week 2 health care

week 2 health care

How difficult is it to operationalize HICS? What are some of the challenges associated with HICS implementation?


What are some solutions to the identified challenges?
Who needs to be trained in HICS and why?
Should different staff receive different levels of training in HICS?
Week 2 – Readings
Reilly, M., &Markenson, D. S. (2010). Health Care Emergency Management: Principles and Practice

Chapter 2: Introduction to Hospital and Healthcare Emergency Management
Chapter 9: Functional Roles of Hospital Workers in Disasters and Public Health Emergencies
Reilly, M., &Markenson, D. S. (2009). Education and training of hospital workers: Who are essential personnel during a disaster?Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 24(3), 239-245.

education and training of hospital workers – who are essential personnel during a disaster.pdf
Jensen, J. and Waugh, W. L. (2014), The United States’ Experience with the Incident Command System: What We Think We Know and What We Need to Know More About. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 22: 5–17. doi: 10.1111/1468-5973.12034

The United States’ Experience.pdf

Tags: healthcare DMM

HIM450 Selecting a Clinic Site

HIM450 Selecting a Clinic Site

Selecting a Clinic Site


By Day 1 of Week One, your instructor will assign each student an option, and this option will be used for at least one of the weekly assignments and the Final Project. Your healthcare organization has charged you as project manager for establishing a new clinic. Using real estate available in your area, identify three potential sites for your new assigned clinic. When deciding on a site to locate a clinic, four key considerations are: convenience, ease of access, connections to the community, and visibility. Using these factors and two additional factors of your choice, develop a model for selecting the ideal site for your clinic. Summarize why you selected the site. Include in your report a comparison of the three sites and include at a minimum:

Site location/address
URL for the site
Square footage of the site
Monthly rent
Cost per square foot
A minimum of six factors for selecting the site
Recommendation and rationale for site.
Second Part of the assignment

Sunnyvale Clinic Visit Forecast and Start-Up Costs
In this assignment, you need to prepare the following information:

Using the information for your assigned option, calculate the patient visits for the next three years and prepare a line chart (See embedded Final Project file). The line chart should include a chart title, the X and Y-axis title, and the projected patient visits forecasted.
Assuming the renovation cost is $100 per square foot, estimate the construction cost for the new clinic site [$100 times the square footage]. Assume the renovation will take three months and you need to prepare the budget for the renovation, including the three months of rent. What is the cost of the renovation and three months of rent? Show all work.
Using the Final Project Assumptions Template (available in the online classroom), estimate the start-up costs for the clinic. Start-up costs include the renovations, rent during renovation, and capital costs.

Healthcare Reimbursement and Expenditures

Healthcare Reimbursement and Expenditures

Answer the questions below. Your responses to the items below should be thorough, well-conceived college-level


responses that are grammatically correct. Please write your answers in complete sentences. Justify your responses with facts and details from your reading assignment and other credible sources as needed. Provide examples as required.


How are private and public reimbursement systems different? An appropriate response for this question is one to two paragraphs. Provide an example of a form of public and private reimbursement.
What are three drivers of healthcare expenditures? Briefly describe each driver. An appropriate response for this question is one to two paragraphs.
Summarize the impact of the ACA healthcare financing provisions on the following:
Medicaid expansion
Health insurance exchanges
Penalties and taxes
An appropriate response for each part of this question is one to two sentences.
Interpret the impact of each of the following on the potential reimbursement for healthcare suppliers:
Accountable Care Organization Model
Hospital value-based purchasing program
Bundled payments for care improvement initiatives
An appropriate response is one paragraph for each part of this question.
Each question is worth 25 points.

Healthcare Plan HMO PPO Traditional Indemnity

Healthcare Plan HMO PPO Traditional Indemnity

What is the plan year (effective dates)?


Is your plan an HMO, PPO, traditional indemnity or other type of plan? How do you know this; where did you find this information?
Where does a co-pay apply within your coverage? How does co-pay impact your decision to access healthcare?
What is a deductible, in your policy what is your deductible?
Where does co-insurance apply within your coverage? How is co-insurance different from co-pay?
Are you required to identify a PCP when you enroll (a “gatekeeper” model)?
Where does pre-certification or pre-authorization apply within your coverage? How does this requirement impact your decision to access healthcare?
Describe the use of a formulary when a policy has pharmacy benefits, does your coverage provide this service?
What (if any) wellness benefits are covered in your plan?
What is meant when a policy has “out of network” stipulations, does this impact your decision to access healthcare?

External Factors Influencing Healthcare

External Factors Influencing Healthcare

External factors play into healthcare strategy and execution.


What is the most important external factor influencing the healthcare industry at this time and why? Must be objective. Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing 2 sources referenced. 350 words

SPO Model of Healthcare Quality Structural Characteristics

SPO Model of Healthcare Quality Structural Characteristics

S-P-O Model of Healthcare Quality


You have studied Donabedian’s structure-process-outcome (S-P-O) model (Kelly, 2017) of healthcare quality in your textbook readings. Based on your reading, respond to the following:

  • Analyze and evaluate how quality is defined, measured, and reported with regards to the S-P-O model.
  • What structural characteristics of the S-P-O model do you think are necessary in creating an effective and efficient process? Why?
  • Does evidence-based medicine play a role in the S-P-O model and quality outcomes of care? Justify using examples.


Ayanian, J. Z., & Markel, H. (2016). Donabedian’s lasting framework for health care quality. The New England Journal of Medicine, 375(3), 205-207. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.southuniversity.libpro…

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Submission Details:

  • Your initial posting should be addressed at 300-500 words. Submit your document to this Discussion Areaby the due date assigned of this Week. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format.
  • Respond to your peers throughout the Week. Justify your answers with examples, research, and reasoning. Follow up posts need to be submitted by the end of this Week.
  • Use the following rubric as a guide to complete your discussion responses.

Timeline Health Insurance and Managed Care in the US

Timeline Health Insurance and Managed Care in the US

I have 7 question that I need you to answer them.I have 7 question that I need you to answer them.I have 7 question that I need you to answer them.


Challenges Facing Healthcare

Challenges Facing Healthcare

In a three- to five-page paper:


Describe a minimum of five challenges from the list below that are defining the future strategic direction of health care.
Proposed health care reform and legislation
Information technology advancements such as the electronic medical record (EMR)/ electronic health record (EHR)
Accreditation, quality of healthcare, and organizational compliance
Economics, including third party payers, future funding, rising costs, the Medicare and Medicaid programs
Access to health care including the uninsured and those in the poverty levels
Public entities in controlling the demand aspects of health service
Market shares and advancing age of population
Maintaining a skilled workforce
Pay for performance
Describe how an organization can adapt its direction and strategies to effectively address these challenges.
Your paper must be three to five double-spaced pages (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. Utilize a minimum of two scholarly sources that were published within the last five y

Course Project 5A

Course Project 5A

Please prepare a one (1) to two (2) page reflective analysis paper to explain how you have demonstrated mastery of


the principles of healthcare administration along the continuum of care. Note: This is NOT a recap of the assignments. Your paper should reflect how you will APPLY these skills in your role as a healthcare administrator. Your paper must discuss the course work from the following courses:

HCA330 Long Term Care Across the Continuum
The purpose of this paper is to synthesize your learning experiences and demonstrate mastery of this information. Consider primarily your course projects, clinical experiences, and practice when you write your analysis. Your examples from these classes should include your course project. Be sure to explain how the topic is related to your coursework.

Your paper should include an introduction, body containing supporting evidence, and a conclusion. Additionally, discuss how your perceptions and thought process has changed as a result of the coursework. The paper should represent college level writing and be free of grammatical errors.

Course Project 5B

Course Project 5B


Please prepare a one (1) to two (2) page reflective analysis paper to explain how you have demonstrated mastery of the role of the healthcare administrator by applying skills, values, and knowledge from the coursework to professional practice experiencesNote: This is NOT a recap of the assignments. Your paper should reflect how you will APPLY these skills in your role as a healthcare administrator. Your paper must discuss the course work from the following courses:

  • HCA320 and HCA 480 or LTC 320/480 Exernships – Journals
  • HCA422 Managing Crisis in Community Settings

The purpose of this paper is to synthesize your learning experiences and demonstrate mastery of this information. Consider primarily your course projects, clinical experiences, and practice when you write your analysis. Your examples from these classes should include your course project. Be sure to explain how the topic is related to your coursework.

Your paper should include an introduction, body containing supporting evidence, and a conclusion. Additionally, discuss how your perceptions and thought process has changed as a result of the coursework. The paper should represent college level writing and be free of grammatical errors.