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Sampling theory as a field of statistics is related to the gathering, analysis and understanding of data collected from random samples of inhabitants under study. The application of sampling theory is not only concerned with the appropriate choice of observations from the population that will establish the random sample, it also includes the usage of probability theory, along with earlier knowledge regarding the population limits, to study the data and facts from the random sample and develop deductions from the study. The normal distribution, accompanied by associated probability distributions, is most greatly used in developing the speculative background for sampling theory.

Sampling theory was developed to determine the most effective way to acquire a sample that accurately reflects the population under study. Key concepts of sampling theory include populations, target population, sampling or eligibility criteria, accessible population, elements, representativeness, sampling frames, and sampling plans or methods (Burns & Groves, 2013). A sampling plan or method outlines strategies used to obtain a sample for a study. Like a design, a sampling plan is not specific to a study. The plan is designed to increase representativeness and decrease systematic variation or bias. The sampling plan may use probability (random) or nonprobability (nonrandom) sampling methods. When critically appraising a study, identify the study sampling plan as either probability or nonprobability.

Burns, N., Gray, J., Grove, S. (2013). Understanding Nursing Research, Building an Evidence-Based Practice, 6th Edition. Elsevier Saunders, St.Louis, Missouri.

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In the acute health care environment, everything is rapidly changing in part due to increasing patient safety, acuity, staff shortages, and decrease length of hospital stays. It is because of evidence-based research, that nurses can use the safest and most evidence-based practice in their daily routine to help keep our patients as safe as possible. At my work, falls are the most common and often the most preventable adverse component of our acute hospital care. Down it the emergency room, it us up to us nurses to identify any and all patients that pose a fall risk and implement the evidence-based practices to ensure their safety. We put a fall risk wristband on fall risk patients in the emergency room and escort the patients to the restroom using a wheelchair. It is important the we stay with those patients during the entire transfer back to their beds due to some being stubborn and not willing to use the bathroom call bed with finished to get the necessary help back onto the wheelchair from the toilet. Once these patients are admitted to the hospital, they are assigned a bed on a different unit where their bed will have an alarm on it in the case the patients tries to self ambulate. It is evidence-based practice that when using alerting other staff members with the fall wristband and having a bed alarm, this reduces the amount of falls in the workplace. Evidence –based quality improvement framework has been implemented in the workplace to address patient safety needs.

Montgomery, A. (2018). Effect of an evidence based quality improvement framework on patient safety. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 35(4), 6–16. Retrieved from…

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The four parts of the Christian Biblical Narrative that refer to the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease include: creation, fall, redemption and restoration. According to Christianity, God is the creator of everything that exists (Gen 1-2). It is thought that everything is exactly the way it is supposed to be according to Gods liking. So according to Christianity, if one falls ill, their loved ones should look to God to answer why he choose that person to be sick and why he created that disease in the first place. In some ways, disease is good, it helps keep our planet’s population under control, with out it, and we probably would have used up all of our planets natural resources centuries ago.

The act of Adam and Eve’s disobedience is considered the Fall when this created order was broken. Because of the Fall, the Shalom affected the creation ever since causing death, disease, suffering and estrangement from God. This would be the answer according to Christianity of why we have disease and suffering in today’s world.

Redemption is a record of humanity’s continual struggle and corruption after the Fall, and God’s plan for its redemption. In this redemption plan, God makes available forgiveness and salvation by grace and faith which once were estranged and are brought into unity.

Lastly, Restoration, the final chapter of the narrative is yet to be realized. It is when Jesus returns and the final judgment of all people, and the restoration of all creation will inaugurate final restoration. I see many cars with the bumper sticker, Jesus Coming Soon. I didn’t really understand what that meant to the Christian people until now, they are waiting for him to restore all of creation back in to at state of Shalom.

As a person suffering and looking for comfort and hope in the light of illness, one can look forward for the day of restoration when all suffering will end. The day when Jesus come back and lift all the pain away and stop all tragedy. It gives people hope that suffering is not forever and that will be a day that all creation is returned to a state of Shalom. Doubting God would mean that we have lost faith in his existence.


Rae, S. B. (2009). Moral choices: An introduction to ethics. (3rd ed.), Grand Rapids, MI:Zondervan

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I am not for suicide or euthanasia. I have known people who have attempted and have been successful and it is very sad what the aftermath for the loved ones left behind have to go through, suicide I feel is very selfish and yes, a sin. Suicide as a rational person is a person who is trying to be a creator than a creature (Meilaender, 2013). But also, not everyone who commits suicide is rational and may have some mental or emotional disorders and are not thinking rationally (Meilaender, 2013). Euthanasia is suicide it is dying with help. Even with autonomy being so strong with patients I don’t think euthanasia should be acceptable. We as nurses or health care professionals are there to give care at whatever stage in life the patient is in. We can give comfort during their dying process in hopes to limit suffering but not for us to end their suffering.


Meilaender, Gilbert. (2013). Bioethics: A Primer for Christians. (3 rd ed.). Retrieved from

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