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There are many factors that determine what skills fall into a nursing scope of practice. From my research in our textbooks and readings as well as my own experience I have pinpointed some aspects that shape what we call our “scope of practice” as nurses. State boards of nursing determine what we can legally do as nurses, they set standards of what should be included in nursing practice. The state boards then collaborate with nursing schools to make sure there are standards of nursing skills and education that will shape nurses to deliver safe care to the public. State boards throughout the nation ensure the state regulations that are set for nursing scope of practice are appropriate. Laws are also created and discussed each year that will affect nursing practice and this is constantly changing, due to the evolving world of nursing. (Grand Canyon University ,2011)

Another factor that determines scope of practice for nursing is the degree of an individual nurse and educational preparation. A bachelor’s educated nurse’s scope of practice is much broader than an LVN. There are many more skills and assessments that these nurses are legally allowed to provide for their patients. (Creasia and Friberg ,2016)

Also, a nurse can earn a certification or work on a specialty unit. For example, nurses who work on a cardiac/telemetry unit have a scope of practice that include initiating and maintaining cardiac drips. Most medical surgical nurses are not qualified or trained to do this. Even ICU nurses are licensed to initiate certain drips and practice certain skills that other nurses have not had the training for. The environment of where you work as a nurse also determines your nursing scope of practice. For example, each hospital has its own policies and procedures that determine how their nurses practice. (Creasia and Friberg ,2016) Having a scope of practice ensures that nurses are only providing care for which they are qualified to provide, this ultimately improves patient’s safety and outcome.


Creasia,Joan L. and Friberg, Elizabeth E. (2016) Chapters 1-5..Conceptual Foundations:T

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Teen pregnancies have several disparities. Compared to adult mothers, children born of teen mothers have twice the incidences of low birth weights and twice the mortality maternal mortality rate. Teen mothers experience poor maternal weight gain, preterm birth, pregnancy induced hypertension, anemia, and sexually transmitted diseases. (Women’s Children and Family Health, 2016) Teen pregnancy is also associated with economic issues, education issues, child welfare, and births out of wedlock. The stresses of not only being pregnant but the psychological stresses can lead to low birth weight and improper maternal weight gain. Teen pregnancy can lead to getting bullied, not wanting to gain weight or get “Fat” which might lead to eating disorders, and the mental stress of having to tell her parents. Teens statistically have more than one partner which can lead to sexually transmitted diseases, with not wanting people to know they are pregnant impedes on prenatal care.

In the past 10 years in the state of Alaska as well as nationally teen pregnancies are on a steady decline. Nationally since 1991 to 2014 teen pregnancies went from 61.8 per 1000 teens to 24.2 out of 1000 teens. (Earl 2016) This doesn’t account for the number of terminated pregnancies, which would make the number a bit higher. Education to teens about teen pregnancy is the leading cause of the decrease in teen pregnancies. Due to the increased availability of contraceptives because of the Affordable Care Act requiring that the contraceptives now be covered.

Local resources for teen who find themselves to be pregnant can be the Ketchikan Public Health Center, this is a division of the State of Alaska department of Health and Social Services. They have family planning, immunization’s, STD screening, well child exams, community assessment and health education. The Ketchikan Public Health would also be able to aid in getting the mothers and children signed up for WIC and Denali Kid Care. In Ketchikan there are also parenting classes with a group called Orca.

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Three health disparities that can be prevented or managed with regular physical exercise are: Hypertension (HTN), Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), and Obesity. According to statistics found in Medical Surgical Nursing, in the United States, one in three adults have HTN (p.738), about 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year–that’s 1 in every 4 deaths (Heart Disease Facts, 2017) and over one third of Americans are obese; however, this statistic jumps to 66% when considering how many are overweight in addition to obese (p.946).

As a nurse many factors need to be considered when incorporating health promotion measures such as exercise and physical activity into our clients’ lives. The Health belief model (HBM) is a theory used to predict and explain a patient’s health behavior. It is based on three assumptions: the patient’s readiness to change, their perceived need to change, and the client’s perceived benefits of the health change (Edelman, Kudzma, & Mandle, 2014 p.219) A program can be designed to meet the patient’s motivation level or their ability to perform certain exercises or activities. One thing I would impress upon all the patients is try to walk, bike or take the stairs whenever possible; for some, this maybe a big change. Another strategy I would try, is find out what outdoor activities they like to do or have them try a new sport. By becoming interested in a new hobby or activity they are becoming more active and don’t really think of it as “work.”

The current guidelines recommended by the American College of Cardiology/AHA is at least 30 minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week. Examples provided of moderate activity include: brisk walking, hiking, biking, and swimming. Regular physical activity contributes to weight reduction (Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, Bucher, & Camera, 2011 p.767, 768).


Edelman, C. L., Kudzma, E., & Mandle, C. L. (2014). Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span (8th ed., pp. 214-228). St.Louis, MO: Elsevier.

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I see this first hand from working in hospice where patients have been relocated into their children’s homes because they can no longer take care of themselves or bel eft alone for that matter. Prior to them moving into their children’s homes, there were already pending medical issues that prompted the final move in such as reoccurring falls, fractures, forgetfulness/cognitive decline, poor vision, constant hospitalizations, failure to thrive and failed cancer treatments/interventions. I even see this on admission with elderly patients and not just my hospice patients. So sometimes the child has to basically be the more responsible one when it comes to the safety and health of the elderly parent since sometimes the parent can be in denial of need or unaware of how severe their condition is.

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I see this first hand from working in hospice where patients have been relocated into their children’s homes because they can no longer take care of themselves or bel eft alone for that matter. Prior to them moving into their children’s homes, there were already pending medical issues that prompted the final move in such as reoccurring falls, fractures, forgetfulness/cognitive decline, poor vision, constant hospitalizations, failure to thrive and failed cancer treatments/interventions. I even see this on admission with elderly patients and not just my hospice patients. So sometimes the child has to basically be the more responsible one when it comes to the safety and health of the elderly parent since sometimes the parent can be in denial of need or unaware of how severe their condition is.

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Malnutrition is one of the global health issue impacting the international health community. Eight hundred and fifteen million people-one in nine across the globe-do not have enough food to eat every day. It is responsible for approximately 45 percent of death in children under 5. That’s 3.1million children each year (Mercy Corps, 2018). Malnutrition happens when basic nutritional needs are not met. Calories, vitamins, proteins and healthy fats are vital in order for proper growth and development to occur in utero and in the growth and development years. It is attributed to low intelligence, stunted growth, and retardation (Maurer & Smith, 2013). Micronutrient malnutrition is prevalent in developing countries. These micronutrients are needed in small quantities and it must come from the food that we consume on a daily basis. For proper development and disease prevention, it is a must to consume these micronutrients. These nutrients consist of iron, vitamin A, folate, iodine and zinc. Despite the fact that many of the health issues related to micronutrient deficiencies affects mainly children in developing countries, many of this health issues are seen in the developed countries as well. These health issues can have impact on the healthcare system which can result in huge health cost which varies from procedures needed and illness that is directly related to the underweight and neurological deficits. Children with stunted growth can have learning difficulty that may require additional resources and dollars for repeating grades. These deficits in learning goes on to affect them throughout their lives including added stress, low paying jobs, low self-esteem, and inadequate to no healthcare. Adults who were malnourished as children earn 20 percent less than those who weren’t according to the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN, 2012). There can be a loss in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from iron, zinc, iodine deficiencies. Healthcare professionals in hospital settings may witness many admissions that is directly related to malnutrition in the older adults as well. Weak immune system, poor wound healing and muscle atrophy leading to falls are related to poor nutrition and frequent hospital admissions.

Nurses in the hospital setting also see many admissions directly related to malnutrition in the older adult as well. Poor wound healing, muscle atrophy leading to falls, and weak immune systems are related to poor nutrition and repeated hospital admissions. Malnutrition is still prevalent around the world even though many organizations help with feeding the hungry. Malnutrition needs to be addressed in the communities more aggressively by the healthcare delivery systems. According to feeding America (2016) one in seven people are hungry and find it difficult to get enough food to eat. America is the most powerful and wealthiest country in the world and yet people are hungry. It is difficult to understand why this is happening and I believe it is for many of you as well. Healthcare facilities should survey their communities to a greater extent and know those who are in need. I believe when hunger is addressed first at home, it will help solve the problem globally.


Fast Facts About Malnutrition – Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition. (2012). Retrieved July 22, 2018 from…

Maurer, F., Smith, C. (2013). Community/Public Health Nursing Practice, 5th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from…

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To adequately meet the needs of patients with diverse backgrounds, nurses much use methods that are culturally competent. In 1991, Madeleine Leininger published the The Transcultural Nursing Theory, establishing approaches such as cultural preservation, cultural accommodation, cultural repatterning, and cultural brokering (Andrews & Boyle, 2008, p. 62).

Cultural preservation entails a situation where the nurse supports the use of scientifically sound cultural practices of care by their patients (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014, p. 78). An example would include agreeing to the use of acupuncture by a Chinese patient as an adjunct to pain management using conventional medicines such as opioid analgesics (Huber, 2009).
Cultural accommodation entails a situation where the nurse supports the use of cultural practices that have been shown as not harmful (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014, p. 78). For example, placing a table knife under the bed of a laboring woman to symbolically cut the pain (Smith, 2013). For African Americans in the Delta, alcohol or Vaseline rubs to the chest are utilized for comfort measures (Gunn & Davis, 2011). Within cultural accommodation, these acts would be supported if not contraindicated in the patient’s care.
Cultural repatterning entails a nurse working in collaboration with a patient towards helping them change cultural practices that are considered harmful (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014, p. 78).
In case, when a pregnant Muslim patient intends to fast during the month of Ramadan, but is unaware of the negative impact that it would have upon her and her pregnancy (Wintz & Cooper, 2009, p. 28).

Cultural brokering utilizes negotiating between the patient’s culture and biomedical healthcare to ensure that the care is used together as culturally competent (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014, p. 79).
Community health nurses need to utilize various cultural competence strategies in ensuring that they effectively deliver health care services that are able to meet the individual needs of their patients. Such strategies help community nursing in improving the health outcomes and quality of care provided by the nurse (Betancourt,, 2016). Theses methods also help in the elimination of racial and ethnic health disparities and boundaries that may hinder effective delivery of care. Consequently, the nurse is able to develop and cultivate patient trust, understanding and respect that help significantly in ensuring the realization of the best health outcomes. In achieving the above, community nurses can use a number of approaches such as cultural preservation, cultural accommodation, cultural repatterning, and cultural brokering. Possible barriers in the utilization of the above strategies would be attributed to conflicts arising from different cultures, languages, and beliefs. For example, in the instance of persuading a patient to stop taking a herb that has been used for many years by their native community would be seen as insensitive and rude by the patient.

Andrews, M. M., & Boyle, J. S. (2008). Transcultural concepts in nursing care (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Health.

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In March of 2010 the Affordable Care Act was enacted, this was designed to ensure that everyone had access to health care and more affordable health care. It original design was to realign and encourage collaboration between health and healthcare system (Public Health, n.d.). One of the initiatives was a Public Health Workforce Loan Repayment Program. This was to attempt to make sure that there were enough nurses to care for these patients. The incentive of having loan repayment would cost the participant three year commitment to public health agency, the Health & Human Service Department offers a repayment program (American Nurses Association, 2014).

With the scholarships and loan repayment programs, this encourages primary care providers, dentists, mental health care providers and nurses to commit to communities that are in need of their services. We are familiar with this with Native Health and is now bridging over to other public health offices.

As a nurse with a role in providing health care to the population they are able to support the long term care for these patients. Many of the patients that benefit from public health assistance are the mentally ill, the low income, mothers and babies, and the elderly. I have personally noticed an increase in the number of public health nurses and they are getting out into the community teaching and caring for the community.


American Nurses Association. (2014). Health care transformation: The Affordable Care Act and more. Found at:

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Individual’s reaction to disaster is different. Some can have traumatic stress and others overwhelmed by issues that distress their spiritual lives. The occurrence of a disaster makes many people feel alive and connected to the divine than even before. There are several issues that can arise to the individuals, communities, and health care providers during that event. They can blame the disaster when it occurs even afterwards directly to God as they take Him to be the motive behind it. This blame may be brought forth through questions and proclamations made and those going through their heads. Spiritual care is a significant measurement of total health, and should be recognized and resolved for the spiritual requirements of disaster sufferers; this is an essential role of health care providers. Calamity managing is a group effort and as a result requires that health care providers lean on the knowledge and support of other team members; facilitating efforts with local religious, social governmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations, to handle the elusive effects of the cultural and spiritual shock of a disaster and to avert further disheartenment of the affected the people is crucial. Tragedies take place, and the only thing that can revolutionize in their destructive effects is to advance catastrophe preparedness and act in response jointly and bravely to every catastrophic event.

As community health nurses, we can assist in the spiritual care of those in need by using our language of compassion and empathy. This is our fundamental responsibility. Empathy and Compassion cannot be operationalized unless we demonstrate culturally ability, ethically true, and spiritually considerate behavior. We must be tolerant of cultures other than our own; we must read information and gain an understanding with the primary cultures of the affected populace.


Minority nurse (2013). Caring for Communities After Disaster. Retrieved from…

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Out of the three types of qualitative research theories. It is used as an international, interdisciplinary journal that publishes on the methodological diversity and multidisciplinary focus of qualitative research (Reeves, 2008). The phenomenology theory is the qualitative research method that is used to describe how human beings experience a certain phenomenon. According to Giorgi, (2012), the roots of phenomenology theory root in a 20th century philosophical movement based on the work of the philosopher Edmund Husserl. It concentrates on leaving all biases and preconceived assumptions about human experiences, feelings and responses to a particular situation out of the research. It covers a wide variety of situations and phenomena. Main characters of phenomenology research focuses on the four aspects of lived experience: lived spaced, lived body, lived time, and lived human relations. The researcher generalizes the research by studying the perspectives of multiple participants that have experienced the phenomenon and makes a general un-bias conclusion from the collected data.

A second theory of qualitative research is the ethnographic approach. It comes mostly from the field of anthropology. The emphasis is to study an entire culture by gathering observations, interviews and documentary data to collect different social phenomena and make an un-bias conclusion from the collected data. The researcher immerses themselves in the lives, culture, or situation they are studying. According to (Kuper et al, 2010), ethnographic methods were also found to provide a useful perspective to study organizational context and culture. It accepts contributions from within sociology, social anthropology, health and nursing, education, human geography, social and discursive psychology and discourse studies (Kuper et al, 2010). An important part of the ethnographic approach provides ethnographers an opportunity to gather empirical insights into social practices, which are normally hidden, from the publics eye.

Giorgi, A. (2012). The descriptive phenomenological psychological method. Journal of Phenomenological psychology, 43(1), 3-12.

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