
Topic 2 DQ 1 , Paragraph

Topic 2 DQ 1 , Paragraph

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion:

How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? Identify at least three trends in nursing practice from the “Nursing Timeline of Historical Events” media piece. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice?


Topic 2- DQ 1

Topic 2- DQ 1

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion:


The knowledge of the foundation and history of nursing can provide us a context in which to understand current nursing care because it gives us a broad idea of where and who our profession began with. Nursing has been a part of communities for a long time whether it was taking care of one’s neighbor or bandaging a soldier’s wounds. Florence Nightengale used her basic nursing skills and knowledge to involve a push for more sanitary conditions for soldier’s healthcare in the British military. Her work was noticed because families and soldiers could see that what she was doing was actually working, causing less unnecessary deaths. This is how nursing was put on the map and was respected by the community. Florence used data and numbers and statistics to save lives. (Hood, L. J., & Leddy, S. K. ,2006).

If we do not have a solid knowledge and understanding of the roots of nursing we can do our job on a day to day basis, however if the time came to make a change and improvements for our patients we may not have the skills to do it. Nursing theories allow us to continue to direct our nursing care and keep a direction in which we want our careers to go. We can dig deep into our nursing practice and find out what it will take to make a change. We can grow as nurses by referring back to original thoughts and ideas of the nursing theories and try to understand what nursing means to us. (Hood, L. J., & Leddy, S. K. ,2006).

Three trends I see in nursing practice from “Nursing Timeline of Historical Events” is caring for those who cannot care for themselves, taking care of the environment to benefit the individual and education . Several of the very first names in nursing, including St. Vincent De Paul focused their work specifically on the poor and dying. These people are those who need us the most, they are unable to take care of themselves and need extra attention. This has influenced my day to day nursing care because I see people at their most vulnerable and I have to remember these people are scared and it is in my hands to not only care for them as a nurse but also offer emotional support. The sanitation of a patient’s environment is also a trend I saw in the history of nursing especially in nursing careers like that of Harriet Dame, who worked hard to advocate for the military to have sanitary areas to be treated, sanitary nursing supplies and adequate surgeons. This is important to me in my nursing care because we are always doing more and learning more to prevent hospital acquired infections for our patients. Whenever doing a sterile dressing change always making sure I take my time as to not harm my patients, or even just offering a patient a shower/sponge bath and cleaning their sheets. Finally,I found many of these historical nurses were involved in education of new nurses and passing on of their skills to others. This is very relevant to me as I am always wanting to learn more in my nursing career and am working on my BSN to continue my education. ( “Nursing timeline of historical events n.d.”)


Hood, L. J., & Leddy, S. K. (2006). Conceptual bases of professional nursing (6th ed.).

Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Topic 2 DQ 1

Topic 2 DQ 1

Question to be answer using 100-200 words, 1-2 references.


According to the assigned article, “Health Disparity and Structural Violence: How Fear Undermines Health Among Immigrants at Risk for Diabetes,” narratives tell the story of the interconnectedness between fear and health. Thematically, the issue of fear is a dominant feature that affects how an individual approaches day-to-day living and health. Explain the relationship between fear and health identified by the researchers in the article. Do you agree that structural violence perpetuates health disparity?…

Topic 2 DQ 1

Topic 2 DQ 1

Question to be answer using 100-200 words, 1-2 references.


According to the assigned article, “Health Disparity and Structural Violence: How Fear Undermines Health Among Immigrants at Risk for Diabetes,” narratives tell the story of the interconnectedness between fear and health. Thematically, the issue of fear is a dominant feature that affects how an individual approaches day-to-day living and health. Explain the relationship between fear and health identified by the researchers in the article. Do you agree that structural violence perpetuates health disparity?…

Topic 2 DQ 1

Topic 2 DQ 1

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question.



“The United State has one of the worst records among industrialized nations- losing an average between four and seven children every day to child abuse and neglect.” (Child Abuse Statistics &Facts). Signs of abuse depend on the nature of abuse, physical abuse can include such signs as black eyes, bruising, cuts, burns and broken bones. Repeat injuries are a major red flag. Sexual abuse signs are listed as pain, itching, bleeding or bruising in the genitalia area, frequent urinary tract infections, and demonstrating sexual knowledge, curiosity or obsession with sexual matters. Emotional abuse can be more difficult to ascertain, it requires observation and interaction with the child. Signs of emotional abuse include but are not limited to displaying extreme behavior, excessive clinging or shunning parental emotion, sudden speech disorders, complaint of headache or stomach ache with no subjective findings, becoming angry, demanding while normally mild mannered, delayed development physically or emotionally. (How to Identify Child Abuse Ages 0-5, 2015). Neglect is usually easier to spot, the child may appear malnourished, unclean, and have no or limited medical records. There are risk factors which contribute to victimization. Children under the age of four, mentally or physically disabled and chronically ill children are at high risk. The risk factors for perpetration are categorized into individual, family and community factors, the list is long, but it is no surprise that stress, poverty, lack of education, and family history of violence are among the factors. (Center for Disease Control, 2018).

Erickson’s second stage of psychosocial development is autonomy versus shame/doubt. This stage of development happens in toddlers between the age of 18 months to approximately 3 years of age, as they are progressing in the aspect of self-control, specifically in potty training. (McLeod, 2018). The toddler is learning about himself during this stage and his genitalia may become a source of fascination. At this age children can identify themselves as being a boy or a girl, as parents teach the toddler their body parts they often unknowingly attach a negative connotation to the genital’s. Toddlers may experiment with different methods of urinating and can see others in gender roles. (Sexual Development from 18 months to 3 years Old, 2018). Milestone to consider for a toddler include: walking alone, drinking from a cup, picking up and eating small pieces of food, scribbling with a crayon, climbing up and onto things, pulling/pushing a toy, squatting, handing an object to someone, stacking objects, and turning pages of a book. (

If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, you must make a report to local Child Protective Services or law enforcement. You can find out where to call by visiting the Child Welfare Information Gateway’s state reporting numbers website:

Name of victim
Name and contact information for parents or guardians
Reasons for suspected abuse or neglect
Description and location of victim’s physical injuries (if applicable)
Information freely disclosed by victim
Current location of victim
Known information regarding incident or chronology of events
This information was provided in the article Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect on the Virtual Lab School web site.


Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention (2018). Center for Disease Control

Retrieved from

Child Abuse and Neglect: Risk and Protective Factors. (2018). Center for Disease Control

Retrieved from

Tags: nursing topic

Topic 2 DQ 1

Topic 2 DQ 1

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question.


Child abuse is widespread with 3million cases reported annually in the United states and 1million of these cases are found substantiated proving that child abuse is the top reported form of maltreatment (Center of Child Protection and Family Support, 2018). The most common types of maltreatment seen in school age children are physical, emotional, and sexual abuse and neglect. Physical and emotional assessment findings a nurse may see that could indicate abuse are repeated injuries that are unexplainable that evidence does not support including bruises, breaks, or cuts, poor hygiene, showing interest in sex that is not age appropriate or acting out sexual behaviors, sleep disturbances or nightmares, and showing aggressive actions toward adults, other children, or pets (Center of Child Protection and Family Support, 2018). Some western cultures use harsh initiation rituals including genial operations, facial scarring, beatings, and hazing by older members of the group and have food withheld or are forced to vomit. In other western cultures practices such as allowing an infant to cry themselves out, putting children in their room and night alone to sleep, or forcing them to sit in a classroom all day would be considered abusive (Feldman, n.d). It is important to recognize cultural diversity when assessing for abuse because misinterpretation can lead to unnecessary reporting and interventions by authorities. In the state of Arizona, a nurse is required to report suspected child abuse immediately to the Department of Children Services and to Law enforcement (Arizona Department of Child Safety, 2018). A nurse in the state of Arizona is required by law to report any reasonable belief of child abuse defined as disclosure of information by a child describing a sexual act, unexplainable injuries or injuries that are inconsistent with explanation, or a third party that discloses information that leads the nurse to suspect abuse (Southern Arizona Children’s Advocacy Center, 2018).


Arizona Department of Child Safety. (2018). Report Child Abuse or Neglect. Retrieved from

Center of Child Protection and Family Support. (2018). Recognizing Abuse & Neglect FAQs. Retrieved from….

Families and Their Children. Retrieved from…

Southern Arizona Children’s Advocacy Center. (2018). MANDATORY REPORTING OF CHILD ABUSE. Retrieved from…

Topic 2 DQ 1

Topic 2 DQ 1

Please Respond to the following post with a paragraph, add citations and references.


Random sampling is important because it helps avoid unconscious bias from the researchers (Lombrado, 2017). We all have bias and prior knowledge but that should not get in the way of getting valid and reliable data. Random sampling makes sure everyone is getting an equal chance and it is the simplest form of data collection (Lombrado, 2017). One random sampling method is the lottery method. It is random and the researcher does not know who is being picked.

One problem or limitation is that there needs to be a complete list of the people from the population. It needs to be up to date so the data is accurate (, 2009). It is extremely hard to get all of the people on the list. Sometimes there are too many or too little. Having too little or too many people is also problematic. The data always need to be accurate, even with a large population.

There are some ways to prevent problems and limitations. To get the list of the everyone in the population, research can get a representative sample of the target population. It can be obtained from a sampling frame. To get a truly random sampling, researchers may need to spend extra money to hire more people. So they can get information about them and make sure the population is being represented.

Reference (Jul 13, 2009). Random Sampling. Retrieved Oct 01, 2018 from

Lombardo, C. (2017). Retrieved October 1, 2018, from…

Tags: nursing topic

Topic 2 DQ 1

Topic 2 DQ 1

Please Respond to the following post with a paragraph, add citations and references.


“Probability sampling, also known as random sampling, requires that every member of the study population has an equal and independent opportunity to be chosen for inclusion in a study” (Grove & Cipher, 2017, p. 13). Random sampling is important because it provides information about data that is completely at random without someone’s personal input or prejudices. This helps to gather information about various types of frequencies. An example is population. Getting random sampling information about a population allows to gather information about different cultures, races, genders, etc. “Sampling seldom results in a completely accurate estimate of the population, but a larger sample size reduces variation and increases the likelihood that an estimate is reasonably accurate” (Dobson, Woller-Skar, & Green, 2017). With a smaller sample size, the information and data retrieved from that sample will be more accurate but the larger the size becomes, the data may be more skewed. In order to prevent skewed data, smaller sample sizes should be done. They could be done more frequently to gather a wide range of information.


Dobson, C., Woller-Skar, M. M., & Green, J. (2017). An inquiry-based activity to show the importance of sample size and random sampling. National Science Teachers Association, , 76-81. Retrieved from…

Grove, S. K., & Cipher, D. J. (2017). Statistics for nursing research: a workbook for evidence-based practice(2nd ed.). [elsevier]. Retrieved from…

Topic 2 DQ 1

Topic 2 DQ 1

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references.


“Qualitative research is a systematic, subjective approach used to describe life experiences and give them meaning” (Grove, Gray, & Burns, 2015, p. 79). Initially you want to state the purpose of the study then the researcher analyzes the words of the participant, finds meaning in the words, and provides a description of the experience that promotes deeper understanding of the experience. In a Qualitative study there are different types of perspectives that can be associated with it. Phenological, grounded theory, exploratory, ethnographic, historical and descriptive studies are types of qualitative research (Grove et al., 2015). Deciding on the best approach to the research and the associated philosophy will give an outline in the direction you want the study to go with the hypothesis or intended outcome that answers the research question (Grove, 2015). When collecting research, organization is vital. A way to manage the data is by putting the information into themes and subthemes to form meaning from the data. Data analysis and interpretation allows the researcher to place the findings into the correct category, finding correlation or the non-correlation of the data being obtained. The researcher must remain unbiased in collecting the data and be thorough in the collection and analyzing process. It is important to be consistent with the method and the philosophy of the study, allow the data and meaning to be revealed. The research will then be considered dependable, credible, confirmable and have value (Grove, 2015).


Grove, S., Gray, J., & Burns, N. (2015). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-base practice (6th ed.). St. Louise, MO: Elsevier Saunders.

Topic 2 DQ 1

Topic 2 DQ 1

Proverbs 1:7


The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Prov 1:7, NIV

Research & experience is how we gain wisdom, and qualitative research focuses on gaining understanding. As we learn this week more about qual research, think about how you can use this to gain wisdom & understanding.

“I want to understand the world from your point of view. I want to know what you know in the way you know it. I want to understand the meaning of your experience, to walk in your shoes, to feel things as you feel them, to explain things as you explain them. Will you become my teacher and help me understand?”
― James P. Spradley