Paragraph 5- paragraph responding to the discussion bellow.

Paragraph 5- paragraph responding to the discussion bellow.

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.


The aspects that I found most interesting in the readings were the “polarity between the older and newer nursing theories. The older nursing process theories are associated with taxonomies and quantitative measures, whereas the new holistic theories use more qualitative measures and softer phenomena” (Shelly, J., 2006). The revolution in the approach of how we think about nursing and nursing interventions in association to ethical decision making. With the belief that nursing is both a science and an art, the new theories expand upon this concept. The other aspect that is interesting to me is using world views to challenge contemporary ethos by using philosophical clarity, religious sensitivity, and care to open the line of communication in regards to religious dialogue.“While a welcome corrective, it is easy to inadvertently buy into weaker forms of scientism and fail to appreciate the particularity of each religion by reducing all religion to a generic spirituality. For example, Burkhardt (1999) attempts to defend a generic definition of the term “spirituality” (p. 71), but Shelly and Miller (2006) point out the inadequacy of such a strategy. It is not fair or respectful to paint all religions or worldviews with the same brush under the heading of spirituality and ignore the differences” (GCU).


Shelly, J., (2006). Called to care: A Christian worldview for nursing. InterVarsity Press; Downers Grove, IL.

Tags: nursing paragraph please help citations and references

Paragraph 6- paragraph responding to the discussion bellow

Paragraph 6- paragraph responding to the discussion bellow

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.


The part of the topic that happened to be so interesting to me is how science and religion/spirituality show some form of relationship between themselves. The belief that human beings were wonderfully created also presents the fact that the body was made in a way that it’s able to heal itself (Manohar, 2015). By studying the systems that are found in the body, you can visualize how it was constructed and designed to live eternally. Therefore, from science, we learn how to increase the speed at which the body heals and also the belief in God gives us the faith that we will heal.

According to the reading analyses is that man is not always destroyed by suffering. What destroys him is a worthless distress. Therefore, this issue poses a great problem to the physicians who try to instil in the suffering people the sense of acceptance whenever they suffer (Role of Spirituality in Health Care). Those who are professionals on medical ethics make us understand that healing is dependent on both science and spirituality which help to restore the body’s health.


Manohar, P. R. (2015). The Blending of Science, medicine and Spirituality in the human Healing. Science, Spirituality and the Modernization of India, 169-180. doi:10.7135/upo9781843317760.012.

The role of spirituality in health care. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Genetics Lab

Genetics Lab

10/31/2018 Genetics Lab  GENETICS LAB     Scenario Two – Our patient seeks genetic counseling Emily, a forty


year old pregnant woman has an amniocentesis which provides the karyotype below.   Using the karyotype above answer the following questions: What is the gender of the fetus? Male Are there any chromosomal abnormalities? yes What would this chromosomal combination result in? Down Syndrome GO TO CHART  Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. 1/1 10/31/2018 Genetics Lab  GENETICS LAB      Scenario One – Our patient seeks genetic counseling Kayla has a family history of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), which is a sex-linked trait. The patient wishes to know her risk of having an a ected child. Her grandmother was a known carrier. DMD is an inherited disorder that involves progressive muscle weakness. It a ects approximately 1 in 3500 male births worldwide and is inherited in an X-linked recessive pattern. Click here to learn more about DMD  The following pedigree was drawn up by the genetic counselor. Our patient, Kayla, is #13. What are the relationships between: 1 and 2 Female carrier and Male not affected, ca 1 and 5 Female carrier and Male affected 1 and 10 Female carrier and Male not affected, ca 6 and 7 Female not affected, carrier status unkno 4 and 5 Female not affected, carrier status unkno 5 and 8 Male affected and Male affected 8 and 10 Male affected and Male not affected, carr 1 and 3 Female carrier and Male not affected, ca 50 What are the chances her mother was a carrier? What are the chances our patient is a carrier? 50 What are the chances she passes the syndrome to a male child? 100 Testing would establish her status as either a carrier or a noncarrier. If she is a carrier what are the chance of her having an affected child? If h i t i h t th h fh h i ff 50 t d hild? 1 i 3500 1/2 10/31/2018 Genetics Lab If she is not a carrier what are the chance of her having an affected child? 1 in 3500 GO TO CHART  Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. 2/2 10/31/2018 Genetics Lab  GENETICS LAB      Patient Chart Please use the below chart for navigation to the tests. Once they are all completed, an “assessment” area will appear below the chart. You will need to ll it out and download the PDF to upload into the course for your assignment. Kayla Emily  Scenario 1 – Pedigree Analysis view test Scenario 2 – Karyotype view test Relationship between 1 and 2 Female carrier and Male not affected, carrier status unknown Gender of Fetus Male Relationship between 1 and 5 Female carrier and Male affected Chromosomal Abnormalites yes Chromosomal Combination Result Down Syndrome Relationship between 1 and 10 Relationship between 6 and 7 Relationship between 4 and 5 Relationship between 5 and 8 Relationship between 8 and 10 Relationship between 1 and 3 Female carrier and Male not affected, carrier status unknown Female not affected, carrier status unknown and Male not affected, carrier status unknown Female not affected, carrier status unknown and Male affected Male affected and Male affected Male affected and Male not affected, carrier status unknown Female carrier and Male not affected, carrier status unknown Chances mother is a carrier 50 Chances Kayla is a carrier 50 Chances Kayla passes the syndrome to male child 100 If Kayla is a carrier, what are chances of having an affected child? 50 If Kayla is not a carrier, what are chances of having an affected child? 1 in 3500 Assessment 1 How did you determine the chances that Kayla’s mother is a carrier and the chances that Kayla is a carrier? 1/3 10/31/2018 Genetics Lab 1. How did you determine the chances that Kayla s mother is a carrier and the chances that Kayla is a carrier? Type your answer here… 2. How did you determine the chances that Kayla could pass the syndrome to a male child? Type your answer here… 3. How did you determine the chances Kayla could have an a ected child if she is a carrier? Type your answer here… 4. How did you determine the chances Kayla could have an a ected child if she is not a carrier? Type your answer here… 5. Based on the results of the pedigree, what information might a genetic counselor provide to Kayla? Type your answer here… 6. Which part of the karyotype helped you to determine the gender of Emily’s child? Type your answer here… 7. Which part of the karyotype helped you to determine if there are chromosomal abnormalities? Type your answer here… 8. How does the disorder that results from the chromosomal abnormalities a ect body systems? 2/3 10/31/2018 Genetics Lab Type your answer here… 9. Based on the results of the karyotype, what information might a genetic counselor provide to Emily? Type your answer here… Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Download PDF  3/3 10/31/2018 Genetics Lab Scoring Guide Genetics Lab Scoring Guide CRITERIA NONPERFORMANCE Discuss how a disorder that results from chromosomal abnormalities affects body systems. BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Does not describe a disorder that results from the chromosomal abnormalities. Describes a disorder that results from the chromosomal abnormalities. Discusses how a disorder that results from the chromosomal abnormalities affects body systems. Discusses a disorder that results from abnormal chromosomes and the impact it could have on the individual who inherits the condition. Calculate the chances of a patient’s mother being a carrier of a specific syndrome. Does not suggest the chances of a patient’s mother being a carrier of a specific syndrome. Suggests that a patient’s mother may or may not be a carrier of a specific syndrome, but does not supply a calculation to support the suggestion. Calculates the chances of a patient’s mother being a carrier of a specific syndrome. Calculates the chances of a patient’s mother being a carrier of a specific syndrome, with specific details of the genetic theory behind the calculation. Explain the chances of a child inheriting a specific syndrome if the patient is a carrier. Does not identify whether the patient could be a carrier of a specific syndrome. Identifies that the patient could be a carrier of a specific syndrome, but does not explain the chances of the child having the specific syndrome. Explains the chances of a child inheriting a specific syndrome if the patient is a carrier. Determines the chances of a child inheriting a specific syndrome if the patient is a carrier, based on an indepth analysis of the pedigree. Explain the chances of a child inheriting a specific syndrome if the patient is not a carrier. Does not identify that the patient might not be a carrier of a specific syndrome. Identifies that the patient might not be carrier of a specific syndrome, but does not explain the chances of the child having the specific syndrome. Explains the chances of a child inheriting a specific syndrome if the patient is not a carrier. Determines the chances of a child inheriting a specific syndrome, even if the patient is not a carrier, based on an in-depth analysis of the pedigree. Explain the chances of a patient passing a specific syndrome to a male child. Does not identify that the patient can pass a specific syndrome to a male child. Identifies that the patient can pass a specific syndrome to a male child, but does not explain why. Explains the chances of the patient passing a specific syndrome to a male child. Analyzes the chances of the patient passing a specific syndrome to a male child, citing appropriate scientific sources. Explain the gender of the second patient in a lab scenario. Does not state the gender of the second patient in a lab scenario. States the gender of the second patient in a lab scenario, but does not explain how this conclusion was made. Explains the gender of the second patient in a lab scenario. Explains the gender of the second patient in a lab scenario, citing appropriate scientific sources. Explain the results of a karyotype. Does not list the results of a karyotype. Lists the results of a karyotype. Explains the results of a karyotype. Discusses the results of a karyotype and how a genetic counselor would explain the results to the patient. 1/1
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Respond with a paragraph , citations and references.

Respond with a paragraph , citations and references.

Describe the nurse’s role and responsibility as health educator. What strategies, besides the use of learning styles, can a nurse educator consider when developing tailored individual care plans, or for educational programs in health promotion? When should behavioral objectives be utilized in a care plan or health promotion?


Topic 1 DQ 2

Topic 1 DQ 2

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references.


I have been working for the same health care system for 31 years now and have so much change. As one of the “older” staff members, and now a manager one ongoing and ill addressed issue is recruitment and retention. I see staff that is either; let’s call them tenured like me, or green and brand new nurses. There seem sot be no in between. As a system we must study the whys to this in order to stay competitive in today’s job market, while maintaining a high quality of care for our patients. We have a responsibility to the patient population to provide the best care, in best facility. This has become a problem for our specialty units and critical care areas simply due to the lack of experience. New nurses who are of the millennial age group are looking for the best bang for their buck. (Best areas to work, best areas to learn and best pay) If we as modern health care providers can’t provide this they tend to stay a year or two then move on. The day of the dinosaur like me who stays with and organization for their entire career seems to be over. Where I work we recently brought back our Nurse Extern program and just recently started implementation of a nurse residency program to entice new, intelligent, motivated and skilled nurses to our facility. As nurse shortages continue to be a growing problem nationwide, rural health care systems like mine will struggle to fill open positions unless we can offer something that no one else does. We hope that our nurse residency program can bolster our nurse extern program that has been quite successful in recruiting new young talent to our facility. Everything that I have read or seen is very positive regarding nurse residency programs and we hope holds true for us as well.

Urinary Lab

Urinary Lab

URINARY LAB – LIBIET BRETANA This is where introductory text sould go about what they need to do with this pdf,


like ‘You need to upload this PDF into your course as part of your assignment.’ Patient Chart Darlene Marcus 1. Urine Color Test Light to Medium Yellow Very Dark Yellow 2. Turbidity Test Clear Cloudy Leukocytes + +++ Nitrates Negative choice 3 (Positive) Urobilinogen 0 0 Protein +++ Negative pH 8.0 5.0 Hematuria (blood in urine) Negative Negative Specific Gravity 1.000 1.000 Ketones ++++ Negative Bilirubin Negative Negative Glucose ++++ Negative 3. Chemical Tests Assessment 1. Why is a urinalysis an important tool in a routine physical? Has not been answered yet… 2. Suggest an explanation for blood in the urine. Has not been answered yet… 3. What is diabetes? How are type 1 and type 2 different? Has not been answered yet… 4. What condition would explain the each patient’s results? Darlene Has not been answered yet… Marcus Has not been answered yet… 10/31/2018 Urinary Lab Scoring Guide Urinary Lab Scoring Guide CRITERIA NON-PERFORMANCE BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Explain why blood may be found in urine. Does not identify why blood may be found in urine. Identifies but does not fully explain why blood may be found in urine. Explains why blood may be found in urine. Discusses why blood may be found in urine and the concerns of this. Explain the purpose and importance of the urinalysis in a routine physical. Does not identify the purpose and importance of the urinalysis in a routine physical. Identifies the purpose or importance of the urinalysis in a routine physical. Explains the purpose and importance of the urinalysis in a routine physical. Illustrates the purpose and importance of the urinalysis in a routine physical in detail, and provides possible consequences of not doing the urinalysis. Explain the condition that would explain a patient’s results in a lab scenario. Does not identify the condition that would explain the patient’s results. Identifies the condition that would explain the patient’s results. Explains the condition that would explain the patient’s results. Explains the condition that would explain the patient’s results, and provides an example of the consequences of that condition. Explain what diabetes is, and the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Does not explain what diabetes is or explain the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Explains what diabetes is, or explains the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, but does not explain both. Explains what diabetes is, and the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Explains what diabetes is, and the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, and provides an example of how each type of diabetes can be managed. Documents urinalysis results, but not all documentation is appropriate. Documents urinalysis results appropriately. Analyzes and documents urinalysis results appropriately. Document urinalysis Does not results document appropriately. urinalysis results. 1/1
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APA format, No Plaigarism, Discussion Board and Response, follow directions closely

APA format, No Plaigarism, Discussion Board and Response, follow directions closely

MODULE D INSTRUCTIONS Voice Thread: Participate in the Module D audio discussion. Assigned learning Activities:


Readings 1. Guido, G. W. (2014). Legal and ethical issues in nursing (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. [Read pp. 240-260, 275-292, 315-329.] 2. Lachman, V. D. (2008). Whistleblowers: Troublemakers or virtuous nurses? MEDSURG, 17(2), 126-128, 134. Retrieved from 3. Texas Board of Nursing. (2013). Practice – peer review: incident-based or safe harbor. Retrieved from Audio/Visual 1. Beil, L. (2018). Three days in Dallas [Episode 1]. Dr. Death. Podcast retrieved from or [Warning: includes adult language] 2. Karimi, F. (2017). Utah officer fired for forcibly handcuffing nurse who defied him. Retrieved from 3. National Public Radio. (2010). Texas nurse on trial after reporting doctor. Retrieved from 4. National Public Radio. (2014). Was CDC too quick to blame Dallas nurses in care of Ebola patient? Retrieved from Part I – Complete all of the assigned learning activities and then select one nurse’s employment related case to study further: pick one person Anne Mitchell, Nina Pham or Alex Wubbels. Part II – Conduct a literature search for at least three peer-reviewed articles related to the nurse/case you selected, AND three or more from the Assigned Learning Activities (these were given on the first page) 6 references total Part III – Prepare and post one 3- to 5-minute long audio comment in Voice Thread with your responses to all of the following questions: I will need a script here please to answering the following questions Do you agree with the nurse’s actions? Why or why not? Would you have done anything differently? Was the nurse acting as a patient advocate? Why or why not? Did the nurse promote patient safety? Could the nurse have initiated any type of peer review? If so, which type? What implications does the case have on the nursing profession or practice of nursing? Part IV- post one written comment to each of 75 to 150 words (post a total of 3 written comments). Your written comments to other students should be thoughtful and based upon your review of literature, personal experience, or further insight. I need 3 generic responses answering one of the questions above for all three Individual above within Part I in order to complete Part IV MODULE D INSTRUCTIONS Voice Thread: Participate in the Module D audio discussion. Assigned learning Activities: Readings 1. Guido, G. W. (2014). Legal and ethical issues in nursing (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. [Read pp. 240-260, 275-292, 315-329.] 2. Lachman, V. D. (2008). Whistleblowers: Troublemakers or virtuous nurses? MEDSURG, 17(2), 126-128, 134. Retrieved from 3. Texas Board of Nursing. (2013). Practice – peer review: incident-based or safe harbor. Retrieved from Audio/Visual 1. Beil, L. (2018). Three days in Dallas [Episode 1]. Dr. Death. Podcast retrieved from or [Warning: includes adult language] 2. Karimi, F. (2017). Utah officer fired for forcibly handcuffing nurse who defied him. Retrieved from 3. National Public Radio. (2010). Texas nurse on trial after reporting doctor. Retrieved from 4. National Public Radio. (2014). Was CDC too quick to blame Dallas nurses in care of Ebola patient? Retrieved from Part I – Complete all of the assigned learning activities and then select one nurse’s employment related case to study further: pick one person Anne Mitchell, Nina Pham or Alex Wubbels. Part II – Conduct a literature search for at least three peer-reviewed articles related to the nurse/case you selected, AND three or more from the Assigned Learning Activities (these were given on the first page) 6 references total Part III – Prepare and post one 3- to 5-minute long audio comment in Voice Thread with your responses to all of the following questions: I will need a script here please to answering the following questions Do you agree with the nurse’s actions? Why or why not? Would you have done anything differently? Was the nurse acting as a patient advocate? Why or why not? Did the nurse promote patient safety? Could the nurse have initiated any type of peer review? If so, which type? What implications does the case have on the nursing profession or practice of nursing? Part IV- post one written comment to each of 75 to 150 words (post a total of 3 written comments). Your written comments to other students should be thoughtful and based upon your review of literature, personal experience, or further insight. I need 3 generic responses answering one of the questions above for all three Individual above within Part I in order to complete Part IV
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People of Japanese Heritage and People of Jewish Heritage.

People of Japanese Heritage and People of Jewish Heritage.

1. Discuss the cultural development of the Japanese and the Jewish heritage.

2. What are the cultural beliefs of the Japanese and Jewish heritage related to health care and how they influence the delivery of evidence-based healthcare?

APA format, word document, Arial 12 font .A minimum of 2 evidence-based references (besides the class textbook) no older than 5 years is required. A minimum of 600 words (excluding the first and references page) is required.


Urban and Rural Health Issues

Urban and Rural Health Issues



Choose one of topic below and post your response.
In what ways might health promotion activities for rural populations differ from those designed for urban populations?
Your response should be 50 – 100 words.
APA format
Inlcude at least 2 references no older than 5 years.



create a word document about Infertility. APA guidelines. 3 references. 500 words or more

include definition, factors affecting female infertility, factors affecting male infertility, test for infertility in males and females, medical therapy, surgical therapy, assisted reproductive therapies