paragraph 1

paragraph 1

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in case of another source.


If I was going to adopt a new procedure for my hospital, the first thing I would do, is check to make sure it was going to be within my scope of practice. It is important to make sure we are not practicing under or over our scope. Every nurse should know the Nursing Practice Act (NPA) and be aware of other laws and rules that govern nursing practice. The NPA is the most important legislation affecting nursing. It defines the scope of practice for specific nursing roles and gives nurses the legal authority to practice within their scope (McDaniel, 2014). Another excellent source for nurses to use, is their local Board of Nursing. The Board of Nursing is specific to each state and goes into more detail as to what we can and can’t do within our practice. Some BONs publish periodic newsletters that are available on their websites and contain information about changes to their statutes. Whenever a BON makes a change to rules and regulations, public hearing notices must be posted. (Hartigan, 2016). According to Hartigan, is imperative we ask ourselves a few questions before embarking on new procedures or adopting new polices at our place of work. Do you possess the requisite knowledge, clinical skills, abilities, and judgments to safely and effectively perform this activity/role/ task/procedure/intervention based on your prelicensure educational program, postgraduate program, or continuing education program? Is this education documented? (2016). Once I was sure this procedure was appropriate to my scope of practice, I would take the idea to leadership and collaborate on how to bring the idea forward to physicians and other disciplines. In summary, nurses must work smart we have gone through too much to get our license to lose it for practicing outside of our scope.


Hartigan, C. (2016). Scope of Practice. Critical Care Nurse, 36(5), 70-72. doi:10.4037/ccn2016325McDaniel, R. (2014). Know Your Nursing Practice Act. Missouri State Board Of Nursing Newsletter, 16(1), 1-6.

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 2

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in case of another source.


Many factors go into the process of discovering if a new procedure falls into one’s scope of nursing practice. The ANA develops a solid base for nurses to determine what is their scope of practice. In other words, can we do this new procedure that this physician has asked me to do? If so what process does it take to determine yes or no and how would we introduce it to our peers?

The ANA over views standards for nursing care. They outline the scope of nursing practice describing it as services that are deemed competent for a specific nurse to perform falling under the terms of their specific license.

The first step in the process would be determining who would be doing the procedure/task, would it be an RN or Advanced practice RN . In this case their licenses are different and are legally allowed and trained to participate in different skills and procedures. Next step would be determining what exactly the procedure entailed, as nurses we are allowed to do procedures that protect, promote and optimize health for our patients, and optimize their abilities. We are allowed to treat our patients specific to doctor’s orders. We are expected to perform procedures that will only promote health and prevent illness, where no harm will be done to the individual, family or community. We must then determine where and when the procedures/ skills will be done, in our scope we can practice wherever a patient is in need of care in any setting appropriate (clinic, hospital, at home, as a home health nurse, school etc) and whenever a patient is in need. ( American Nurses Association, 2018)

After going through this process we must decide what our specific health care license qualifies us for as nurses by the state we live in. We must know our states Nurse practice act. Then, determine the laws and rules created by the states regulatory bodies that are intended to protect the public. This is what we as nurses are allowed to follow and act on. The Nurse practice act is updated annually and it sets the standard for our nursing scope of practice by mandating the Board of registered nurses to set out the responsibilities we have as an RN. (State of California, 2018)

After going through the process of figuring out if this falls under my scope of practice I would introduce it by bringing it up in work meetings, trying to do in services on the floor for day and night shift. Getting my manager and assistant manager and upper management involved with the new procedure to pass along information on this new procedure.


American Nurses Association. “Scope of Nursing Practice”. 2018 . Retrieved from :… of California. Board of Registered Nurses. “Nursing Practice Act”. 2018. Retrieved from

Tags: nursing please help grand canyon university paragraph with your opinion

Paragraph 3 – Topic 4 DQ2

Paragraph 3 – Topic 4 DQ2

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in case of another source.



“Professional standards guidelines guarantee that we’re accountable for our clinical decisions and actions, and for maintaining competence during our career. They’re patient centered, support the best possible outcome, and minimize exposure to risk of harm.” (ANA, 2015). The American Nurses Association (ANA) Center for Ethics and Human Rights was established to help nurses navigate ethical and value conflicts, and life and death decisions, many of which are common to everyday practice (2015). According to the ANA, recommended steps for developing a standard of practice include the following:

Who? Identify numbers of nurses, professional organization/society, and educational preparation.

What? Explain the unique contributions of generalist and advanced practice registered nurses.

When? Determine when these specialty nurses are needed.

Where? Describe practice environments in sufficient detail to understand specialty practice.

Why? Determine what niche or gap is filled; the historical perspective of the development of the specialty; current issues and future trends in health care that point to the need for the specialty.

How? Identify the process to become this type of nurse specialist, including development through formal education, continuing education, and practice experiences. Address use of the nursing process and the Code of Ethics (2015).

In 1983, the first ANA published standards for school nursing practice were released, followed by five revisions. In 1998, the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) and the ANA began a co-publishing partnership for the standards of practice(Finnell, Nehringm, McLoughlin, Bickford, 2015). Other entities that might be involved in devolving standard of practice are local Board of Nursing chapters, specialty nursing organization, and employer’s policy and procedures.


American Nurses Association (ANA). (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Silver Spring, MD:

Finnell, D. S., Thomas, E. L., Nehring, W. M., McLoughlin, K. A., & Bickford, C. J. (2015). Best Practices for Developing Specialty Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice. Online Journal Of Issues In Nursing, 20(2), 1. doi:10.3912/OJIN.Vol20No02Man01

Paragraph 4 – Topic 4 DQ2

Paragraph 4 – Topic 4 DQ2

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in case of another source.


The two main entities that are involved in developing the standard of nursing care is the American Nurses Association and the Nurse Practice Act per state board of registered nurses. Although other entities work to uphold these standards of care such as individual hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and nursing schools. Standard of care is developed by the regulatory power of a board of nursing. The NPA looks over nurses that practice with a license to make sure they practice ethically and maintaining the standard of care set by the NPA. (Friberg and Creasia,2016).

The NPA forms the standard of care for nurses to protect the public by holding a nurse to a professional standard. State legislation delegates to law enforcement to regulate nursing standards of care. For nursing the delegation is to the board of registered nursing in each state. The BON makes the laws and regulations more specific to each state. They must be the same as the laws set by the NPA and cannot go beyond them. These laws and regulations go through a process where the public reviews them before becoming true laws. The standards of care in nursing are set to protect the public, to prevent any care being given that is not up to standard and to protect nurses by giving us boundaries in our care as professionals. (Nursing Council of State Boards of Nursing, 2018).


Friberg, E., Creasia, J. (2016). Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice. (6th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri Elsevier.
Nursing Council of State Boards of Nursing.”Nurse Practice Act, Rules and Regulations”. 2018. Rretrieved from :

i need help with my assignment

i need help with my assignment

Please review this articlePreview the document as it relates to those question and answer them with your own word.

Question 1


What is the purpose of the study?

Question 2

What is the Independent variable?:

Question 3

What is the dependent variable?:

Question 4

What ethical considerations were addressed by the researcher?

Question 5

What is the study design?

Question 6

How was the sample chosen, how was the sample size determined and what was the final sample?

Question 7

What is the study’s theoretical framework?

Question 8

How was data collected and what data was collected? Describe data collection in terms of variables?

Question 9

What type of analysis was used in the study to arrive at the results?

Question 10

Describe the results based on the purpose of the study (the hypothesis testing).

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 3

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in case of another source.


The scope of practice describes the procedures, actions, and processes that a healthcare practitioner is permitted to undertake in keeping with the terms of their professional license.

The Scope of Nursing Practice describes the “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” and “why” of nursing practice.

When it comes to investigating a new procedure, a systematic approach should be applied. It is very critical to determine whether a given procedure is within the nursing scope of practice before deciding to adopt or implement.

Some standard steps that must always be followed are based on the Nurse Practice Act, the ANA Standards of Practice, rights of patients, and safe nursing practice. According to Anderson (2013), determining if a new procedure is within the scope of nursing practice can be accomplished in three steps.

First, defining the issue, which means clarifying what exactly is being asked and what the new procedure entails. This step also includes gathering any additional information such as conducting a competency assessment to perform a task, as well as any previous experience, current knowledge and skill. Evidence-based practice and nursing research must also support the adoption of any new procedure.

Secondly, since evidence is not the only component, the Nurse Practice Act and the policies of the workplace must also be considered. Nurses may be limited by the facility policies/standards to perform certain tasks even though the tasks are allowed by the BON (Anderson, 2013). Likewise, nurses may not be legally permitted to perform certain tasks that are commonly performed in the facility. These policies can vary within the same state and even within the same facility. For instance, ICU nurses may be permitted to perform a certain procedure that nurses on the other unit are not.

Many states also have a set of rules to follow that help to determine whether task is within the scope of practice. Hence in the process of investigating a new procedure, I would review laws and other documents and follow institutional polices or the chain of command to make inquiries, as necessary. For example, if I learn that the BON permits nurses to perform the given procedure then the next step is to determine what conditions must be met in order to comply with the Board, such as additional training or education.

The final step, according to Anderson (2013), is decision-making. For a task/procedure to be within the scope of nursing practice, it must be consistent with the Nurse Practice Act, institutional polices, and supported by research or professional organization. Most significantly, the primary concern must always be safe environment and patient care (Anderson, 2013). Before introducing and implementing the new procedure, research of evidence-based guidelines, literature from professional organizations, and other resources must be reviewed to determine whether the procedure will result in improved patient outcomes.

The competency, knowledge, and experience with the procedure must also be taken into consideration to determine if additional training may be necessary. If any training is required, then a plan must be made of what the training should entail, how long it will take, along with other details such as when and where.

When it is time to introduce the new procedure, I will have to be prepared to be a leader and an expert in the change process. (Seagraves, 2009, p.19).

To reduce the possibility of resistance it is also important to share with the staff the research findings about the procedure and receive feedback, thereby gaining support.


Anderson, L. (2013). Understanding the different scopes of nursing practice.

Seagraves, K. (2009). How to be a catalyst for Change. Nursing2009: December 2009 – Volume 39 – Issue 12 – p. 18-19 doi: 10.1097/01. NURSE. 0000365017.08493.08

Topic 4 DQ 2- Paragraph 5

Topic 4 DQ 2- Paragraph 5

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in case of another source.



The following is the process for developing nursing standards of practice:

Assessment: The registered nurse collects comprehensive data about patient’s health.

Diagnoses: the registered nurse analyzes the assessment data to determine the diagnoses or the issues.

Outcome Identification: The registered nurse identifies the expected outcomes for the patient’s plan of care.

Planning: The registered nurse develops the plan that authorizes strategies and a way to obtain the outcomes.

Implementation: The registered nurse implements theidentified plan.

Coordination of care: The registered nurse coordinates care delivery.

Consultation: The registered nurse provides consultation to control the identified plan and

effect change.

Perspective authority and power: The registered nurse uses rigid authority, procedures,

treatments, and therapy in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations.

Evaluation: The registered nurse evaluates progress towards fulfilment of outcomes.

Different entities might be involved in developing the Standard practice – American Nurses Association members are the first link in developing sources (American Nurses Association, 2014), The Department of Health Scope of Practice might be involved in the development of standards (“Scope of Practice,” 2014), State boards of nursing develop standards of care at the state level and enforce those standards. The American Nurse Credentialing Center (ANCC) work on the national level.

Professional specialty nursing organizations, Educational Institutions, State Boards of Nursing and other governmental agencies develop standards of care. The American Nurses Association and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization (JCAHO) recognize standards of care. Federal and state laws, rules and regulations and other professional/organizations help define standards of practice. The ANA and Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization (JCAHO) establish nationally recognized standards of care.


American Nurses Association: Professional Standards (2014). Retrieved from

Tags: nursing please help grand canyon university paragraph with your opinion

Workflow Redesign

Workflow Redesign

Current-state workflow models and gap analyses often reveal workflow issues and inefficiencies. These issues and


inefficiencies (gaps) help nurse informaticists determine possible directions for improvements and revisions. These possibilities help inform the creation of a future-state workflow, in which the gaps in the current-state workflow are addressed.

In Part 3 of the Course Project, you will apply what you have learned about workflow throughout this course by redesigning the current-state workflow. Using the information obtained from your gap analysis and current-state workflow model, you will create a future-state workflow model that provides a solution to the workflow issues you have identified. Your future-state workflow model MUST be tied to meaningful use and, therefore, MUST involve either implementing a new electronic health record (EHR) or revising an existing EHR.

To prepare for Part 3 of the Course Project:

Review the results of your gap analysis and your Visio model of the current-state workflow (Part 2 of the Course Project).
Reflect on the most significant issue revealed by your gap analysis and Visio workflow model. Identify possible EHR-related solutions to this workflow issue.
Select one solution that relates to EHRs and meaningful use.
Begin developing a new Visio workflow model that incorporates the solution you selected. This model does not need to be extremely complicated, but it must clearly show how your EHR solution fits into the workflow.
Outline a use case that illustrates the details of each step in your future-state workflow in a real-world scenario.
Consider the organizational changes that would be necessary to make the transition from the current-state to the future-state workflow. For example, how would organizational and departmental buy-in be obtained, and how would training and support for staff be provided?
Examine possible implementation strategies for integrating your redesigned workflow into the current workflow.
To complete Part 3 of the Course Project:

Create a Visio model of the future-state workflow, clearly illustrating the solution you would implement to address the gaps in the current-state workflow.
Then, in a 3- to 4-page paper, respond to the following:
Explain the proposed solution you selected, how it addresses the major gap you identified in the current-state workflow, and how it is related to meaningful use.
Create a detailed use case of a real-world scenario that shows the steps of the future-state workflow you developed.
Outline the major steps and organizational changes that would be necessary to transition from the current-state to the future-state workflow.
Explain one potential implementation strategy that would be useful for this project. Justify the strategy’s appropriateness for your workflow and practice setting.
In a reference list, cite a minimum of three scholarly references (with APA citations) that you used to identify your solution, write your use case, and outline the organizational process for transitioning from the current to the future state.

Assessment 3 Patient Discharge Care Planning

Assessment 3 Patient Discharge Care Planning

Prepare a written analysis of key issues, 6–7 pages in length, applicable to the development of an effective patient discharge care plan.


Health care organizations determine outcomes by how patient information is collected, analyzed, and presented, and nurse leaders are taking the lead in using HIT to bridge the gaps in care coordination.

This assessment provides an opportunity for you to analyze the effects of HIT support, data reporting, and EHR data collection on effective care planning.
Assessment Instructions
Marta Rodriguez, a student, recently moved from New Mexico to Nevada to live with her aunt and uncle and was enrolled as a freshman in college. While attending her first semester, Marta was involved in a hit-and-run car accident. She was transported to the nearest shock trauma center where she spent the next four weeks undergoing multiple surgeries and antibiotic treatment for a systemic infection. Spanish is Marta’s first language and English is her second. Marta has a student health insurance plan.

You are the senior care coordinator overseeing Marta’s care. You will be presenting her case to the interdisciplinary team members who are caring for Marta at an upcoming meeting to consider key aspects of a successful and safe discharge care plan for her. You are expected to lead the discussion, focusing on the role of informatics in effective discharge care planning and have decided to prepare an analysis of key issues for team members to consider, which you will distribute to the attendees for review prior to the meeting.

Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft analysis to Smarthinking for feedback before you submit the final version for this assessment. However, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback, if you plan on using this free service.

Analyze key issues for consideration at the discharge planning meeting. Determine the effects of HIT support, data reporting, and EHR data collection on effective care planning.

Written Analysis Format and Length
Format your written analysis using APA style.

Use the APA Style Paper Template, linked in the Required Resources. An APA Style Paper Tutorial is also provided (linked in the Suggested Resources) to help you in writing and formatting your analysis. Be sure to include:
A title page and reference page. An abstract is not required.
A running head on all pages.
Appropriate section headings.
Apply APA formatting to all in-text citations and references.
Your analysis should be 6–7 pages in length, not including the title page and references page.
Supporting Evidence
Cite at least 8 sources of credible scholarly or professional evidence to support your analysis.
Analyzing Key Issues
Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your analysis addresses each point, at a minimum. You may also want to read the Patient Discharge Care Planning Scoring Guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.

Explain how the interprofessional team will use HIT to provide a longitudinal, patient-centered care plan across the continuum of care, to support Marta in the discharge planning process.
What HIT elements will the team members use and why?
How will the use of these elements support the coordination of care for this patient?
Describe at least three ways in which data reporting specific to client behaviors can shape care coordination, care management, clinical efficiency, and interprofessional innovation in care.
How would you evaluate the quality of the data?
Explain how information collected from client records can be used to positively influence health outcomes.
How will the interprofessional team members coordinate their individual findings in the collaborative use of HIT?
Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar and mechanics.
Express your main points and conclusions coherently.
Proofread your writing to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your needs assessment.
Support main points, claims, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.
Is your supporting evidence clear and explicit?
How or why does particular evidence support a claim?
Will your audience see the connection?
Additional Requirements
Be sure that you have used the APA Style Paper Template to format your analysis and that your document includes:

A title page and references page.
A running head on all pages.
Appropriate section headings.
In addition, be sure that:

Your analysis is approximately 6–7 pages in length, not including the title page and references page.
You have cited at least 8 sources of relevant and credible scholarly or professional evidence to su

Nursing Discussion

Nursing Discussion

Running head: PICOT QUESTION 1 PICOT statement PICOT QUESTION 2 PICOT Question A PICOT is a consistent


technique for establishing subject researchable queries and a sound PICOT makes the procedure of locating and assessing proof simpler (Northern Arizona University, 2018). Generally, a PICOT formats stands for (P) population and problem, (I) intervention, (c) comparison, (O) outcome, and (T) time frame. Problem / Population Shortage of clinical care providers in the United States causing large number of unattended patients, which affect clinical care outcome Intervention / Indicator Joining hands with nursing institutions in order to train nurses while getting their services in a mutual beneficial manner and promotion of self-care Comparison / Control The number of attended patients and recovery time before joining hands with nursing institutions and promoting self-care Outcomes Increased number of attended patients in the shortest time possible and improved patient recovery Time Frame Shortest time possible Question In clinical provider shortages, does self-care promotion and joining hands with nursing institutions, compared to before implementation of the intervention, increase patient recovery and the number of patients attended in the shortest time possible? PICOT QUESTION 3 Reference List Northern Arizona University, (2018). Ask: write a focused clinical question. Retrieved from:
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