
Course Project 2

Course Project 2

Please prepare a one (1) to two (2) page reflective analysis paper to explain how you have demonstrated mastery of


legal and ethical standards of healthcare practice in a variety of healthcare settings and situations including HIPAA. Your paper must discuss the coursework from the following courses: (Note: this is NOT a summary of these assignments but instead an application of what you learned from these assignments)

HCA300 Healthcare Administration – Administrator Interview Paper/ or Professional Communications
HCA305 Legal Aspects of Healthcare Administration – Case Study Assignments
HCA400 Course Paper: The Role of Health Information Systems (HIS) Professional/ or Implementation of an EHR system.
HCA410 Human Resource Management in Healthcare – Specialty Paper – Healthcare Professional/or Course Project on developing job description through progressive discipline.
HCA310 Healthcare Administration Ethics – Ethics Application Paper/or Ethics Training Course.
The purpose of this paper is to synthesize your learning experiences and demonstrate mastery of this information. Consider primarily your course projects, clinical experiences, and practice when you write your analysis. Your examples from these classes should include your course project. Be sure to explain how the topic is related to your coursework.

Your paper should include an introduction, body containing supporting evidence, and a conclusion. Additionally, discuss how your perceptions and thought process has changed as a result of the coursework. The paper should represent college-level writing and be free of grammatical errors.

Once you have written your reflective analysis, please zip this file along with your course project documents from the courses listed above. Please be sure to submit your course project files from the courses listed above as this is a requirement and points will be deducted from your paper if they are not received. Refer to the Course Project page, located in the Course Information for complete requirements.

Course Project 2

Course Project 2

Running head: REFLECTIVE ANALYSIS 1 Reflective Analysis Paper Dhruvisha Patel ECPI University 12/19/18


REFLECTIVE ANALYSIS 2 Introduction Data analysis encounters can frequently be an overwhelming method for conducting research yet they can likewise be satisfying. I have had direct experience leading data analysis for current epidemiologic, economic, population, and healthcare trends, and keeping in mind that it was a by and large charming knowledge, I made various missteps amid the procedure. In any case, I adapted some important exercises because of this as well. Amid data analysis, I progressively understood that it was essential to fuse essential data analysis into my study, but since of an absence of data on my subject, I made utilization of different wellsprings of subjective data to approve my findings. The principal course that I learned was HCA320 Externship Journals or LTC320 Externship Journals. The course was by and large semi-organized in nature. It tends to be noticed this is the best data analysis since it permits adaptability and subsequently, boosts reaction rates of current epidemiologic, economic, population, and healthcare trends. Amid my data analysis with the course, I didn’t generally draft formal data analysis, yet I ensured that I knew about the subject so I could serenely build up a characteristic rapport with the topics covered. In another course the HCA480 Externship Journals or LTC480 Externship Journals, I found that data analysis gave evasive answers on account of current epidemiologic, economic, population, and healthcare trends delicate nature of a portion of the result presented. I felt especially aggravated on the grounds that the nonappearance of an account gadget implied I was not able to get hold of a verbatim record of my data analysis. Since I needed to record observational notes while connecting with the subjects, it was hard to record all the data and I missed out on some imperative points. I attempted to strike the balance amid note taking and a data analysis process; however, I observed this to be a troublesome undertaking. REFLECTIVE ANALYSIS 3 As referenced in the course HCA450 Public Health Community Needs Assessment Course Project or LTC330 Domains of Care Course Project, I found that individuals, in the wake of picking up their trust on the analysis done on the zones of their advantage, gave a lot of nuanced knowledge into my comprehension of Domains of Care Course Project, which was extremely valuable for my venture. The data analysis from the example aggregate was that as it may, not without confusions. The primary confusion related to my status, which I understood made a few points shifts running current epidemiologic, economic, population, and healthcare trends. In the wake of visiting the exploration themes constantly over some stretch of time, I turned out to be increasingly comfortable with subjects and in this way opened up to appreciating the data analysis. Conclusion Generally, data analysis was a challenging one that acquainted me with the iterative idea of hands-on fieldwork. It turned out to be progressively clear to me that in the field, nothing ever goes as conveniently as anticipated paper. I understood how basic both versatility and adaptability was in the field. Looking back, I would have arranged backup options for every part of my analysis, since at times I was totally thrown flat footed and needed to take a couple of days off to re-techniques. I lost a couple of significant days by doing this and on the off chance that I had dealt with my desires with more alert; I trust I would have been exceptionally arranged for the startling events in the field. On reflection, I would likewise have considered my positionality undeniably progressively important, as I never envisioned that the manner in which I was seen by others could influence my analysis.
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