Topic 2 DQ 1

Topic 2 DQ 1

Please Respond to the following post with a paragraph, add citations and references.


Random sampling is important because it helps avoid unconscious bias from the researchers (Lombrado, 2017). We all have bias and prior knowledge but that should not get in the way of getting valid and reliable data. Random sampling makes sure everyone is getting an equal chance and it is the simplest form of data collection (Lombrado, 2017). One random sampling method is the lottery method. It is random and the researcher does not know who is being picked.

One problem or limitation is that there needs to be a complete list of the people from the population. It needs to be up to date so the data is accurate (, 2009). It is extremely hard to get all of the people on the list. Sometimes there are too many or too little. Having too little or too many people is also problematic. The data always need to be accurate, even with a large population.

There are some ways to prevent problems and limitations. To get the list of the everyone in the population, research can get a representative sample of the target population. It can be obtained from a sampling frame. To get a truly random sampling, researchers may need to spend extra money to hire more people. So they can get information about them and make sure the population is being represented.

Reference (Jul 13, 2009). Random Sampling. Retrieved Oct 01, 2018 from

Lombardo, C. (2017). Retrieved October 1, 2018, from…

Tags: nursing topic

nursing leadership and management

nursing leadership and management

Read Chapter 6 & 7 attached and write a 500 word document APA style, answering the following . include at least to references


1. Discuss the importance of effective communication in the personal relationship, the therapeutic relationship, and the relationship within the interprofessional health-care team.

2. What similarities and differences can you identify among the above interactions?

3. Explain the concept of congruence between verbal and nonverbal communication.

4. There are many pitfalls to electronic communication. Identify a situation in which an electronic form of communication may result in a miscommunication. What other method of communication would have been more effective?

5. How have you seen ISBAR used during your clinical experiences?

6- Develop a hand-off report for yourself. Include items that you believe are pertinent for safe and effective nursing care. Refer to the information in the chapter for creating this report form. Using the information from the chapter, determine the effectiveness of the system currently in use on your unit for communicating shift-to-shift reports.

7-Dr. Roberts comes into the nurses’ station demanding, “Where are Mr. Adams’s lab reports? I ordered these stat, and they’re not here! Who’s responsible for this patient?” How would you, as the nurse, respond?

8-Explain the concept of accountability in delegation. What are the legal ramifications of accountability in delegation?

9. Dennie and Elias arrive in the unit for the 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. shift. Both nurses completed orientation 4 weeks ago. They find that they will be the only two RNs on the floor that night. There is a census of 48 clients. The remaining staff consists of two NAPs/UAPs and one LPN. What are the responsibilities of the RN, NAP/UAP, and LPN? Can Dennie and Elias effectively delegate client care tasks and care safely for all 48 clients? Use the Delegation Tree to make your decisions.

10. Discuss the differences between direct delegation and indirect delegation.

1. You have to observe delegation procedures in your assigned unit:

A-What considerations does the RN take into account when delegating patient care?

2-You have to look at the unit census and prioritize the patient care:

A- Give the rationale foryour choices.

3.Answer the following questions during your clinical experiences:

a. What specific tasks did your patients require that you might have been able to delegate?

b. How effective was your nurse/preceptor in delegating tasks to others?

c. How did your nurse/preceptor ensure that the tasks were completed safely and a

Respond with a Paragraph add citations and reference

Respond with a Paragraph add citations and reference

Please write paragraphs responding the discussion below. Add citations and references in alphabetic order.



Define critical thinking and evidence-based practice. Discuss what critical thinking in nursing practice entails and explain why it is important. Discuss the role of critical thinking and evidence-based practice as they relate to patient outcomes.

NRS433V GCU Relationship Between Obesity & Diabetes PICOT Statement Paper

NRS433V GCU Relationship Between Obesity & Diabetes PICOT Statement Paper

Running head: NURSING RESEARCH PROJECT – QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Nursing Research Project: Qualitative


Research Name Course Date 1 NURSING RESEARCH PROJECT – QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 2 Nursing Research Project: Qualitative Research The research project focuses on the evaluation of the evidence existing regarding the relationship between obesity and diabetes mellitus type II. This research project mainly focuses on the adult population, which is the most affected by this chronic disease. The present report critically analyzes the qualitative information provided by the Look AHEAD research group (2003) regarding this topic. The group specializes in the evaluation of the different causes of diabetes and the design of an appropriate prevention strategy. Background information Even while the cause-effect relationship between obesity and diabetes mellitus type II has been studied in detail, there have been only a few studies that systematically evaluated the causes and impact that obesity poses on diabetes, and on the common complications of the disease on the long run. This lack of information has failed the multiple strategies implemented to try to prevent the disease, such that the number of diabetic people in the United States continues to increase year after year, to the point that physicians currently refer to it as an epidemy. In this regard, the strategies developed so far had focused on the weight loss of the individual. However, as they did not address the entirety of the problem, the impact on the incidence rate of diabetes was negligible in most of the cases. The evaluation carried out by the Look AHEAD research group (2003) is thus crucial for the development of efficient, long-term strategies to reduce the risk of contracting the disease. The research questions addressed through the study is: • Why do weight loss procedure fail to reduce the risk of diabetes? • What other factors may affect the relationship between obesity and diabetes? • How should these factors be part of the long-term effective preventive strategy? NURSING RESEARCH PROJECT – QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 3 Method of the study While the Look AHEAD research group (2003) uses some elements of quantitative research such as the comparison with a control group, the survey carried out is mainly qualitative in the sense that it focuses on the evaluation of the qualitative differences between both the intervention group and the control group. In this regard, the study evaluates the risk of developing the disease in the two groups by comparing how long each of the individuals of the groups takes to produce the first symptoms of the disease, and whether or not the implemented strategies are effective at prolonging this time. Moreover, the study focuses on the evaluation of several variables, such as the presence of cardiovascular diseases, or the symptoms of common complications of the disease like nephropathy, circulatory problems that lead to the necrosis and amputation of the limbs or glaucoma. The overall objective of including these variables in the study is to assess not only the risk of developing the disease but most importantly how obesity affects diabetes and how it may accelerate the process leading to earlier complications. Additionally, the independent variable, that is the intervention carried out on the test group is as well of qualitative nature, as it evaluates the combined application of intensive lifestyle changes including both dieting and exercising. This research approach founds over the exhaustive evaluation of the published literature regarding the relationship between obesity and diabetes. In this regard, the Look AHEAD research group (2003) has evaluated several of the most relevant studies published in the prior five years. In such literature review, the researchers considered both qualitative and quantitative methods to gain a broader point of view and evaluate the possible variables to include in the study carried out. Moreover, this extensive literature review enabled the researchers to build a NURSING RESEARCH PROJECT – QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 4 robust conceptual framework in which to found the current research, hence resulting in a logic flow of the analyses carried out and the conclusions derived from such analyses. The implemented strategy includes: • Training sessions oriented to provide necessary information about diabetes and the impact of obesity on diabetes • Weight loss and regular weight monitoring • Exercising Main results of the study According to the obtained results, the obesity of the individuals would not only increase the incidence rate of diabetes but also of suffering from cardiovascular diseases. As a result, they observed how the higher body mass index of the individuals seemed to relate to a higher incidence rate of both diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, the results obtained highlight how obese diabetic patients are more likely to experience cardiovascular complications at a substantially earlier stage than non-obese diabetics. The obtained result is thus highly alarming and warns about the necessity of developing effective weight loss strategies to decrease the burden of severe complications on diabetic patients. Nonetheless, the authors suggest the importance of monitoring the incidence that obesity has on the developing of cardiovascular complications in people with diabetes in future follow-up studies on the long-term, as well as the evaluation of the long-term effects of the implemented lifestyle change strategy. For this purpose, the researchers suggest the measurement of several variables on an annual or biannual basis. Among these variables, the follow up would focus on specific NURSING RESEARCH PROJECT – QUALITATIVE RESEARCH diagnostic criteria of diabetes and uncontrolled diabetes such as the level of fasting blood glucose, the correct functioning of the kidneys through the measurement of creatinine and the monitoring of cholesterol and triglycerides. It should as well consider indicators of cardiovascular disease through the realization of a cardiovascular fitness test and an electrocardiogram. Ethical considerations The researchers seem to have requested the approval of an Ethical Review Board and have required the informed consent of the 5,000 people included in the study. Moreover, they provide all the necessary means to protect both their private information and whether they are part of the treatment or the control group. They also seem to have taken into account other potential ethical aspects of concern, such as the voluntary participation in the study. They do not look to evaluate the ethical considerations resulting from the inclusion of the different participants in either the treatment or the control group. However, the fact that the selection of the two different groups was random and used a website model independent from the researcher provides all the participants with the same probability to be part of any of the two groups. Conclusions The provided results and the proposed follow up are congruent with the planed thesis statement and enable the researchers to evaluate whether or not obesity has any incidence on the onset of both diabetes and its most common complications, such as cardiovascular problems or nephropathy. Moreover, the extensive literature review carried out highlights the importance of the study, as it tries to tackle a critical aspect relating obesity to the risk of developing diabetes and how it will affect the prognosis of the disease. This information is crucial for the 5 NURSING RESEARCH PROJECT – QUALITATIVE RESEARCH development of an effective preventive strategy oriented at decreasing the high incidence rate of diabetes mellitus type II among the American citizens. From this point of view, the information provided in the selected paper does not only provide useful takeaways to nursing practice but most importantly outlines the methods to use when evaluating the cause-effect relationship with multiple other diseases. In this regard, the systematic approach to the problem as that carried out by the researchers of the Look AHEAD group applies to any other nursing research project. 6 NURSING RESEARCH PROJECT – QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 7 Reference Look AHEAD Research Group. (2003). Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes): design and methods for a clinical trial of weight loss for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes. Controlled clinical trials, 24(5), 610-628. Running Head: QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH CRITIQUE AND ETHICAL ISSUES Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations Wendy Fernandez Grand Canyon University NRS – 433V Cindy Mcdonald 09/24/2018 1 QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH CRITIQUE AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS 2 Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations Background The previously presented case seeks to respond to the research questions meant to identify the possible pieces of evidence that may show that weight loss significantly contributes towards the reduction of Diabetes Mellitus type II amongst adults in the US. This research question needs the researcher to look for the previously presented pieces of evidence from both a qualitative as well as a quantitative approach which would, in the long run, contribute a large part towards coming up with a conclusive answer that satisfies the case. This paper primarily focuses on using the quantitative approach, individually, analyzing one of the previously highlighted pieces of research which would form a basis for making sound and final recommendations. The first part of this paper looks at the background of the presented study, the findings and their significance to nursing practice, the methodology adopted and finally, the possible issues of concern from an ethics perspective offered by the authors and the entire piece of work. A study presented by Laaksonen et al., (2005) as highlighted in the previous paper sought to determine the possible impacts that increased physical activity amongst the affected adults would help to prevent the occurrence or risks of Diabetes Mellitus Type II. This study focused primarily on the determination of the effects that weight loss amongst the affected population may reduce the impacts of diabetes mellitus type II. Therefore, this paper based its arguments from the notion that a change in the overall lifestyle of the population may contribute a large part towards the perceived reduction in risks of diabetes mellitus type II. However, the authors in this case claim that although the clinical trials performed by the various parties create a connection between a reduction in risks of diabetes mellitus type II due to a change in the overall lifestyle. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH CRITIQUE AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS 3 The previously presented studies do not, however, show the link or effects of leisure time physical activity otherwise referred to as LTPA to reducing effects of the condition. Method In the attempt to come up with conclusive findings, the authors, in this case, performed a post hoc evaluation seeking to identify the possible role or significance of LTPA in the reduction of risks associated with diabetes mellitus type II amongst the various adults in the selected regions. The study chose a total of 487 subjects comprised of both men and women who suffered from glucose tolerance and previously undertook the LTPA questionnaires in the past 12 months. Besides, this research identified the subjects from the Finish Diabetes Prevention Study which serves as a trial based on randomized analysis primarily addressing the issues of weight loss, diet changes and also leisure time physical activities amongst the targeted population. Results After conducting the study, the researchers, in this case, gathered all the required information from the previous issues questionnaires for further analysis. The authors after analyzing the collected data tabled the results and found out that some of the participants adopted measures meant to improve their lifestyles. For instance, approximately 63-65% of the participants changed their lifestyle by taking vigorous leisure-time physical activity. Such a change in the lifestyle contributed a large part in reducing the chances of them suffering further from diabetes mellitus type II. The study after considering the differences in behavior of the subjects over the 4.1 years period of follow up concluded that some of the participants recorded an improvement in their overall physical health. The research found that the presented study showed a difference in health improvement between the [participants who adopted positive QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH CRITIQUE AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS 4 measures in regards to the proposed lifestyle changes to those who ignored them. The research found out that a total of 95% of the participants practiced at minimum moderate, vigorous and also strenuous LTPA which resulted into a reduced level of risks of getting diabetes Mellitus type II a ta value of 0.5. The presented findings may bring about a set of implications from a clinical and also a medical perspective. For instance, the study completed shows that those people who practiced LTPA vigorously or at a minimum moderately stood a better chance of reducing the risks of diabetes mellitus type II. Further, the study showed that an increase in physical activity amongst the affected population formed the basis for reducing the risks or effects of diabetes mellitus type II. This conclusion means that the affected community, especially, those who suffer from diabetes mellitus type II and are overweight or obese may benefit from this study. The primary significance of this study based on the obtained results revolves around creating a connection between changes in lifestyle and reducing the impacts or risks of diabetes mellitus type II amongst the overweight or obese populations. With such evidence-based research, the findings may play a critical part in boosting the overall approach that the medical and clinical teams use to address the issues of diabetes mellitus type II from a weight and lifestyle perspective. The study implies that the clinical teams in addition to using the various medical procedures should consider advocating and supporting the use of leisure time physical activity with the primary aim of boosting a healthy lifestyle of the affected population to reduce the risks of diabetes mellitus type II. The obese or overweight communities who suffer from diabetes mellitus type II may need to practice strenuous or vigorous LTPA with the aim of improving their lifestyle and also to support the offered QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH CRITIQUE AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS 5 medications which in the long run would create a better platform for reducing the risks or impacts of diabetes mellitus type II. Ethical considerations Based on the provided information, this study does not show the criteria for selecting the women and men who participated in the research. Further, the study does not give details on seeking consent from the participants before enrolling them in the study. Besides, the researchers, in this case, used a relatively long period to complete the research without considering the various factors that would undermine the credibility of the final results. Finally, the analysis, in this case, fails to exclusively provide information on the practices used to guarantee the validity of the questionnaires used. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH CRITIQUE AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS 6 References Laaksonen, D. E., Lindström, J., Lakka, T. A., Eriksson, J. G., Niskanen, L., Wikström, K., … & Ilanne-Parikka, P. (2005). Physical activity in the prevention of type 2 diabetes: the Finnish diabetes prevention study. Diabetes, 54(1), 158-165. Running head: PICOT RESEARCH QUESTIONS PICOT Research Questions Name: Wendy Fernandez Course: NRS – 433V Date: 9/16/18 1 PICOT RESEARCH QUESTIONS 2 PICOT Research Questions The proposed research question addresses the efficiency of the different techniques used in the prevention of diabetes. Specifically, it focuses on the relationship between following a healthy diet, weight loss and diabetes, as obesity has repeatedly appeared as one of the leading causes of diabetes mellitus type II. Table 1 summarizes the critical information used in the PICOT formulation of the research question. Table 1: PICOT variables considered in the study P I C O T Obese adults with a body mass index over 30 Development of an effective weight loss strategy The control group in the study should not follow any weight loss strategy Lower risk of diabetes mellitus type II One year The research question taking this information into account is: “Is there any evidence-based of how losing weight reduces the risk of diabetes mellitus type II in adults showing a body mass index higher than 30 before it is too late?” PICOT RESEARCH QUESTIONS 3 References Delahanty, L. M., & Nathan, D. M. (2008). Implications of the diabetes prevention program and Look AHEAD clinical trials for lifestyle interventions. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 108(4), S66-S72. Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Research Group. (2002). The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP): description of lifestyle intervention. Diabetes Care, 25(12), 2165-2171. Franz, M. J., Bantle, J. P., Beebe, C. A., Brunzell, J. D., Chiasson, J. L., Garg, A., … & Purnell, J. Q. (2002). Evidence-based nutrition principles and recommendations for the treatment and prevention of diabetes and related complications. Diabetes Care, 25(1), 148-198. PICOT RESEARCH QUESTIONS 4 Franz, M. J., VanWormer, J. J., Crain, A. L., Boucher, J. L., Histon, T., Caplan, W., … & Pronk, N. P. (2007). Weight-loss outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of weight-loss clinical trials with a minimum 1-year follow-up. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 107(10), 1755-1767. PICOT RESEARCH QUESTIONS 5 Laaksonen, D. E., Lindström, J., Lakka, T. A., Eriksson, J. G., Niskanen, L., Wikström, K., … & Ilanne-Parikka, P. (2005). Physical activity in the prevention of type 2 diabetes: the Finnish diabetes prevention study. Diabetes, 54(1), 158-165. Look AHEAD Research Group. (2003). Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes): design and methods for a clinical trial of weight loss for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes. Controlled clinical trials, 24(5), 610-628.
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respond with a paragraph and citations and references

respond with a paragraph and citations and references

The field of nursing has changed over time. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss nursing practice today by addressing the following:


Explain how nursing practice has changed over time and how this evolution has changed the scope of practice and the approach to treating the individual.
Compare and contrast the differentiated practice competencies between an associate and baccalaureate education in nursing. Explain how scope of practice changes between an associate and baccalaureate nurse.
Identify a patient care situation and describe how nursing care, or approaches to decision-making, differ between the BSN-prepared nurse and the ADN nurse.
Discuss the significance of applying evidence-based practice to nursing care and explain how the academic preparation of the RN-BSN nurse supports its application.
Discuss how nurses today communicate and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams and how this supports safer and more effective patient outcomes.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Tags: citations nursing paragraph Reference

paragraph 3

paragraph 3

Please respond to the following post with a paragraph



Critical thinking is defined as “the disciplined, intellectual process of applying skillful reasoning as a guide to belief or action” (Norris & Ellis, 1989). Critical thinking in nursing is “the ability to think in a systematic and logical manner with openness to question and reflect on the reasoning process used to ensure safe nursing practice and quality care” (The Foundation for Critical Thinking [TFCT], 2008). This is very important because as nurses, we need to be aware of and thinking about all the possible effects of our patients’ disease processes. For example, if we are taking care of a patient who hasn’t had a bowel movement in multiple days. We can’t just sit by idly and wait for him to have a bowel movement. We need to be thinking: Is he showing signs of a bowel obstruction? Or what has his food intake been? What are his vital signs and how could they be affecting anything, etc.?

As nurses, we use critical thinking to care for our patient and be proactive about preventing certain negative side effects or things from happening. In my opinion, the better critical thinker you are, the better nurse you are. This has a direct effect on patient outcomes as the patient will be better taken care of if their nurse is anticipating things that could go wrong and be ready with a solution or prevent effects or symptoms from happening in the first place.

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is described as “the integration of clinical expertise, the most up-to-date research, and patient’s preference to care” (Grand Canyon University, 2018). Basically, it involves nurses using the most up to date scientific research and outcomes to help guide their care of patients. EBP has a direct relationship with patient outcomes because if used properly it saves lives. EBP as shown to be effective throughout its research, so why would we not use that to our advantage when taking care of our patients?


Grand Canyon University. (Ed.). (2018). Dynamics in nursing: Art and science of professional practice.

Norris, S. P. & Ennis, R.H. (1989). Evaluating critical thinking. Pacific Grove, CA: Midwest Publications,

Critical Thinking Press

The Foundation for Critical Thinking. (2008). Critical thinking and nursing. Retrieved from…

Comteporary Nursing Practice

Comteporary Nursing Practice



The field of nursing has changed over time. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss nursing practice today by addressing the following:

Explain how nursing practice has changed over time and how this evolution has changed the scope of practice and the approach to treating the individual.
Compare and contrast the differentiated practice competencies between an associate and baccalaureate education in nursing. Explain how scope of practice changes between an associate and baccalaureate nurse.
Identify a patient care situation and describe how nursing care, or approaches to decision-making, differ between the BSN-prepared nurse and the ADN nurse.
Discuss the significance of applying evidence-based practice to nursing care and explain how the academic preparation of the RN-BSN nurse supports its application.
Discuss how nurses today communicate and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams and how this supports safer and more effective patient outcomes.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Tags: citations nursing references APA style paragraph

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 1

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.


Qualitative data has been described as voluminous and sometimes overwhelming to the researcher. It is used to record data that is not in the form of numbers such as opinions, feelings, and experiences. In order for the researcher to manage and organize the date, “A top 10 list can be arranged in various orders, including chronologically, hierarchically, telescopically, episodically, narratively, or from small detail to big picture” (Clark & Veale, 2018, p. 1). In addition to a top 10 list, the researcher can provide a summary table of the findings and present them in qualitative data. The researcher needs to be free of bias opinions or personal assumptions while collecting the data. Another approach to presenting the data using the trinity strategy, where the three main themes stand out in the data and then are discussed. Qualitative researchers believe that the “theoretical insights will contribute to our collective understanding of tackling some of the world’s most intractable management and organizational challenges” (Bansal, Smith, Vaara, 2018, p. 1).

Bansal, P. (Tima), Smith, W. K., & Vaara, E. (2018). New Ways of Seeing through Qualitative Research. Academy of Management Journal, 61(4), 1189–1195.…

Paragrapg 2

Paragrapg 2

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.


Qualitative data analysis is what can set informative articles apart from each other. By answering a question or theory using qualitative data, researchers have supportive data to backup and guide their conclusions. Compiling and directing data collection, however, requires thoughtful organization to keep data collection from becoming too overwhelming. Kate Seers writes in the article, Qualitative Data Analysis, “It is easy to be overwhelmed by the volume of data – novice qualitative researchers are sometimes told not to worry and the themes will emerge from the data. This suggests some sort of epiphany, (which is how it happens sometimes!) but generally it comes from detailed work and reflection on the data and what it is telling you. There is sometimes a fine line between being immersed in the data and drowning in it” (2011).

In order to organize data into the most manageable and useful way, there are 3 steps to keep in mind. First, check the date and amount of supporting data for accuracy. This way you can separate data out that might be out of date, not complete or for any other errors before using the information to support an analysis. Next, sort and organize data by coding into categories. Look for repeating trends that occur in the research. For example, all data relating to supportive analysis of why oral health is not being completed highlighted in yellow and titled “Drawbacks. All data that supports steps needed to improve oral health highlighted in blue and titled “Policy Steps”. The data can be kept in separate documents for example as well. Finally, create a system to save and incorporate quotes to support data. If there is a quote or supportive data that you definitely want to include in supporting the analysis, keep track of the quotes, the reference information and the page number of where to find it. With organizational steps, it is easier to keep a very large amount of data clear, direct and focused on the question you are trying to answer. “Qualitative research focuses on gathering mainly verbal data rather than measurements. Gathered information is then analyzed in an interpretative manner, subjective, impressionistic or even diagnostic” (Essays, UK, 2013). Qualitative data is a vital tool when it comes to nursing research. Knowing how to manage this often overwhelming tool is the first step in bringing together a research plan.


Essays, UK. (November 2013). Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Research. Retrieved from…

Paragraph 4

Paragraph 4

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.


Out of the three types of qualitative research theories. It is used as an international, interdisciplinary journal that publishes on the methodological diversity and multidisciplinary focus of qualitative research (Reeves, 2008). The phenomenology theory is the qualitative research method that is used to describe how human beings experience a certain phenomenon. According to Giorgi, (2012), the roots of phenomenology theory root in a 20th century philosophical movement based on the work of the philosopher Edmund Husserl. It concentrates on leaving all biases and preconceived assumptions about human experiences, feelings and responses to a particular situation out of the research. It covers a wide variety of situations and phenomena. Main characters of phenomenology research focuses on the four aspects of lived experience: lived spaced, lived body, lived time, and lived human relations. The researcher generalizes the research by studying the perspectives of multiple participants that have experienced the phenomenon and makes a general un-bias conclusion from the collected data.

A second theory of qualitative research is the ethnographic approach. It comes mostly from the field of anthropology. The emphasis is to study an entire culture by gathering observations, interviews and documentary data to collect different social phenomena and make an un-bias conclusion from the collected data. The researcher immerses themselves in the lives, culture, or situation they are studying. According to (Kuper et al, 2010), ethnographic methods were also found to provide a useful perspective to study organizational context and culture. It accepts contributions from within sociology, social anthropology, health and nursing, education, human geography, social and discursive psychology and discourse studies (Kuper et al, 2010). An important part of the ethnographic approach provides ethnographers an opportunity to gather empirical insights into social practices, which are normally hidden, from the publics eye.

Giorgi, A. (2012). The descriptive phenomenological psychological method. Journal of Phenomenological psychology, 43(1), 3-12.

Tags: nursing paragraph please help citations and references