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Recommendation for Practice – Summary of the Evidence Practice Paper


For this assignment you will identify an area of nursing practice in which you would like to make a change. You will initiate this inquiry by writing a PICOT question. Based on the question, you will develop a practice problem paper in which you define the problem you have identified, describe the prevalence of the problem, describe the significance of the problem to patients and nurses, and discuss how you plan to address the problem/make the practice change including the use of an evidence-based practice model and through a focused literature search, you will use knowledge gained in this assignment in preparation for your voice-over PowerPoint presentation at the end of the semester.

In order to support your argument you need to use at least 3 current references (within the past 5 – 8 years) from the professional literature. Include at least one interprofessional references. These references can come from professional journals and reputable websites (American Heart Association, March of Dimes and Center for Disease Control.

Evidence Paper

Evidence Paper

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction

1.5 pts
The presentation includes an introduction to a nursing problem or issue. The problem or issue is adequately defined and its significance described fully. Appropriate references are used to support the significance of the problem. These should be current and should include the three articles that you reviewed for the evidence table and three articles which are relevant to the problem.

1.0 pts
There is an identification of a nursing problem or issue, but it is not well defined and/or its significance is not well stated. The references used in the introduction include the 3 articles reviewed from the evidence table but the other references (3) are not from professional sources or not relevant to the topic.

0.0 pts
Central problem not identified.


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRecommendations for Practice/Research

5.0 pts
Specific recommendations for practice and research are made. The inclusion of an EBP model to guide the change process was clearly stated. The support for the recommendations is made clear.

2.5 pts
Recommendations for practice are not clearly described. The phases of an EBP model were not clearly stated and did not support the recommendations for practice change

0.0 pts
Recommendations may be present but is likely to be only a few lines of summary and no EBP model was described. Recommendations demonstrate serious inadequacy.


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGuideline/Policy/ Protocol

2.5 pts
The evidence and the recommendations are explored and supported by the evidence reviewed in the evidence table.

1.5 pts
There is some presentation of the evidence but the recommendation is not fully supported by the evidence reviewed in the evidence table.

0.0 pts
The recommendation for practice is not supported by the evidence reviewed in the evidence table.


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA/Grammar

1.0 pts
Demonstrates full control of APA format and style including proper citation format. Virtually free of sentence level errors: grammatical, typographical, and word

0.5 pts
Adequately adheres to APA forms and style including proper citation format, with likely deviations and lapses. May contain some consistent patterns of sentence level error: grammatical, typographical, and word choice. Pervasiveness of error does not impede comprehension.

0.0 pts
Presentation demonstrates serious inadequacy in APA/grammar


Total Points: 10.0

11 mins ago

REQUIREMENTSschool Nursing research school nuyrsing account_balance FAU bookmark NGR 6812-001: Nurs Rsrch Evidnc-Based Prac

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I need help with my assignment

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The need for palliative care for chronic diseases has increased to a greater extent in the recent days. One of the persistent maladies, which require the use of palliative care is end-stage cancer. This post considers whether the provision hospice care by a palliative care trained nurse enhances the quality of life in adult end-stage cancer patients in hospice care compared to hospice patients receiving care from nurses without palliative care, as self-reported by patients and families over a period of three months.

The PICOT elements are as follows:

Population: Adult end stage cancer patients in hospice care

Intervention: Receiving nursing care from a palliative care trained nurse

Comparison: One group receiving care from a nurse without palliative care training

Outcome: Enhance the quality of life as self-reported by patients and families

Time: Over a period of three months.

Proposed Research Design

The need for palliative care for chronic diseases has increased to a greater extent in the recent days.

The population is adult end-stage cancer patients.

One of the persistent maladies, which require the use of palliative care, is end-stage cancer in adults. Hospice care and palliative care are two distinct types. The type given to adult end-stage cancer patients and their families when all other cancer therapies have failed in controlling the disease is called hospice care. It offers physiological and spiritual support.

Intervention is the care that the patient’s receive.

In hospice care, the aim is to manage the pain and any other symptom so that patients should feel comfortable as much as possible at the end of life. At this care, the most significant need is to care rather than to cure, with the aim of not hastening the death of the patient or even its postponement. In this treatment, when the condition is seen to improve, or cancer is seen to go into remission, then the care can be stopped to allow the use of active treatment. Hospice care just makes sure that the aim of the therapy is changed (National cancer institute, 2018). On the hand, the goal of palliative care is to see an improvement in the quality life of the end stage cancer patient. Palliative care takes care of the patient as a whole, not just the condition. It aims to prevent and treat the symptoms or the side effects of the disease. The primary difference is that palliative care can begin at any stage while hospice care occurs when the curative care has not been successful (National cancer institute, 2018).


This paper considers patients who are under palliative care trained nurses compared to patients who did receive attention from nurses without palliative care training


This paper determines if palliative care trained nurses can enhance the life of an end-stage cancer patient in hospice care compared to patients who did receive attention from nurses without palliative care training.


Time frame was a period of 3 months that the patients were questioned.


This paper considers whether the provision hospice care by a palliative care trained nurse enhances the quality of life in adult end-stage cancer patients in hospice care compared to hospice patients receiving care from nurses without palliative care, as self-reported by patients and families over a period of three months.


The quantitative method of research gives room to measuring and examining data. This type of analysis helps in understanding the relationship that exists between dependent and independent variables. The reason why the qualitative method was suitable for this research is that of its objectivity. The technique is numerical, and the outcome cannot be that easily misinterpreted; therefore one can investigate the same situation to know about the investigation by the use of the same quantitative method also one can compare the results (Brians et al., 2011). Other than that quantitative method being more of a statistical way adds to it being the best method. In this method of research, the chance to use statistics is available. The forms of statistical information analysis are helpful to a great extent because they allow one to understand an extensive amount of essential characteristic of the data. Also, this method offers a fast way of data collection. Verifying data most quickly and efficiently in this set is something that is possible. With the utilization of statistically valid random models, an analysis is promptly generalized into the whole content (Health Research Funding, 2018). Also, there is a clear research question that forms the basis of the answers that are looked for in this method questioners, and even computer software can be used to collect numerical data (Brians et al., 2011).

Independent Variable

In the quantitative method, there is need of measuring, the concept that is under investigation, and the concept that is under investigation here is if the life of patients that was enhanced in hospice care by a palliative care trained nurse taking charge of their care was the independent variable. The aspect of success is a variable but cannot be measured. But the number of patients that saw the success of their life being enhanced in hospice care by palliative care trained nurse taking charge of their care is a measurable variable and therefore the number of patients that saw success was the variable. In this research, the number of patients who saw the befit and success in hospice care could be used as the basis for further studies like it is possible for government to make it mandatory to use palliative rained nurses in hospice care.


The type of quantitative design that was used in the research was descriptive design and patients were chosen randomly in the wards. In this type of research, current events are systematically documented or even other phenomena that can be directly measured. This type can take the form of questioners, polls, and surveys. Descriptive statistics like mean, median variance, and standard variation are used to summarize and also can be used to give a measurement of descriptive research (International Association for Dance Medicine and Science, 2011).

The sample size

For this study, a questioner was used to examine the 50 patients and their families on their perspective about their enhanced life in hospice care by palliative care trained nurse taking charge of their care (Centre for Innovation in Research and teaching, 2018).Quantitative research gathers data using structured research instruments while the results are characteristic of a larger sample size which are representative of the population (Brians et al., 2011).

Observation and scales

Over a period of 3 months, descriptive type of research was used to answer this PICOT question because with this type patients can be observed in a natural without interfering with their environment; a patient can be questioned without having them

disturbed in their hospital bed. Also, this inquiry can be used in future research because it identifies testable variables care (Centre for Innovation in Research and teaching, 2018).


Brians, Craig Leonard et al., (2011) “Empirical Political Analysis: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods”. 8th ed. Boston, MA: Longman

Centre for Innovation in Research and teaching (2018) “Advantages and Disadvantages of Descriptive” Retrieved from Research…

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i need help with my assignment

Please review this articlePreview the document as it relates to those question and answer them with your own word.

Question 1


What is the purpose of the study?

Question 2

What is the Independent variable?:

Question 3

What is the dependent variable?:

Question 4

What ethical considerations were addressed by the researcher?

Question 5

What is the study design?

Question 6

How was the sample chosen, how was the sample size determined and what was the final sample?

Question 7

What is the study’s theoretical framework?

Question 8

How was data collected and what data was collected? Describe data collection in terms of variables?

Question 9

What type of analysis was used in the study to arrive at the results?

Question 10

Describe the results based on the purpose of the study (the hypothesis testing).