Paragraph 5

Paragraph 5

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and


references in alphabetical order in case of another source.

When a disaster happens, spirituality may be the only thing that the victims might have to hang on to, spirituality is very individualized. Spirituality is not tangible but comes from the core beliefs within the person. A couple of way that someone may either question their spirituality or suddenly gain spirituality. They could be grieving and ask why GOD would ever do this to anyone, is there really a higher being, or even blame themselves saying that GOD must be punishing them. With everyone having their own ways of belief or worship ways, it may be truly challenging for the nurse to help or even recognize the spiritual beliefs.

The community health nurse, can simply ask the person of their spirituality to gain some insight of them. No matter what their response, the community health nurse should not judge and remember that they might be going through the stages of grief during this trying time. Providing the spiritual support is helpful. If pastoral care is not available it could also use other victims, if they are stable, to show that support. This could be helpful to all that is included. When the community nurse is focused on helping those impacted by the event, they must not forget that they need to remember to think of taking care of themselves, spiritually as well.


Maurer, F., Smith, C. (2013). Community/Public Health Nursing, 5th edition. Elsevier Saunders. Missouri

DPI Project Proposal

DPI Project Proposal

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DPI Project Proposal Chapter 1 – Introduction to the Project
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Does Not Meet Expectations

Approaching Meeting Expectations

Meets Expectations

75.0 %Criteria

5.0 %Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION: This section briefly overviews the project focus or practice problem, states why the project is worth conducting, and describes how the project will be completed. (3-4 paragraphs or approximately 1 page)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

75.0 %Criteria

5.0 %Chapter 1: BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT: The background section of Chapter 1 explains both the history of and the present state of the problem and project focus. This section summarizes the Background section from Chapter 2. (2-3 paragraphs or approximately 1 page)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

75.0 %Criteria

10.0 %Chapter 1: PROBLEM STATEMENT: This section clearly states the problem or project focus, the population affected, and how the project will contribute to solving the problem. This section of Chapter 1 should be comprehensive yet simple, providing context for the practice project. This section is later summarized in Chapter 3. (3-4 paragraphs or approximately 1 page)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

75.0 %Criteria

10.0 %Chapter 1: PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: The purpose statement section provides a reflection of the problem statement and identifies how the project will be accomplished. It explains how the proposed project will contribute to the field. This section is summarized in Chapter 3. (2-3 paragraphs). The intervention must be clear within the purpose, and there must be a measurable patient/practice outcome.

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

75.0 %Criteria

10.0 %Chapter 1: CLINICAL QUESTIONS: This section narrows the focus of the project and specifies the clinical questions to address the problem statement. Based on the clinical questions, it describes the variables or groups and their hypothesized relationship for a quantitative project or the phenomena under investigation for a qualitative project. The clinical questions should be derived from, and are directly aligned with, the problem and purpose statements, methods, and data analyses. The Clinical Questions section of Chapter 1 will be presented again in Chapter 3 to provide clear continuity for the reader and to help frame the data analysis in Chapter 4. (2-3 paragraphs or approximately 1 page)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

75.0 %Criteria

5.0 %Chapter 1: ADVANCING SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE: This section specifically describes how the proposed project will advance population health outcomes on the topic. This advancement may be a small step forward in a line of current research. This section summarizes the Theoretical Foundations section from Chapter 2 by identifying the theory or model upon which the project is built. It also describes how the project will advance that theory or model. It also describes how the project will advance that theory or model. (2-3 paragraphs or approximately 1 page)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

75.0 %Criteria

5.0 %Chapter 1: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT: This section identifies and describes the significance of the project. It also discusses the implications of the potential results based on the project questions and problem statement, hypotheses, or the investigated phenomena. Further, it describes how the project fits within, and will contribute to, the current literature or body of research. Finally, it describes the potential practical applications from the project. This section is of particular importance because it justifies the need for, and the relevance of, the project. (3-4 paragraphs)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are

HIV/AIDS prevention, transmission, education

HIV/AIDS prevention, transmission, education

Because the most important aspect for prevention of HIV transmission is education, have students prepare a teaching plan for five different age-groups: high school, college, young adults, older adults, and health care workers. The plans should include specific information about transmission and methods for protection. When preparing the plans, describe what factors affected the planned presentations.

APA format, 350 word


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “When you share fluid with someone, you are also sharing fluid with everyone they have previously shared with.” Explain your answer.


Caring for older HIV-positive men who have sex with men

Caring for older HIV-positive men who have sex with men

Find on LIRN the following article and submit a summary of 2 pages in APA format:
Caring for older HIV-positive men who have sex with men. (Ridgers, Hazel). Nursing Standard



Family nurse practitioner essay

Family nurse practitioner essay

please write an essay using this topic: “why do you want to become a Family Nurse Practitione ”


Paragraph 6

Paragraph 6

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order in case of another source.


When a disaster hits different cultures they still hold on to spirituality, beliefs and values. The help that is given will show great value and usually spirituality will be heightened during this time. People may question their faith based on the disaster that has been laid upon them. The volunteers and medical personal that approach these victims will need compassion, understanding and show dignity and respect with beliefs and as a human being (Varghese, 2010). Ethical and cultural awareness is needed to properly care and communicate. Nurses, providers and volunteers can listen and communicate and may even show support by prayer. Many times victims and even the help will question why this has happened and why is there not enough supplies. These are difficult questions and prayer and working together is important to move forward. Nurses can keep open communication and let people know what they can do and all the people that are helping their country. This will bring up the spirit when people know others will help. Nurses can stay positive and always try to encourage others to help each other.


Varghese, S. B. (2010, December 22). Cultural, ethical, and spiritual implications of natural disasters from the survivors’ perspective. In Critical care nursing clinics of North America . Retrieved August 14, 2018, from’+persp

Topic 5 DQ 1

Topic 5 DQ 1

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question:



Elements of a comprehensive health assessment of a geriatric patient described in Physical Examination and Health Assessment includes the incorporation of, “the physical examination and assessments of mental status, functional status, social and economic status, pain, and examination of the physical environment for safety concerns (Jarvis, 2016, p. 831). Special considerations that the nurse should keep in mind while performing this assessment is recognizing that the assessment may take longer to perform and that some areas of assessment should be performed during daily activities such as grooming, meal times, and toileting. It is important for the nurse to understand that an individual with multiple health issues may experiences increased fatigue and this could also be a result of some mediations. The nurse should ensure that the older adult is using glasses and hearing aids and can provide written instructions when necessary. The nurse should also face the patient, use a low tone of voice, and speak slowly and clearly. The older adult should be included in the decision-making process which boosts their self-esteem and establishes rapport. The nurse should have a large enough space to assess mobility with assistive devices and stand close to the patient to prevent falls. The nurse can be provided with detailed information on how the adult functions as well as areas of concern by completing a comprehensive health assessment and physical exam (Grand Canyon University, 2012).


Grand Canyon University. (2012). NRS-434 Lecture 5. Retrieved from NSR-434VN Lecture 5

Jarvis, C. (2016). Functional Assessment of the Older Adult. In Physical Examination and Health Assessment (7 ed. (pp. 831-844). Retrieved from

Topic 5 DQ 1

Topic 5 DQ 1

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question:



The comprehensive assessment of an older adult requires knowledge of not only normal aging changes but also the consequences of chronic diseases, genetic makeup, and lifestyle. A comprehensive geriatric assessment is multidimensional and incorporates the physical examination as well as assessments of mental status, functional status, social and economic status, pain, and examination of the physical environment for safety concerns (Jarvis, 2015). The nurse would assess if the patient was able to perform activities of daily living as well as a complete head to toe assessment. During the assessment the nurse would keep in mind the normal and expected changes that take place as people get older such as hearing and vision loss, change in skin elasticity, hair color changes, loss of subcutaneous fat and decreased height due to thinning of the bones. If the nurse notices hearing loss it would be important to speak clearly and slowly facing the patient during discussion and to not mistake difficulty hearing or loss of vision to mental status change. Skin and nail assessment can lead to knowledge about hydration, cardiac, and nutrition status.

When assessing the geriatric patient in the hospital it is wise to consider if the patient is mobile enough to get by at home. Can the patient go up and down stairs? Does the patient drive? Can the patient see the phone numbers on the phone to call for help? Does the patient have a support system? These are all questions that should be in the nurse’s mind during a comprehensive assessment.

Special consideration to emotional state should take place with the geriatric assessment. It is important to treat the patient with respect and dignity in this stage of life. Do not refer to patients as Honey, Grandma, Grandpa or Sweetheart, but rather Sir, Ma’am, Mr. or Mrs. Many families live across state borders and are not readily available to the geriatric patient who may need extra support. The nurse should be knowledgeable about resources in the surrounding community such as home care, transportation services, social groups, meals on wheels and other low cost organizations that may help to improve the quality of life of a geriatric patient.


Jarvis, C. (2015). Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 6th Edition. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Saunders

Topic 5 DQ 2

Topic 5 DQ 2

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question:


Part of the nurse’s assessment when providing end of life care should include understanding the patient’s wishes regarding death (Grand Canyon University, 2012). Advance directives are instructions given by the patient in the event they can no longer make decisions for themselves, at which time a representative will be appointed to carry out the patient’s decisions. Many elderly people want to die in their home although barriers such as a fear of death, family burden, poor discharge planning, and the patient’s condition can hinder the ability to make this possible (Imperial College London, n.d. )When care is coordinated, effective communication takes place, and the patient is supported by family and health care providers it is possible to make this last wish a reality. The nurse should document patient’s wishes as soon as possible to ensure a strong support system and early recognition of the need of end of life services. This will allow the coordination of services quickly and effectively.


Grand Canyon University. (2012). NRS-434 Lecture 5. Retrieved from

Imperial College London. (n.d.). The Last Peace. Retrieved from