Topic 1 DQ1- Paragraph 1

Topic 1 DQ1- Paragraph 1

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question.


My strongest characteristic from the list mentioned by Lake and Bayer is that I take control of my learning experiences by being responsible and active. I actively listen and research topics of interest and debate with people within my field to understand their stand with regard to the topic and how it differs from mine. I manage my time well so I can control both my personal and professional life well. These characteristic would help me with my studies in nursing as I can actively learn in the evolving profession. I can actively look out for what’s changing within the profession and question why it’s needed. It would help me to achieve the professional identity that I seek and help me develop in my profession.


Lake, A., & Baeyer, C. (2005). Tips for Successful Students. Retrieved May 7, 2018, from

Tags: nursing paragraph please help grand canyon university

Topic 1 DQ 1 Paragraph 2

Topic 1 DQ 1 Paragraph 2

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question.


The strongest characteristic I believe I have from the ones mentioned in the Lecture is that of carrying a significant level of individual responsibility and accountability. Part of that responsibility, how the Lake and Von Baeyer article discusses, involves being able to explore your understanding of actions affecting learning. I feel this characteristic to be true for me because with anything I do personally and professionally I like to explore my feelings before engaging. This is something I do very well. I consider any ill feelings that can potentially cause actions and behaviors that can create barriers in learning for me. Of course we are humans, there were times where I needed to hold myself accountable for unwanted outcomes. All of it is part of the process in becoming a successful student. Becoming a successful student begins with possessing the right mindset and understanding actions affect learning. If one initially goes in with feelings of energy and enthusiasm, and manifests that mindset throughout their educational journey; then they have already set the foundation for successful learning. This is how I believe I will be successful in the program.

Topic 1 DQ 1 paragraph 3

Topic 1 DQ 1 paragraph 3

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question.


According to Lake and von Baeyer’s article “Tips for Successful Students”, my strongest characteristic is being responsible and active. I am active in my education by reviewing class materials. I plan my schedule according to deadlines and doing my assignments within a timely manner. I am responsible by taking school work seriously and not procrastinating. Procrastination leads to stress, bad grades and failures. Responsibility is rearranging schedules to make time for course work. Time allotted needs to be realistic so there is ample time for reading, studying, and assignments. This has always been a priority to me in order to succeed and not become overwhelmed.

Being active and responsible in my education will help me become a successful student in the BSN program at GCU, because it will help me focused on my school work. If I am focused, I am more successful! Good time management is a skill that is essential in nursing. Good time management will also mean success in school. By prioritizing, preparing, and organizing course material, I accept responsibility for my learning. Good patient assessment skills are actively listening, thinking, and questioning which I already do on a daily basis. By applying these same skills in this program, they will aid me in becoming a successful student.

Tags: nursing please help paragragh

Add more info to one of my sections

Add more info to one of my sections

How project bridged the gap between evidence and current practice Research has shown that orientation programs


are essential in integrating the new workers into the workforce (Mallonee, Fowler, & Istre, 2006, p. 357). As highlighted by the various researchers, new workers that lack an orientation program end up misplaced in the workplace, not knowing what to do. The orientation programs help to put them into place, regarding the workplace, where they are readily integrated into the work processes of the organization. Research also shows that the gap between evidence and current practice is widened by a lack of communication between the various parties (Mallonee, Fowler, & Istre, 2006, p. 358). As the graduate nurses come into the workplace, there is lack of proper communication channels to help them know exactly what they are supposed to do. This project helped bridge the gap between evidence and current practice by integrating the new graduate nurses into the workforce. Additionally, the project proposes the enactment and introduction of proper communication mechanisms in the workplace, which will help in the integration of the graduate nurses. The graduate nurses who previously had learned a lot of theory in nursing school were integrated into the workforce where they applied whatever they had learned in real life situations. As shown, the project helped acquaint the new graduate nurses into the workforce, thus bolstering their confidence and helping them have confidence in their skills and abilities. Specifically, the checklist that was part of the plan was effective in highlighting the specific strengths as well as weaknesses of the graduate nurses, thus providing a platform for helping those whose skills were weak as well as nurturing their strengths.
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Library Assignment: ​Critique a Research Article

Library Assignment: ​Critique a Research Article

A critique is a method of displaying a logical and organized analysis of a written or oral piece. Critique can provide


the readers with both positive and negative outcomes depending on the author. The purpose of this assignment is for the student to perform a critique on a research article that deals with today’s health issues. In this paper the student must be diligent at what the author are claiming, taking into account the research methods being utilized and look for pros and cons of the researcher’s outcomes.

The assignment must be a minimal of five pages, excluding references. The assignment must be strictly following APA guidelines, points will be deducted if otherwise. Do not use first person throughout the paper until the section called evaluate the paper. It will be divided in the following manner:


Provide an overview of the author’s research problem, research questions and main point including how the author supports his or her point.
Explain what the author initial objectives (hypothesis) and results including the process he or she used to arrive at such conclusion.
Evaluate the Research Methods: in paragraph form answer the following:

Does the author provide a literature review?
Is the research current and relevant to today existing health issues?
Describe the research type utilized?– experimental, non-experimental, quasi experimental, etc.
Evaluate the sample (size, composition, or in the way the sample was selected in relation to the purpose of the study? Was the sample appropriate for the research or was it bias?
How practicaldoes this work seem to you? How does the author suggest research results could be applied and how do youbelieve they could be applied?
Could the study have been improved in your opinion? If so provide how you think it could have improved.
Is the writingin the article clear straightforward?
Can further research be conducted on this subject? Explain
Conclusion: In your conclusion, try to synthesize the pieces of your critique to emphasize your own main points about the author’s work, relating the researcher’s work to your own knowledge or to topics being discussed in your course.

Reference Page: APA style, see rubric below


Abstract: Brief summary of article (1-2 paragraphs)

The Problem: (2 or 3 paragraphs)

Review of Literature: (1 -2 paragraphs)

Design and Procedures: (3-4 paragraphs)

Data analysis and Presentation: (1 – 2 paragraphs)

Conclusions and Implications: (2-3 paragraphs)

Nursing and Medical

Nursing and Medical

1.) Week 7: Our Future Leaders This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcome (CO). •


CO5 Apply improvement methods, based on data from the outcomes of care processes, to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of healthcare. (PO 8) In Huston’s (2010) brief, but impressive article (required reading this week), the author outlines several leadership competencies that EVERY nurse leader will need for 2020. That year is not too far in the future, is it? 1. Select one of the eight leadership competencies Huston described and relate it to your own leadership of nurses and nursing. This should promote a robust discussion as we come from different clinical and nonclinical perspectives. 2. Discuss how the BSN-prepared nurse can assist a nurse leader in the budgeting process by contributing data readily available to the staff nurse. Huston, C. (2010). What skills will the nurse leaders of 2020 need? (2010). Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand, 16(6), 14–15. Retrieved from https://web-b-ebscohost- (I attached this). Answer: 2.) Week 7: Health Federal Bills in Congress This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcome (CO). • CO7 Integrates the professional role of leader, teacher, communicator, and manager of care to plan cost-effective, quality healthcare to consumers in structured and unstructured settings. (PO 7) There is much attention on federal health care policy and law. Health Bills: provides a list of federal bills that are currently in process in Congressional Committees. Go to Choose a health-related federal bill of interest to you. Read through the bill and post a summary in your own words. Include the bill number and name. • • How might this bill impact professional nursing practice standards if passed? If not passed? How might the bill impact your own nursing practice? Answer: EBSCOhost 6/12/18, 7)09 PM Record: 1 Title: Preparing nurse leaders for 2020. Authors: HUSTON, CAROL Source: Journal of Nursing Management. Nov2008, Vol. 16 Issue 8, p905911. 7p. 1 Chart. Document Type: Article Subjects: MEDICAL care NURSING PUBLIC health NURSING education MEDICAL education Author-Supplied Keywords: future leadership leadership succession management nurse leadership competencies year 2020 Abstract: Aim: This article highlights eight leadership competencies likely to be an essential part of the nurse leader’s repertoire in 2020. Background: Planning for the future is difficult, even when environments are relatively static. When environments are dynamic, the challenges multiply exponentially. Unfortunately, few environments have been more unpredictable in the 21st century than health care. The healthcare system is in chaos, as is much of the business world. It is critical then that contemporary nursing and healthcare leaders identify skill sets that will be needed by nurse leaders in 2020 and begin now to create the educational models and management development programs necessary to assure these skills are present. Results: Essential nurse leader competencies for 2020 include: (i) A global perspective or mindset regarding healthcare and professional nursing issues. (ii) Technology skills which facilitate mobility and portability of relationships, interactions, and operational processes. (iii) Expert decision-making skills rooted in empirical science. (iv) The ability to create organization cultures that permeate quality healthcare and patient/worker safety. (v) Understanding and appropriately…2540sessionmgr4008%26bdata%3dJnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%253d%253d Page 1 of 2 EBSCOhost 6/12/18, 7)09 PM intervening in political processes. (vi) Highly developed collaborative and team building skills. (vii) The ability to balance authenticity and performance expectations. (viii) Being able to envision and proactively adapt to a healthcare system characterized by rapid change and chaos. Conclusions: Nursing education programmes and healthcare organizations must be begin now to prepare nurses to be effective leaders in 2020. This will require the formal education and training that are a part of most management development programmes as well as a development of appropriate attitudes through social learning. Proactive succession planning will also be key to having nurse leaders who can respond effectively to the new challenges and opportunities that will be presented to them in 2020. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Journal of Nursing Management is the property of Wiley-Blackwell and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder’s express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.) ISSN: 0966-0429 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2008.00942.x Accession Number: 35481375 Database: Consumer Health Complete – EBSCOhost…2540sessionmgr4008%26bdata%3dJnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%253d%253d Page 2 of 2
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Critique a Qualitative Research paper

Critique a Qualitative Research paper

Qualitative research critique. 3 pages.


Topic 1 DQ 2

Topic 1 DQ 2

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question.



Health Education plays an important role when formulating programs that will involve both patient and their respctive families. Typically, it requires health care providers to use a systematic approach when generating these educational programs. One requirement would be to assure that the individuals involved in the articulation of these programs are well trained to do so. For Instance, making sure that the following elements are covered:

Focusing on need to know content and omitting unnecessary information.
Explaining to participants what new information or skill they’re learning.
Guide trainers in choosing appropiate learning methods to enhance patient’s learning.
Assist trainers in designing appropriate assessment and evaluation tools that accurately reflect curriculum.
Once Healthcare providers have clearly outlined specific knowledge, information, attitudes, and skills that participants are expected to gain then they can proceed with construction of learning objectives. The learning objectives should be clear, conscise and include the following components: audience, behavior, standard and condition. For better maximization of objectives, healthcare providers should also consider the three different components of learning: cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Usage of all these tools, enables heath providers to develop more holistic and comprehensive objectives which therefore creates effective educational programs.


International Training & Education Center for Health. (2010). I-Tech Technical Implementation # 4: Writing Good Learning Objectives. Retrieved on June 11, 2018 from

Topic 1 DQ 2

Topic 1 DQ 2

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question.



When addressing the, “Guideline for Writing Learning Objectives.” How will I articulate the objective for both patient and family?

What are my goals in patient and family education. The need to identify any learning barriers. What are my desire outcome? Do I have short term and long-term goal for my patient and family?

Any nurse even with the best intentions may fall short if learning objectives are not realistic.

Example of this would be.

Today I have been assigned a patient who had an artificial knee replacement this morning.

The first concern would be to address the management of pain. The patient is on a PCA pump for the first 12 hours. The nurse should educate for the patient to manage the pain by either using the PCA pump as needed. Educate the patient that they will not be over medication as the pump is program to lock them out if the attempt to medicate themselves excessively. The patient should try to ambulate as some as possible which would reduce to change of blood clots and promote the bowel movements.

My desired short-term goal is to have the patient rate their pain less than 5 on the pain scale for the first 24 hours. Have them ambulate to the bathroom within the first 12 hours post-op. The patient should have a bowel movement within the first 24 hours. Those are for measurable outcomes for my patient. I have now address that the patient is hard of hearing which causes a learning barrier, but can read lips and enjoys reading. I will make sure I am facing him when speaking and alert all disciplines to do so as well. I will also provide written instruction.

Topic 1 DQ 2

Topic 1 DQ 2

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question.


Patient and family education plays an important role in patient care. If the patient doesn’t understand their illness, which can be life changing, then they need to have family involved to help them with their cares so that they will not have to be readmitted to the hospital. Today, the patients family plays a vital role in continuing health but most importantly, the family members who live together. They help the patient remember to take important medications and appropriate measurements daily. As well as helping the patients to make the correct lifestyle choices that they need to stay healthy.

Educational pamphlets should be readily available to present to the patient to read, as well as their family members. There are some details that should be kept in mind while these pamphlets are being written. The Material needs to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Reasonable, and time-bound) which allows the patient to achieve a clear-cut goal in a perceived attainable time frame. The materials should be Evidence-based to show the best available outcome. The material needs to be written in a grade level between six and eight. This is because, most of the population has a lower level of reading and comprehension so the material needs to be written in a way that the lay population can understand. Consider using visual aids such as pictures and charts or graphs to help achieve higher rates of understanding. Don’t jump around from idea to idea, and limit the number of messages so that the reader does not feel overwhelmed with information.

How to Create Effective Written Patient Learning Materials. (2008). Retrieved June 12, 2018, from…