
Complete DQ below

Complete DQ below

No plagiarism please add all references


Read Ch. 2 of Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being (12th ed.).

Answer question between 90-110 words

1.The marketing efforts of companies promoting healthcare products and services has grown dramatically over the last few decades. I think it is almost impossible to watch television for more than 30 minutes without seeing some type of healthcare advertising.

When I was young, it was virtually inconceivable that physicians would advertise their services, but now this is commonplace. Do you think that the costs for advertising and marketing are justified – or does the healthcare industry spend too much in this arena?


Answer question between 90-110 words

2.I truly believe that Hospice is vital for patents at the end-stages of life. Do you think that most families are aware of Hospice and the services they provide? Do you think that most families benefit from their services? I ask, because I have known families that did not use Hospice – shockingly enough – their doctor did not make any referrals. How can we help educate communities, families and physicians about the importance of Hospice?

Week 4 discussion question #1

Answer between 90-100 words

3.What are some ways in which you share health information today?

What are the risks associated with sharing information?

What types of sharing are most effective?


Week 4 discussion question #2

Answer between 90-100 words

4.What are the pros and cons of government regulation of health care products and services to the consumer?

Complete DQ below

Complete DQ below

NO PLAGIARISM please cite and add all references. if you have any questions please let me know


Read Course Strategy Guide.

Answer Question between 90-100 Words:

1.)Healthcare in the US is changing slowly, and for the most part, the changes may not be good for the populace:

Check out this website for 10 changes in healthcare since 2017:

Pick on the of the topics and explain whether you think it is a good or bad and change and why.


Answer Question between 90-100 Words:

2.)As in most things, a successful marketing campaign or strategy starts with a plan!

Check out the link below to learn about developing a marketing plan for a healthcare organization:

What are the most important steps in developing a marketing plan?

Answer Question between 90-100 Words:

3.)For many of you, this may be your first class in marketing and you may be unfamiliar with some of the terms.

Below is a website that has a great dictionary of marketing terms…which one did you not know before this class?…

4.)Read Ch. 1 of Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being (12th ed.).

While the information covered in this book relates to consumers in a variety of settings, remember to consider how this information can be applied to health care consumers.

Write your thoughts on CH.1 of Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being (12th ed.). Between 90-100 Words


Week one discussion topic (refer to the chapters in week one)

Answer question between 100 words

5.) What might consumer do to reduce health care cost?


Week one discussion topic (refer to the chapters in week one)

Answer question between 100 words

6.)What makes a marketing campaign successful?

What are some examples of successful and unsuccessful marketing campaigns in health care?

Complete DQ below

Complete DQ below

No plagiarism please add all references


Read Ch. 12 of Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being (12th ed.).

Answer Question between 90-100 Words:

1.Healthcare in the US is changing slowly, and for the most part, the changes may not be good for the populace:

Check out this website for 10 changes in healthcare since 2017:

Pick on the of the topics and explain whether you think it is a good or bad and change and why.


Answer Question between 90-100 Words:

2.For many of you, this may be your first class in marketing and you may be unfamiliar with some of the terms.

Below is a website that has a great dictionary of marketing terms…which one did you not know before this class?…


Week 2 Discussion topic 1

Answer Question between 90-100 Words:

3.)changing population demographics

What effects will changing population demographics have on health care costs and services?

How do various generations contribute to these costs?


Read Ch. 13 of Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being (12th ed.)

4.) Write your thoughts on Ch.13 between 90-100 Words:


Week 2 Discussion topic 2

Answer Question between 90-100 Words:

5.)What impact do chronic conditions have on health care costs?

What impact do chronic conditions have on health care costs?

What impact do wellness programs have on health care costs?

Complete DQ below

Complete DQ below

No plagiarism please add all references


Read Ch. 8 of Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being (12th ed.).

Answer Question between 90-100 Words:

1.What is the difference between the following types of Managed Care Insurance Plans?

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)


Answer Question between 90-100 Words:

2.A tagline (or slogan) is the verbal or written portion of an advertisement that summarizes the main idea in a few memorable words.

What is your favorite slogan?

Mine is the NIke slogan, “Just do it”! It is SO simple, but conveys such personal empowerment.

Do you think that healthcare organizations can successfully use slogans?


Week 3 Discussion topic 1

Answer Question between 90-100 Words:

Technology based communication

3.)What are the benefits and challenges of technology-based communication for the consumer, the provider, and health care costs?


Week 3 Discussion topic 2

Answer Question between 90-100 Words:

social media in health care

4.)What are the advantages and disadvantages in using social media in health care?

Tags: healthcare

Complete DQ below

Complete DQ below

No plagiarism please add all references


Read Ch. 2 of Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being (12th ed.).

Answer question between 90-110 words

1.The marketing efforts of companies promoting healthcare products and services has grown dramatically over the last few decades. I think it is almost impossible to watch television for more than 30 minutes without seeing some type of healthcare advertising.

When I was young, it was virtually inconceivable that physicians would advertise their services, but now this is commonplace. Do you think that the costs for advertising and marketing are justified – or does the healthcare industry spend too much in this arena?


Answer question between 90-110 words

2.I truly believe that Hospice is vital for patents at the end-stages of life. Do you think that most families are aware of Hospice and the services they provide? Do you think that most families benefit from their services? I ask, because I have known families that did not use Hospice – shockingly enough – their doctor did not make any referrals. How can we help educate communities, families and physicians about the importance of Hospice?

Week 4 discussion question #1

Answer between 90-100 words

3.What are some ways in which you share health information today?

What are the risks associated with sharing information?

What types of sharing are most effective?


Week 4 discussion question #2

Answer between 90-100 words

4.What are the pros and cons of government regulation of health care products and services to the consumer?

Complete DQ below

Complete DQ below

HCS 451


NO plagiarism

PLEASE CITE/Add References

Answer question 1 between 90-100 words

1.)Why are health care organizations changing their focus to value?


Answer question 2 between 90-100 words

2.)How do Quality Improvement Organizations empower the health care consumer?

Answer question 3 between 90-100 words

3.)How does the Value Based Purchasing program reward or punish health care organizations based on performance achievement or improvement?


Read Ch. 10 of McLaughlin and Kaluzny’s Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care (4th ed.)

4.)Discuss your thoughts on chapter 10 between 95-115 words


Review Part 2 of the Quality Improvement report from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).

5.)Discuss your thoughts on Part 2 of the Quality Improvement report between 105 -125 words


Read The Six Domains of Health Care Quality on the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) website.

6.)Discuss your thoughts on Part 2 of the Quality Improvement report between 105 -125 words

Discuss your thoughts on he Six Domains of Health Care Quality between 105 -125 words