
Topic 5 DQ 2

Topic 5 DQ 2

Explain the value that professional nursing organizations have in networking and in the legislative process. Provide a rationale for your response.

answer: 100-150 words, 1-2 references.


Topic 5 DQ 2

Topic 5 DQ 2

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question.


Federal and state laws require that certain individuals have an affirmative duty to report to a specified state agency when violence occurs against all populations. Nurses are listed in most mandatory reporting statutes. Child abuse and neglect, elder abuse and neglect, domestic violence are all part of the reporting statutes. (Brent, 2013). When a provider suspects domestic violence, child abuse or elder abuse there are many characteristics he/she will look for.

Physical abuse- unexplained bruises, lesions, psychologic disturbances, depression, low self-esteem.
Sexual abuse- post traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, school problems, aggression
Emotional abuse- anxiety, depression, agitation, social withdrawal, running away from home, eating disorder, drug and alcohol abuse, developmental delay
Child neglect- developmental delay, failure to thrive, poor hygiene
The procedure in this student’s facility is quite extensive and involves several agencies.

An abuse screening tool is used to assess and examine the patient and document any findings.
Any findings consistent with abuse are reported to a care management team, Department of Human Resources (DHS) or the police before discharge.
Photographs are taken only if required by collection of evidence.
If medical attention is needed at time of admission it will be provided first. Then the evaluation can be done (Salem Health [SH], 2018).

Topic 5 DQ 2

Topic 5 DQ 2

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question:


Part of the nurse’s assessment when providing end of life care should include understanding the patient’s wishes regarding death (Grand Canyon University, 2012). Advance directives are instructions given by the patient in the event they can no longer make decisions for themselves, at which time a representative will be appointed to carry out the patient’s decisions. Many elderly people want to die in their home although barriers such as a fear of death, family burden, poor discharge planning, and the patient’s condition can hinder the ability to make this possible (Imperial College London, n.d. )When care is coordinated, effective communication takes place, and the patient is supported by family and health care providers it is possible to make this last wish a reality. The nurse should document patient’s wishes as soon as possible to ensure a strong support system and early recognition of the need of end of life services. This will allow the coordination of services quickly and effectively.


Grand Canyon University. (2012). NRS-434 Lecture 5. Retrieved from

Imperial College London. (n.d.). The Last Peace. Retrieved from

Topic 5 DQ 2

Topic 5 DQ 2

Please Respond to the following post with a paragraph, add citations and references.


I feel labor and delivery is an area where statistics are used inappropriately. Cesarean section rates are a big percentage that is always talked about. According to the CDC, in New Mexico in 2016, the cesarean section rate was 24.8%. This is a very vague statistic because scheduled and repeat cesarean sections are often not included in these statistics. This skews the statistical data because a c-section is a c-section. We have had patients that choose one facility over another because of that facility’s c-section rate when it comes down to other variables such as weight, fetal position, cervical ripeness, and placental sufficiency. It is more appropriate to have an anticipated c-section rate and an unanticipated/emergent c-section rate.


Cesarean delivery rate by state. (2018). Retrieved from…

Tags: nursing topic

Topic 5 DQ 2

Topic 5 DQ 2

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references.


A statistic that sticks out to me is the claims that hand sanitizers or disinfectant were giving out to boost sales. Many of them claim to kill 99.9% of all germs which in fact there are so many germs that hand sanitizer cannot kill. This is just a marketing ploy to get you to buy the product. In small print on the back, it will list the germs that the product will actually kill so the statistic is used to confuse people to buy their product. Another way that it is used wrong is when its listed that the disinfectant kills germs in 30 seconds, when they don’t kill every germ in 30 seconds. Only a couple of the germs are killed in that span, while others may require 5 or 10 minutes of contact time to be killed (Nyco, 2018). The FDA intervenes when companies make claims about their products and they feel they have gone too far, like with First Aid Antiseptic/Pain Relieving Gel and CleanWell Company’s all-Natural Foaming hand sanitizer (Wong, 2018). Those products gave consumers a false sense of protection and it is important that we know how to break down statistical claims to keep ourselves, our family, and patients safe.


Nyco. (2018). What does the phrase “kills 99.9 % of germs” really mean? Retrieved from…

Wong, S. (2018). They claimed what? 10 Products with outrageous marketing claims. Retrieved from Minyanville Media Inc website:…

Topic 5 DQ 2

Topic 5 DQ 2

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references


Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is a program where by we continually ask ourselves, “How are we doing and what could we be doing better? (NCCHC 2019) CQI was implemented at my institution about 20 years ago and has been continued in multiple different programs, however the general principle remains the same. Health care is changing so rapidly that we must always be monitoring how we are providing our care as related to similar organizations in similar situations across the country. Health care institutions must balance the delivery of health care while promoting advocacy for both patients and staff, all the while following the rules and guidelines of CMS and JCAHO. This requires institutions to be more resourceful and efficient with delivery models for health care and CQI is one way to assess our processes for that delivery.

My organization is currently using the Malcolm Baldridge program for quality improvement. Administration has developed a strategic plan for the institution with five pillars (areas) of need for improvement. These pillars have key success factors under them that cascade down to the front line staff and can be affected by change at the front line level. Each pillar has under it goals for improvement and each manager has to develop a process change that can more the bar if you will in a positive direction. Each nurse manager is responsible for forming committees from front line staff and themselves in order to brainstorm ideas for change that will effect a positive result in how e deliver care to our patients. An example that has been implemented relates to the HCAHPS score related to quietness at night. We have developed a plan that requires turn down service, back rubs, sleeping medication administration, dimming lights in rooms and hallways, silencing IV pump and telemetry alarms as these go automatically to individual phone for nurses and turning phone ringers to vibrate where appropriate. As a result we have seen an improvement in our overall quietness at night HCAHPS scores throughout the organization. The Baldridge program requires continuous monitoring of these types of programs until the need for them is eliminated.


National Commission on Correctional Health Care. Continuous Quality Improvement. Retrieved from: https;//

Topic 5 DQ 2

Topic 5 DQ 2

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is a program where by we continually ask ourselves, “How are we doing and what could we be doing better? (NCCHC 2019) CQI was implemented at my institution about 20 years ago and has been continued in multiple different programs, however the general principle remains the same. Health care is changing so rapidly that we must always be monitoring how we are providing our care as related to similar organizations in similar situations across the country. Health care institutions must balance the delivery of health care while promoting advocacy for both patients and staff, all the while following the rules and guidelines of CMS and JCAHO. This requires institutions to be more resourceful and efficient with delivery models for health care and CQI is one way to assess our processes for that delivery.

My organization is currently using the Malcolm Baldridge program for quality improvement. Administration has developed a strategic plan for the institution with five pillars (areas) of need for improvement. These pillars have key success factors under them that cascade down to the front line staff and can be affected by change at the front line level. Each pillar has under it goals for improvement and each manager has to develop a process change that can more the bar if you will in a positive direction. Each nurse manager is responsible for forming committees from front line staff and themselves in order to brainstorm ideas for change that will effect a positive result in how e deliver care to our patients. An example that has been implemented relates to the HCAHPS score related to quietness at night. We have developed a plan that requires turn down service, back rubs, sleeping medication administration, dimming lights in rooms and hallways, silencing IV pump and telemetry alarms as these go automatically to individual phone for nurses and turning phone ringers to vibrate where appropriate. As a result we have seen an improvement in our overall quietness at night HCAHPS scores throughout the organization. The Baldridge program requires continuous monitoring of these types of programs until the need for them is eliminated.



National Commission on Correctional Health Care. Continuous Quality Improvement. Retrieved from: https;//