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To assist nurses in making sound professional judgment about nursing tasks or procedures there are six factors that govern decision-making for determining nursing scope of practice in the state of Texas.

First, if the act is consistent with the Texas Nursing Practice Act (NPA), and whether the Board’s rules or position statements address the act.

Second, if the activity is appropriately authorized by a valid order/protocol and in accordance with established policies and procedures.

Third, if the act is supported by either research in nursing and health-related literature or in scope-of-practice statements by national nursing organizations.

Fourth, if the nurse possesses the required knowledge and, if he/she has demonstrated the competency required to carry out the activity safely.

Fifth, if a reasonable and prudent nurse would perform the activity in the specified setting and,

Sixth, if the nurse is prepared to assume accountability for the provision of safe care and the outcome of the care rendered.


Texas Nursing Practice Act 301.002 (2), 301.002 (5), BON Rules 217, 224, 225

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Adolescent pregnancies are generally unplanned. As an unplanned pregnancy and adolescent faces many health risks for them and their baby. First if a pregnancy is unplanned the proper prenatal care is not being utilized. Improper prenatal care can contribute to low birth weight and infant mortality. “Here are a few risks that are greater if you are pregnant before the age of 15 or you do not seek prenatal care:low birth weight/premature birth, anemia (low iron levels), high blood pressure/pregnancy induced hypertension, PIH (can lead to preeclampsia),a higher rate of infant mortality (death) and possible greater risk of cephalopelvic disproportion* (the baby’s head is wider than the pelvic opening).” (Teen pregnancy issues,2017). Hypertension is a risk factor for the adolescent’s body but there are also emotional risk factors such as postpartum depression. As a society dealing with teen pregnancy puts more financial burden on the society to pay for the unplanned pregnancy, medical bills and even child care after the birth.Planned Parenthood is a community resource that provides low or no cost services to teens such as pregnancy testing, women’s health and contraception services.Child Welfare. Gov Provides pregnant and adolescent parents support resources such as, finding child care, finding support groups, financial benefits, and recommendations to stay healthy.Colorado’s “teen fertility rate,” measured in births per 1,000 by teens aged 15-19, has dropped considerably faster than the national rate, also in decline. From 2009 to 2014, the U.S. rate decreased from 37.9 to 24.2 births. In Colorado, the rate dipped from 37.5 to 19.4. (Brown, J. ,2017, December 01). Creating adolescent awareness and education about birth control and the repercussions of an unplanned birth are key in lowering adolescent pregnancies.The steep drop in teen pregnancies and abortions in Colorado since 2009 is mainly due to one thing: free, low-cost access to IUDs. (Brown, J. ,2017, December 01).


Brown, J. (2017, December 01). IUD program leads to big decline in teen pregnancies, abortions in Colorado. Retrieved from

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The importance of exercise in protecting human health cannot be underestimated, and its value to middle-aged adults is particularly evident. Regular exercise provides adults with a host of benefits, including fighting depression, heart disease, diabetes, and many different kinds of cancer: especially colon and breast cancer (Harvard Medical School, 2018).

According to Harvard Medical School (2018), regular exercise for only 30 minutes daily can prevent the onset of heart disease and reduce the chances of death for those who have already developed heart disease. In addition, regular exercise reduces the incidence of hypertension and diabetes (Harvard Medical School, 2018). For those with developed diabetes, regular exercise can manage the symptoms of the condition (Harvard Medical School, 2018). Regular exercise is an excellent remedy for depression and the protection against cognitive decline in later years (Harvard Medical School, 2018). It also strengthens the bones and prevents the loss of muscle density (Harvard Medical School, 2018).

When considering what kind of activities healthcare providers should recommend, the age, health status, and physical capability of each patient should be considered. Recommended exercises should include weight training; flexibility exercises; cardiovascular activities, such as running, brisk walking, and swimming; and biking. Patients should be encouraged to burn an additional 700 to 1000 calories during weekly exercise.

Education is the best approach to encourage patients to participate in exercise because there is a better chance of commitment when patients understand the value of exercise in protecting their health in mitigating the impact of existing health conditions. In addition to the well-documented beneficial health effects of exercise, I can personally attest to its value in fighting depression, managing stress, and creating a general sense of well-being.



The secret to better health. (2018). Harvard Medical School. Retrieved from

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Studies have shown that about 80% of Americans would prefer to die in their own home, if possible. In spite of this, 60% of Americans pass away in acute care hospitals, 20% in nursing homes and only 20% at home. A smaller number of dying patients uses hospice care and even those patients are often referred to hospice only in the last 3-4 weeks of life. However, not every patient will want to die at home. Dying at home is taboo in certain cultures and some patients may wish not to die at home, out of concern that they might be a burden on the family. Still, it is clear that fewer patients are dying at home than want to do so. (Stanford school of medicine 2018)

End-of-life care is almost 30% of Medicare’s annual budget over the last year of life. Dying at home is much cheaper rather than in the Hospital or nursing home. Family caregivers have the heavy burden of caring for their loved ones which could be too much at times. Hospice care at home is helpful, but the family might not be ready for the emotional response of losing your loved one. Patient might get more sick and unable to maintain pain control forcing them into the Emergency Room for care and possibly a hospital admission. Also the caregivers might be fatigued and need a little break, to reset.

As Nurses we need to be supportive and non-judgmental. The family caregivers might be trying to overcome their guilt of not being able to live up to their loved ones last wishes. We can be understanding and offer pastoral help for the family. We as nurses can reassure the family that we will maintain their loved ones wishes with dignity.


Brenoff, A. (2017). When Loved Ones Die At Home, Family Caregivers Pay The Price. HuffPost

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Studies have shown that about 80% of Americans would prefer to die in their own home, if possible. In spite of this, 60% of Americans pass away in acute care hospitals, 20% in nursing homes and only 20% at home. A smaller number of dying patients uses hospice care and even those patients are often referred to hospice only in the last 3-4 weeks of life. However, not every patient will want to die at home. Dying at home is taboo in certain cultures and some patients may wish not to die at home, out of concern that they might be a burden on the family. Still, it is clear that fewer patients are dying at home than want to do so. (Stanford school of medicine 2018)

End-of-life care is almost 30% of Medicare’s annual budget over the last year of life. Dying at home is much cheaper rather than in the Hospital or nursing home. Family caregivers have the heavy burden of caring for their loved ones which could be too much at times. Hospice care at home is helpful, but the family might not be ready for the emotional response of losing your loved one. Patient might get more sick and unable to maintain pain control forcing them into the Emergency Room for care and possibly a hospital admission. Also the caregivers might be fatigued and need a little break, to reset.

As Nurses we need to be supportive and non-judgmental. The family caregivers might be trying to overcome their guilt of not being able to live up to their loved ones last wishes. We can be understanding and offer pastoral help for the family. We as nurses can reassure the family that we will maintain their loved ones wishes with dignity.


Brenoff, A. (2017). When Loved Ones Die At Home, Family Caregivers Pay The Price. HuffPost

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Obesity has become a global health issue. According to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, obesity rates in the U.S. and Mexico are the highest in the world. Medical News Today reports that 2010 data indicate that 28 percent of all U.S. residents are medically classified as obese, while 30 percent of Mexicans are obese. A person whose weight is at least 20 percent higher than the upper limit of the healthy range is considered obese.

Causes of obesity in the U.S. and other countries include the typical national diet and nutritional profile and also lifestyle trends in each country. Many American cities and towns were built in the automobile era, resulting in fewer walk able communities in the U.S. than in countries with lower obesity rates, such as Italy or France. The health implication of obesity is quite alarming in the current dispensation. Obesity puts individual at risk for many health related sickness and diseases. According to Medical News Today, obesity increases risk of heart disease, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, respiratory issues, stroke, Type 2 diabetes and stroke. It’s estimated that an obese person will, on average, live eight to 10 years less than a non-obese person. A high obesity rate in the population of a country increases health care costs significantly.

The healthcare delivery systems can work collaboratively to address this global health concerns by initiating educational teaching in all the various areas to create awareness of the health implication of obesity. Teaching people to watch their lives choices as it affect their health and holding them accountable for their own lifestyle choice. Nurses and other interdisciplinary healthcare team is the stakeholder of this health concern. Nurses has significant role to play by teaching the patient the kind of food choices to make, how to read food labels, preparation and food combination and educating them on the health and cost implications of obesity during hospital visits.

Many countries have stepped up efforts to tackle the causes of obesity. Programs range from counseling by family doctors and nutrition specialists to information campaigns targeting children and parents. In Japan, employees have their waist size measured as part of a compulsory health promotion program organized by their insurance fund. In the UK and Korea, national programs have been launched to reduce the salt and Trans fat contents of foods.


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Culture Preservation is to preserve the cultural practices within all culture that promote a positive healthy behavior (GCU, 2017). For example, a Polish Catholic family would call the priest when a family member is near death to recite the last rites. This is believed to cleanse the soul. The Catholic priest may lay a hand on the sick and anoints blessed oil on the forehead of the person. This is a special oil that is blessed by the bishop (“When can Last Rites”, 2016). My family called the priest for my grandmother near her death and prayed. My grandmother believed this to be very important. The barrier would be the patient not feeling forgiven for past mistakes or worried about the after life with GOD. As a nurse we could support the positive and reassure any negative thought.

Cultural Accommodation is to accommodate different practices of religion to respect tradition and cultures as long as it is not harmful(GCU, 2017). For example, Shamans, which communicate with the spirit world and help treat illnesses or sickness (What is Shamanism?, n.d.). They believe the Shaman is in between worlds and can be healers, psychics, gurus, and magicians that are set in a trance to communicate to spirits (What is Shamanism?, n.d.). The barrier with this is if the client believes a bad spell has been cast on them. Not being able to fix the spirit world would be an issue.

Cultural Repatterning promotes patients to view and practice safe cultural traditions (GCU, 2017). For example, traditionally Mexican’s have an unhealthy diet with high fat, fried foods that can link to high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity that leads to type 2 diabetes. Changing patterns is difficult but with interventions and preventions of physical activity, nutrition with parent involvement, childhood obesity can decrease (Kaiser et, al., 2018). The barrier is the family not making any changes because of influences from family.

Cultural brokering is to support the client and to ensure they are receiving proper health care with the western health system (GCU, 2018). It is important to value all cultures and to be aware of the needs. Having the knowledge of different culture will help the nurse guide the teaching plan to better health. This will promote positive outcome for patients’.


Kaiser, L., Martinez, J., Horowitz, M., Lamp, C., Johns, M., Espinoza, D., & Byrnes, M. (2015, May 24). Adaptation of a Culturally Relevant Nutrition and Physical Activity Program for Low-Income, Mexican-Origin Parents With Young Children. In Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Retrieved July 30, 2018, from

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The important elements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the availability of health insurance to millions of Americans who did not previously qualify for insurance. Prior to healthcare reform individuals could not get health care coverage with pre-existing conditions and insurance companies could drop you from your plan without warning if a person falls sick. Insurance companies also showed bias based on a person’s gender or socioeconomic status. However, with the ACA, individuals are able to buy insurance irrespective of their pre-existing conditions, and their premiums cannot be higher because of their age, gender, or medical history. Also, patients will be able to receive routine/preventative health care at no cost. “The Affordable care act bans lifetime and most annual dollar coverage limitations, the use of preexisting condition exclusions, and excessive waiting periods (i.e., longer than 90 days), and requires the use of “modified community rating” so that prices can vary only to a limited degree based on age, as well as by family size and tobacco use. The law also guarantees the right to internal and external impartial appeal procedures when coverage is denied, and requires insurers to cover routine medical care as part of clinical trials involving cancer and life-threatening illnesses (Rosenbaum, 2011).”

Starting in 2014, most adults under age 65 with incomes up to about $15,000 per year for single individual (higher income for couples/families with children) will qualify for Medicaid in every state. Families of four or more who do not make over 80,000 a year and their job doesn’t offer affordable insurance may be eligible for tax credit to help pay for insurance (MACMH, 2018).

The nurses’ role in the new healthcare reform is educating patients and becoming a resource on how health insurance can be accessed through the ACA. Individuals can be referred by the nurse to the website, where they can shop at the marketplace for the best insurance plans. Nurses can support families and communities to get healthy. They can also advocate for free preventative healthcare services. The ACA allows individuals joining a new healthcare plan to receive recommended preventative care services with no out of pocket costs. Nurses should obtain the information needed to effectively communicate how to access healthcare insurance and reach as many uninsured people as possible (Wakefield, 2013).


Wakefield, M. (2013, December 21).…

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When a disaster happens, spirituality may be the only thing that the victims might have to hang on to, spirituality is very individualized. Spirituality is not tangible but comes from the core beliefs within the person. A couple of way that someone may either question their spirituality or suddenly gain spirituality. They could be grieving and ask why GOD would ever do this to anyone, is there really a higher being, or even blame themselves saying that GOD must be punishing them. With everyone having their own ways of belief or worship ways, it may be truly challenging for the nurse to help or even recognize the spiritual beliefs.

The community health nurse, can simply ask the person of their spirituality to gain some insight of them. No matter what their response, the community health nurse should not judge and remember that they might be going through the stages of grief during this trying time. Providing the spiritual support is helpful. If pastoral care is not available it could also use other victims, if they are stable, to show that support. This could be helpful to all that is included. When the community nurse is focused on helping those impacted by the event, they must not forget that they need to remember to think of taking care of themselves, spiritually as well.


Maurer, F., Smith, C. (2013). Community/Public Health Nursing, 5th edition. Elsevier Saunders. Missouri

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Grounded theory and phenomenology are the most common approaches to qualitative research used by nurses. Although there are differences between the two, they have much in common. Both take an interpretative approach in which the researcher seeks to explore real-life situations, and require a high degree of interaction between the researcher and the individual, groups or situations being examined; this usually takes the form of interviews and/or observations. Both grounded theorists and phenomenologists seek to collect and analyze data from participants’ perspectives and try to ensure their findings are not influenced by inflexible ideas. To achieve this they often involve participants in data analysis to increase the reliability of the findings. In brief, grounded theorists and phenomenologists both seek to explore individuals’ experiences in the context of the world in which they live. Because both approaches have so much in common it can sometimes be difficult to differentiate between them.


Phenomenology describes and explores experiences, which can only be done by collecting data from individuals who have lived through those experiences. Hence phenomenologists often refer to the “lived experience” and data is often limited to interviews, while findings are reported as a rich description of the experience drawing on characteristics identified during data analysis.

Grounded theory is a qualitative methodological approach in which the aim was to generate a “grounded theory” to describe and explain the phenomenon under study. Unlike phenomenologists, grounded theorists seek to include all data sources that might contribute to theory development. Interviews are commonly used but they might also include observations, diaries, images, past literature and research. Using a technique described as ‘constant comparison’, they compare all the data collected with all other data look for contradictory cases, which might challenge the emerging theory but will eventually strengthen it. This complex process of theoretical sampling, data collection and analysis can be extremely challenging.

Both grounded theorists and phenomenologists seek to understand peoples’ lives. Sticking to a single approach usually gives researchers the tools to undertake their research. There are differences but this does not mean that one approach is right and one is wrong. Grounded theory and phenomenology are research tools and one will not be suited to all jobs.…difference-between-grounded-theory…phenomenolog.