have emerged across the country in response to limitations in healthcare together with an intransigent uninsured problem (Darnell, 2011; Pieh-Holder, Callahan & Young, 2012). Theoretically, the utilization of health-care should correlate with the need for services (Darnell, 2011; Biello et al., 2010). Even so, some crucial healthcare services are required but not obtained owing to cost implications (Levesque et al., 2013; Johnston, Peppard & Newton, 2015). At the moment, it is unclear how free and charitable clinics impact the access to healthcare (Rubin, 2017; Zucker at al., 2013). As such, examining the impact of free clinics will help to fill this gap in extant literature. Significance to the Field of Health Care Administration This proposed study is significant to the field of health care administration given that following the passage of the Affordable Care Act in the year 2010 by the administration of President Obama, there has been a considerable increase in the number of uninsured people across the nation. These people have greatly overwhelmed care delivery with the free and charitable clinics playing a vital role in bridging the access to healthcare (Gertz, Frank & Blixen, 2011; Hutchison et al., 2018).Such clinics employ staffs and volunteers to offer necessary medical services to many individuals who cannot afford care without needing any Impact of Free and Charitable Clinics in Virginia on Access to Healthcare 7 form of payment (Ghazal & Rambur, 2018; National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics, 2014). The study will therefore reveal how these clinics are impacting the access to healthcare for the country’s uninsured and underserved populations. In addition, the topic is significant since the study will provide a guideline for healthcare policy implementations that may be advanced to manage the challenges of healthcare in Virginia and other States nationwide. The topic is also significant to the Field of Health Care Administration since the health outcomes for people who are underserved and who are uninsured are considerably poorer in comparison to those of Americans who are privately insured (Geller, Taylor & Scott, 2011). Populations that are underserved generally receive lower quality medical care as well as less medical care. Given that a large number of patients, particularly those with limited funds, are not able to pay for various health care services themselves, Geller, Taylor and Scott (2011) stated that public health initiatives have to connect people with local resources which would facilitate access to the health care needed by those people. Free healthcare clinics which deliver medical care inexpensively or freely to people who are underinsured or uninsured are a crucial resource for Americans across nationwide who are underserved (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2013). Even though it is important to pay attention to the healthcare quality that such clinics offer, they have demonstrated that they are a vital aspect of the healthcare safety net for people who are disadvantaged (Geller, Taylor & Scott, 2011). Previous studies have found that people who lack health insurance have a higher likelihood of reporting problems receiving necessary medical care compared to people who are insured (Geller, Taylor & Scott, 2011). About 25% of uninsured adults went without getting the needed medical care in 2012 owing to cost (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2013). The main reason for poor access amongst uninsured Americans is that over 50% of uninsured Impact of Free and Charitable Clinics in Virginia on Access to Healthcare 8 Americans lacked a regular place to go to whenever they needed medical advice or when they are ill (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2013). Over time, healthcare has become less affordable especially for people who are uninsured, underinsured, and underserved thanks to the growing costs of healthcare. Furthermore, Americans who are not insured have a less likelihood of receiving timely preventive care compared to those who have insurance coverage (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2013). Therefore, the importance of free healthcare clinics cannot be overemphasized, especially for the underinsured, underserved, and uninsured. Limitations The proposed study has quite a few limitations. Firstly, it will only be carried out only within one State, namely Virginia. Also, a small sample size would be used since only four directors of clinics in Virginia that offer free healthcare services would take part as study subjects. The fact that the study would be carried out in just a single State and very few participants will participate suggests that the findings may not be generalizable to the general population (Wilson, 2016). The other limitation is that the mixed methods research could be extremely complex to conduct (Ingham-Broomfield, 2016). Planning and implementing this sort of research requires much more resources and time than only conducting a quantitative or qualitative study (Sweeney & Goldblatt, 2016). Furthermore, it might not be clear how to resolve discrepancies arising in the interpretation of the results (Venkatesh, Brown & Sullivan, 2016). Impact of Free and Charitable Clinics in Virginia on Access to Healthcare 9 References Adams, J. (2013). Research Methods for Graduate Business and Social Science Students. New Delhi: Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd. Retrieved from ost-live Anderson, T., & Kanuka, H. (2013). e-Research: Methods, strategies and issues. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Biello, K. B., Rawlings, J., Carroll-Scott, A., Browne, R., & Ickovics, J. R. (2010). Racial disparities in age at preventable hospitalization among US adults. American journal of preventive medicine, 38(1), 54-60. Birs, A., Liu, X., Nash, B., Sullivan, S., Garris, S., Hardy, M., . . . Pasarica, M. (2016). Medical Care in a Free Clinic: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Patient Experience, Incentives, and Barriers to Optimal Medical Care with Consideration of a Facility Fee. Cureus. Chu, H., & Ke, Q. (2017). Research methods: What’s in the name? Library & Information Science Research (07408188), 39(4), 284–294. Creamer, E. G. (2017). An introduction to fully integrated mixed methods research. Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage. Darnell, J. S. (2010). Free clinics in the United States: a nationwide survey. Archives of internal medicine, 170(11), 946-953. Garbarski, D. (2016). Research Synthesis. Public Opinion Quarterly, 80(4), 977–997. Geller, S., Taylor, B. M., & Scott, H.D. (2011). Free Clinics Helping to Patch the Safety Net.” Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 15.1 (20): 42-51 Impact of Free and Charitable Clinics in Virginia on Access to Healthcare 10 Gertz, A. M., Frank, S., & Blixen, C. E. (2011). A survey of patients and providers at free clinics across the United States. Journal of Community Health, 36(1), 83-93. Ghazal, M., & Rambur, B. (2018). Free Clinics and the Need for Nursing Action in Uncertain Political Times. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 1527154418777864. Han, C. (2018). Mixed-methods research in interpreting studies. Interpreting: International Journal of Research & Practice in Interpreting, 20(2), 155–187. Howell, K. E. (2013). Introduction to the Philosophy of Methodology. London: Sage Publications. Hutchison, J., Thompson, M. E., Troyer, J., Elnitsky, C., Coffman, M. J., & Lori Thomas, M. (2018). The effect of North Carolina free clinics on hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions among the uninsured. BMC health services research, 18(1), 280. doi:10.1186/s12913-018-3082-1 Ingham-Broomfield, R. (2016). A nurses’ guide to mixed methods research. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 33(4), 46–52. Johnston, B. J., Peppard, L., & Newton, M. (2015). Staying connected: Sustaining collaborative care models with limited funding. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services, 53(8), 36-44. Kaiser Family Foundation. (2013). The uninsured a primer 2013 – 2014: How does lack of insurance affect access to healthcare. Retrieved from Levesque, J. F., Harris, M. F., & Russell, G. (2013). Patient-centered access to health care: conceptualising access at the interface of health systems and Impact of Free and Charitable Clinics in Virginia on Access to Healthcare 11 populations. International journal for equity in health, 12, 18. doi:10.1186/14759276-12-18 McCusker, K., & Gunaydin, S. (2015). Research using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods and choice based on the research. Perfusion, 30(7), 537–542. Mcgarvey, E. L., Leon-verdin, M., Killos, L. F., Guterbock, T., & Cohn, W. F. (2011). Health disparities between Appalachian and non-Appalachian counties in Virginia USA. Journal of Community Health, 36(3), 348-56. Morgan, D. L. (2014). Integrating qualitative & quantitative methods: A pragmatic approach. Los Angeles, CA: Sage. Nadkarni, M. M., & Philbrick, J. T. (2013). Free clinics: a national survey. Am J Med Sci,330(1):25–31. doi: 10.1097/00000441-200507000-00005 National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics. (2014). America’s free and charitable clinics: Vital support for 30 million uninsured Americans. Retrieved from HYPERLINK “”t HYPERLINK “”/files/NAFC%20Infographic%20%26%20 Re-port%20Feb%202%202015%20small.pdf Pepe, A. & Castelli, S. (2013). A cautionary tale on research methods in the field of parents in education. International Journal about Parents in Education, 7(1) 1–6 Pieh-Holder, K. L., Callahan, C., & Young, P. (2012). Qualitative needs assessment: healthcare experiences of underserved populations in Montgomery County, Virginia, USA. Rural & Remote Health, 12(3). Impact of Free and Charitable Clinics in Virginia on Access to Healthcare 12 Pulverer, B., & Armbruster, C. (2017). Where does the buck stop? Research ethics and publishing. Information Services & Use, 37(1), 13–16. Rubin, R. (2017). Half-century After “Summer of Love,” Free Clinics Still Play Vital Role. Jama, 318(7), 598-600. Short, J. (2014). Social Entrepreneurship and Research Methods (Vol. 1st ed). Bingley, U.K.: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Retrieved from ost-live Smith, K., & Zajda, J. (2018). Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies: A Minimalist View. Education & Society, 36(1), 73–83. Stanley, B., Sieber, J. E., & Nelton, G. B. (2014). Research Ethics : A Psychological Approach. Lincoln, Neb: University of Nebraska Press. Retrieved from st-live Sweeney, M., & Goldblatt, J. (2016). An exploration of mixed research methods in planned event studies. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 17(1), 41–54. Venkatesh, V., Brown, S. A., & Sullivan, Y. W. (2016). Guidelines for Conducting Mixedmethods Research: An Extension and Illustration. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 17(7), 435–495. Wilson, V. (2016). Research Methods: Mixed Methods Research. Evidence Based Library & Information Practice, 11(1S), 56–59. Retrieved from host-live Impact of Free and Charitable Clinics in Virginia on Access to Healthcare 13 Zucker, J., Lee, J., Khokhar, M., Schroeder, R. & Keller, S. (2013). Measuring and assessing preventive medicine services in a student-run free clinic. Journal of Health Care Poor Undeserved, 24 (1) 344-358.
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HCA400 week2 Health Care Administration

HCA400 week2 Health Care Administration

Question Set #2 Topic: Reading: HCA 101 course K1 D 4-5 Health Care Administration: Origins, Practice, and System


Points Seminar Questions: 1) What are the roots of Healthcare Administration (HCA) – where did the discipline “originate”? What are the “threads” that make up the “fabric” of HCA? 2) Is HCA “different” from other forms of administration? Why/why not? Cite an example. 3) What role does communication play in attempting to manage in the health care field? How has this changed over time? For example, what role does the Internet play? E-health? Social media? 4) What does “continuum of care” mean to you? Is one aspect of the continuum more important than another? 5) How does your research project address the issue of a health care system that is considered to be “fragmented”? – My research project is about the impact of free clinics in Virginia. 6) What is this “new idea” that Kenney describes? What do you think about it? – Here is the book: Charles Kenney. Transforming Health Care. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2011. ISBN 978-1-56327-375-9. 7) What qualities do successful leaders possess that average leaders do not?
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Evolution of Health Care Industry

Evolution of Health Care Industry

Complete the following timeline.


Select five events between 1900 and the present that have helped shape health care as it is today. Write a 50- to 100-word summary per event that analyzes the causes and effects of the event, focusing on the Iron Triangle of cost, access, and quality of care. An example has been provided for you.

Provide a reference.

Health Care Through the Years

Event and Significance


In order to keep their employees healthy and able to work, employers began to provide employee health care. Companies in several industries, including mining, lumber, and railroads, developed group industrial clinics with plans that prepaid doctors a fixed monthly fee to provide medical care to employees for industrial accidents and common illnesses. This increased the availability of care, and also gave the employees less expensive, higher-quality care than they could afford on their own. While it was not health care as we know it, this set the stage for companies becoming involved in the well-being of their employees.

Cultural Diversity and You

Cultural Diversity and You

Hey Robert, I’m going to post the scoring guide at the end. Please, follow the scoring guide. I need at least “basic” I can’t have anything in “non-performance” please.


Write a 5–7-page essay describing, examining, and reflecting upon a personal cultural diversity encounter.By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Describe theoretical ideas of power in relation to policy.
Connect a personal experience to sociological concepts of power.
Competency 3: Analyze the effects of social policy using aggregated data.
Analyze data to make valid sociological inferences.
Competency 4: Analyze how laws are applied or created based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, and social class.
Analyze how laws or policies are applied to a diversity issue.
Competency 5: Apply diversity strategies in professional, educational, and personal contexts.
Apply strategies for addressing a cultural diversity issue.
Discuss personal characteristics or experiences that might account for feelings or reactions involving a diversity issue.
Competency 6: Communicate effectively.
Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format and with few errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Understanding cultural diversity from a sociological perspective first requires understanding the concepts and theoretical frameworks that guide sociological thinking. Cultural diversity encompasses a variety of social categories, including race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, social class, age, and physical or mental disability. Sociologists examine these categories at both the micro level (how they affect or are affected by individuals) and at the macro level (how they impact society as a whole).At the micro level, sociologists might explore, for example, how and why certain individuals may be prejudiced or racist while others are not. Yet prejudice and racism are not just individual problems, but are structural phenomena that are built into the way a society is organized. Understanding prejudice and racism requires not just focusing on individuals but also examining overall patterns of discrimination and racism within society. Sociologists study how those patterns have changed over time, as well as their causes and consequences for society as a whole and for individuals and families.
Questions to Consider
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community.
What is the distinction between a dominant and a minority group?
What are the differences among prejudice and individual and institutional discrimination?
What are the key sociological theories used to describe relationships between dominant and majority groups, and how do these theories explain these relationships? For example, consider how conflict or functional theory approach race or ethnic relations or the theories of inequality proposed by Max Weber and Karl Marx.
What particular issues surrounding diversity are most important or prevalent in today’s society?

Internet Resources
Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have been either granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.
Le, C. N. (2007). The downside of diversity? Everyday Sociology. Retrieved from…
Prince Inniss, J. (2011). What explains social inequality? Everyday Sociology. Retrieved from…
Frontline. (1985). A class divided. Retrieved from…
Assessment Instructions
For this assessment, you will be combining a micro- and macro-level analysis of diversity. You will discuss your personal experiences or observations regarding a diversity-related issue and apply sociological concepts and theory to your analysis. You will also research the broader trends regarding the diversity-related issue you have chosen to discuss. Finally, you will discuss existing or proposed laws or policies that are applicable to your issue and reflect on personal strategies that could be used to address or prevent the problem you have identified. One major thing to keep in mind as you begin to explore the sociology of cultural diversity is how the social categories we belong to—our race, ethnicity, social class, the generation we belong to—affect how we perceive the world around us and our interactions with other people.
Reflect on an instance when you or someone else were unfairly excluded, discriminated against, or otherwise neglected or treated inappropriately due to race, ethnicity, age, gender, social class, sexuality, disability, or other category related to diversity. Depending on the setting in which the incident occurred, consider whether any laws or policies were violated, either those established by an organization, such as a business or school, or state or federal antidiscrimination policies.Write an essay in which you complete each of the following:
Part 1 – Describe your experience:
Describe the event and the underlying diversity issues at play.
Describe your opinions, feelings, actions, and what you learned from the event.
Part 2 – Examine your experience:
Discuss experiences from your personal background that might account for your feelings or reactions.
Consider areas such as your ethnicity, history, upbringing, local mores, recent events, et cetera.
Connect your experience to at least three sociological concepts and/or issues. For example, if you are writing about what if feels like to be an outsider, you could connect your discussion to the concept of power or social structure, or the broader issue of relationships between dominant and minority groups.
Examples of other concepts you could include are: prejudice, discrimination, stereotypes, cultural pluralism, assimilation, structural mobility, social distance, and modern racism.
Examples of theories include functional or conflict theory, Marx’s and Weber’s theories of inequality, Park’s race relations cycle, Gordon’s theory of assimilation, human capital theory, scapegoat hypothesis, and the theory of authoritarian personality.
Incorporate research on the broader issue that your experience illustrates. For example, if the incident you describe involves discrimination in the workplace, research workplace discrimination and find data on the prevalence or nature of this problem. If the incident involves bullying at school, locate data on how extensive this issue is. Questions to consider include:
Is the type of incident you describe commonplace?
Where might this be most prevalent?
Among what groups is it most likely to occur?
What trends did you notice in your research? For example, does the kind of incident you experienced or observed seem to be an increasing problem, or is it declining over time?
Analyze how relevant laws or policies might be applied to this situation. These may be civil or criminal laws or, perhaps, policies established in the workplace or schools.
Consider whether any laws or policies were violated and how those laws or policies might be changed or better enforced to address the situation you describe.
Part 3 – Reflect on your experience:
Based on your reflections of the event and the research you have now done, share personal strategies that are useful for informing the interactions or relationships between the involved parties, as well as your own understanding or perspectives.
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Length: 5–7 pages, not including title and reference pages.
Format: Include a title page and reference page, and format the paper and your citations according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
Sources: Cite at least two scholarly sources.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Cultural Diversity and You Scoring Guide
Connect a personal experience to sociological concepts of power.
Does not connect a personal experience to sociological concepts of power. Connects a personal experience to sociological concepts of power that have little relevance to the experience. Connects a personal experience to sociological concepts of power. Connects a personal experience to sociological concepts of power, including mention of specific theories.
Analyze data to make valid sociological inferences.
Does not analyze data. Analyzes data but makes unsupportable sociological inferences. Analyzes data to make valid sociological inferences. Analyzes data to make valid sociological inferences and cites specific instances of data to support them.
Analyze how laws or policies are applied to a diversity issue.
Does not describe how laws or policies are applied to a diversity issue. Describes how laws or policies are applied to a diversity issue. Analyzes how laws or policies are applied to a diversity issue. Analyzes how laws or policies are applied to a diversity issue and cites support from scholarly sources.
Apply strategies for addressing a cultural diversity issue.
Does not list strategies for addressing a cultural diversity issue. Lists strategies for addressing a cultural diversity issue. Applies strategies for addressing a cultural diversity issue. Analyzes strategies for addressing a cultural diversity issue.
Discuss personal characteristics or experiences that might account for feelings or reactions involving a diversity issue.
Does not list personal characteristics or experiences that might account for feelings or reactions involving a diversity issue. Lists personal characteristics or experiences that might account for feelings or reactions involving a diversity issue. Discusses personal characteristics or experiences that might account for feelings or reactions involving a diversity issue. Analyzes personal characteristics or experiences that might account for feelings or reactions involving a diversity issue.
Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format and with few errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Does not write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format. Does not use correct grammar, usage, and mechanics. Writes to support an idea. Format is inconsistent and contains major errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics. Writes coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format and with few errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics. Writes coherently, using evidence to support a central idea in a consistently appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.
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